
D.H.APP_Horoscope of April 9, 2022


If you want your life to be different, you can't make a wish come true with just one wish. But for Aries, it may not be more difficult than that. Whether you want a happier life, a warmer friendship, a better family relationship, or whatever, you have to start imagining what you already have. When you start to feel like it's really possible, that's when it becomes possible. Start imagining that you already have what you want, and you're already halfway there.


Dear Taurus, a small change in the way you talk today can make a big difference. In the past, you've always been associated with a family member in a childlike way, no matter how old you are, which may affect how they perceive you. While this may be because of your long-term relationship and old habits, the time has changed. Show your progress and share your views and observations in a more complex way than in the past. Over time, this will allow your relationship to grow.


Just talking about not doing it might describe an attractive person who is always committed. At first, you might think the person was sincere, and maybe that's their intention. But action is louder than words, and as you know, it's time for this man to stand up because he's not delivering on his promise. Words are not enough, and before you completely lose trust in this person, you need to make it as clear as possible. Try to be as direct as possible in communication and don't cause trouble.


When you're frustrated or disappointed, someone tells you to "think positively" and it can be very irritating! You're a person who shows your heart a lot, so whatever emotion you feel, it's usually obvious, so you might hear the word a lot. But when you're not feeling optimistic, it's hard to think about positive things or imagine positive outcomes. Still, it helps. If you need to be positive right now, start slowly. Imagine yourself thinking positively instead of fantasizing about the big changes you want. You might be surprised at how it makes positive thinking easier.


Lions, accept and believe in the honor and opportunity of the present, and you must let go of the regrets and guilt of the past. What is offered to you is real, and there is no reason not to think so. But it will continue to feel strange or unreal because you subconsciously think it's not worth it. Go find the root cause of why you feel this way, because you are now expecting something wonderful to happen to you. If you're honest with yourself, you'll find that it's because of some things that have happened in the past. You should overcome it for yourself.


Today or soon, you'll see someone in your life more clearly than ever before. Are you wrong about them, or are they just good at hiding their true character? We are all multi-dimensional, we all have some aspects of ourselves that we don't always show or share. If this is a long-term relationship, it's worth talking about to learn more and validate your observations. That's not necessarily a reason for you to part ways. It may just introduce you to the side of the person you've never met before, and it might actually enrich your life.


You may soon have a tempting opportunity. Libra, rejection can be hard to resist. But if you find yourself making excuses for pursuing your dreams, it could indicate that it's not for you, or if you choose to accept it, it may make you regret it. The first thing to decide is what you want and what you need if that's the only way to get it. More importantly, is this something you will feel honored about later?


You've started a new journey, you've opened a new chapter, or you've opened a door — no matter how you describe it, Scorpio, that's the experience you're unfolding right now. However, this may not be felt at this time. It may look very different, but you may not be able to describe it. But there's nothing to be afraid of, and there's a lot to look forward to. New situations or new people in your life will push you in new directions, which will have a positive impact on your family life, relationships, and financial situation. This will be something to celebrate.


You may have been getting recognition and compliments on things that you don't feel worthy. You may not think of it as your own achievement because it was someone else who was involved or led. But you undoubtedly underestimate your contribution. While you may think of yourself as just a small gear in a big wheel, you're a very important little gear — without you, this big wheel probably wouldn't turn at all. So, accept the approval of others.


Today you may feel more sensitive and compassionate. It's not that you're not always sensitive and compassionate, it's just that you often show these. But now that someone or some situation has brought those aspects out, you should let it happen. When you suppress this feeling, it's like building a wall between you and the other people in your life. But when you bring these emotions to life, your own happiness is nourished and your relationships improve.


If you're skeptical about someone's recent praise or flattery about you, it's probably not because what you're hearing is untrustworthy. Your suspicions are more likely to be intrinsic. Maybe you don't feel worthy of admiration. Maybe you don't think you've done such a great thing, considered so high. But maybe you're wrong. Maybe this time you need to try to see your accomplishments from someone else's perspective and see it as something worthy of recognition.


An offer or an opportunity is coming towards you and looks unbelievably good. Or at least it could be your opinion, dear Pisces, based on a recent string of disappointing experiences. But don't overlook this without learning more. If you take the time to do your own research, you may find that this is true. Naturally, it takes your efforts to bring out the best in you, but you're ready. Just make sure you don't miss out on having too low expectations for the possibilities of the present.

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