
Lei Jun's live broadcast encountered malicious cars, and the classic dialect responded: Bad, netizens laughed

author:Jiajia trendy thing


In this Internet era, it is not new for entrepreneurs to cross over to become Internet celebrities, and Lei Jun, a leading figure in the science and technology industry, with his people-friendly image and down-to-earth style, is undoubtedly thriving on this road.

Internet celebrity boss's highway "vignette"

On May 18, 2024, the sun seemed to be brighter than usual that day, and the atmosphere on the Internet was especially warm because of a live broadcast by Lei Jun. There is a good saying, "shopping malls are like battlefields", but who would have thought that Lei Jun's battlefield would also extend to the highway, and there was a lot of jokes because of this. You must know that every time Lei Jun makes a move, whether it is the brand that saves his old friend, or the interaction with fans in the live broadcast room, it can always set off a wave. The miracle of the Vancl live broadcast room, as well as the Xiaomi SU7 as a thank you, all tell his legend. But this time, Lei Jun's popularity was because of a sudden "highway storm". People can't help but wonder, how will this entrepreneur, who has always been known for his calmness, respond to sudden thrills?

Lei Jun's live broadcast encountered malicious cars, and the classic dialect responded: Bad, netizens laughed
Lei Jun's live broadcast encountered malicious cars, and the classic dialect responded: Bad, netizens laughed

From danger to joke - an unexpected turn in Lei Jun's live broadcast

On the afternoon of May 18th, Lei Jun was driving the Xiaomi SU7 Pro, driving from Shanghai to Hangzhou, which was originally a relaxing journey designed to test the intelligent driving function of Xiaomi cars, but unexpectedly turned into a realistic version of "Fast and Furious". A white sedan suddenly changed lanes without warning, and the thrilling scene made the hearts of the audience in the live broadcast room beat faster, as if they were also experiencing a life-and-death speed in the co-pilot of the SU7 Pro.

Lei Jun's live broadcast encountered malicious cars, and the classic dialect responded: Bad, netizens laughed

At this moment, Lei Jun's blurted out words became the focus of heated discussions on the Internet. Whether it is the true expression of the hometown dialect or the international English phrase "cut in", netizens have different opinions and debates. But no matter what the truth is, this emotional sentence unexpectedly shortened the distance between Lei Jun and the public, making the image of this technology tycoon more three-dimensional and intimate. Lei Jun's straightforward reaction in the live broadcast made people see his side as an ordinary person, and the truth and helplessness in the face of the crisis made countless netizens empathize with him and leave messages to express their understanding and support.


What's more interesting is that after this incident, Lei Jun was "forced" to learn a few dialect emergency phrases in the live broadcast, and joked that he would join the voice recognition system of Xiaomi cars, in case he encountered "road rage" next time, he could express it more smoothly. This humorous self-deprecation not only skillfully resolved the previous tense atmosphere, but also added a bit of humane color to Xiaomi Auto, which made people have to admire Lei Jun's public relations wisdom and adaptability.

See what netizens have to say

Netizens said: Isn't this normal, occupying the overtaking lane for a long time

I've watched the live stream, the su7s are driving in the middle lane, at 110 mph

Lei Jun's live broadcast encountered malicious cars, and the classic dialect responded: Bad, netizens laughed

Netizens said: This is an actor car deliberately arranged by Jun'er

Coarse Grain Marketing Department: Come to report tomorrow, there is a shortage of employees like you

Lei Jun's live broadcast encountered malicious cars, and the classic dialect responded: Bad, netizens laughed

Netizens said: Driving is not scolding, driving is soulless

Hahaha, the recording of my driving record is turned off, for fear that people will hear me scolding while driving in an accident in the future

Lei Jun's live broadcast encountered malicious cars, and the classic dialect responded: Bad, netizens laughed

Netizens said: Poor drop card, almost a little, Mr. Lei Xiantao is level ten

This is the Xiantao dialect, poor drops. Almost a little bit

Lei Jun's live broadcast encountered malicious cars, and the classic dialect responded: Bad, netizens laughed

Sincerely, the warm link behind the technology

In this seemingly interlude turmoil, Lei Jun interpreted with practical actions what it means to "Mount Tai collapses in front and the color remains unchanged, and the elk thrives on the left and does not look instantaneous". Whether it is an explorer at the forefront of science and technology, or an Internet celebrity boss in front of the live broadcast camera, Lei Jun can always play in different roles, and use his truth and humor to build an emotional bridge with consumers. This is not only a simple live broadcast accident, but also a vivid crisis management lesson, reminding us that even tech giants have the same joys, sorrows and sorrows in the face of unpredictable life.

Lei Jun's live broadcast encountered malicious cars, and the classic dialect responded: Bad, netizens laughed

The story of Lei Jun and Xiaomi once again proves a truth: no matter how the times change, sincerity and the temperature of humanity are always the strongest link connecting everything. While pursuing technological innovation, not forgetting the original intention and maintaining the love and awe of life may be the most scarce and precious quality of this era. And Lei Jun is using such a unique way to tell the "road story" that belongs to him and Xiaomi, making the brand more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people in laughter and controversy.

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