
Lauren_Horoscope for April 8-15, 2022


When Neptune is in Pisces, Aries is being driven to look for something deeper in their lives, mysterious, or something in some sense, rather than looking for it any particular place. When you think you've found all the answers and where the truth exists, you quickly realize that it's futile. There will be contradictions. Beliefs fade away and become mere dreams and hopes. This is because the lesson of Neptune in Pisces is that the answer is not somewhere outside, or through a special teaching, but a place that remains quiet in your own mind and heart. In order to find that place, you need to disconnect, turn down the noise, dim the lights, and connect to your own internal navigation system. In a world of constant movement and distraction, we are always asked to look at a watch or a cell phone, or reply to any message, which can be difficult to do. However, when we are willing to do so, even for a few minutes, pause, sit, yes, there are so many that can recognize and understand Neptune in Pisces. What's more, Jupiter is here now. Use the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction for inspiration, seek refuge in yourself, and seek comfort and understanding. Jupiter and Neptune are begging you to connect with your own higher self, in any way you perceive. Perhaps, through these, great truths will be revealed.


Over the years since 2011, Neptune has been trying to adjust you into calm, and that's after some things have been done. Neptune in Pisces can also bring awakening, disillusionment and unfulfilled expectations. Neptune is in Pisces, which is hard for Taurus to find their people, their teams, people who seem to have a common goal. You may think you've found it, and then their mud feet stick out from under their robes, and then you realize you've found the wrong object. Now Jupiter comes to remind you that the truth is not found there, in some group, or in a particular teacher or teaching. These can serve as signposts on the road. But the ultimate truth is actually found in the heart. When this is achieved, you will find your ultimate connection, not with a particular group or path, but with the whole of humanity. When we became aware of this connection, we took the first step toward finding people who could help you apply your skills to something bigger than we had previously realized. Maybe for the greater good. When you extend your influence into the world in this wonderful way, you will be rewarded and connected infinitely. In this disguise, Jupiter/Neptune even has the ability to make a precious dream, a closer reality.


One of the things that can happen when Neptune is in Pisces, because it's been since 2011, you're haunted by this sense of uncertainty about the future. You will doubt whether you are on the right path and question the choices you have made. We ask ourselves: Is what I'm doing satisfactory or meaningful? When Neptune is so powerful, or when we deviate from course and drift aimlessly into the unknown, we often feel disillusioned. The strange thing about Neptune, however, is that it is not really attached to the results of matter, but is more concerned with our spirit and inner tendencies. Neptune wants us to think about whether our lives follow our own spirit and altruistic beliefs. Ironically, the more selfless and unselfish your ambitions and goals are during this time, the more likely you are to feel successful. Then Jupiter appeared, as it does now, curiously sprinkling all this fairy dust on our Neptune dreams and fantasies that had been shelved in secondary positions. You see, a dream begins to manifest and provide. It may not unfold right away. It may still be in a latent state. But what Jupiter/Neptune can bring to Pisces is the feeling of that possibility. As long as you are at least down-to-earth, in this infinite potential, you will sow the seeds of ideals, dreams or visions for the future, a closer and more achievable goal.


If you were to seek the truth, where would you find it? There is a danger of believing the truth somewhere outside of you, in another religion, in that new fashion guru, or in some other charismatic leader or group. Or you start thinking that the grass over there is always greener, on the other side of the track, or somewhere else. In the search for deeper meaning and understanding, the idea that the truth is outside of ourselves can lead us here, there, and anywhere. But with Neptune in Pisces, Cancer is actually persuaded to stop, keep quiet, turn off the noise, and look for ultimate meaning and truth in your own heart and mind, and not elsewhere. Now that Jupiter has also entered Pisces, it will bring you confirmation of all of this. Jupiter is showing you infinite possibilities and potential, and when you connect with yourself in this important way, your potential is yours. Perhaps one of the most revealing aspects of Jupiter's journey with Neptune in Pisces is that your consciousness can grow to such an extent that there will no longer be any room for self-limiting beliefs.


Sometimes in order to embrace a new and emerging dream, we are simultaneously asked to release old lifestyles, old dreams or previous expectations. As a result, alliance relationships can change, and whereas previously seemed open, obstacles can suddenly emerge. This may make you feel like you're torn between two worlds. But instead of craving what could or could have been, focus on the opportunities that are now unfolding in front of you. Even these can be confusing at first. One of Neptune's difficulties in the eighth house over the past 10 years has been its uncertainty. Our promises are broken, our dreams are starting to shatter, and we feel like our support system is crumbling. But between these vagaries and inconsistencies, your life is also changing in subtle and meaningful ways. These include being willing to accept, being taken care of, and even being humble enough to ask for help when needed. This will serve you well. Because one of the messages you receive is that when you need help, the help is there and you're worth investing in. Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces are teaching you, through this divine cycle of reciprocity, the exchange of divine energy and resources. Know that accepting is not the same as taking. People are willing to invest in people they find valuable and are willing to offer them something of value. Or just because you're who you are.


Virgo works very hard to understand the world and keep everything in order. So when Neptune entered Pisces in 2011, it completely upended the general order, giving the troubled Virgo more work to do. In a 10-year chaotic snowstorm, Virgos put cats on one side and shoveled snow at the same time, not knowing whether they were coming or going. What's even more confusing is that all of these people want you to make sacrifices and do things that are completely out of your character. One of the benefits that Jupiter brings to this picture is that it can look at things from a completely different perspective. This will allow you to improve the relationships you want to maintain and further cultivate, and build new partnerships with people who truly understand you and share the same worldview as you. When Jupiter is in Pisces as it is now, we are most likely to form mutually beneficial partnerships with others. Especially when you're able to ally with people who fully understand you without needing an explanation.


Over the past 10 years, one of the challenges Libra has faced has been how to make your life (your daily activities, work, and even your health and happiness) more in line with your ideals. It's about putting them into practice in your daily life. This can be as simple as living a more sustainable life, or spending extra time cultivating a healthy, more serious diet and lifestyle. If you can really do some work to support your ideals and ambitions, it's even better! But too often, Neptune will also have disappointments and disappointments. Especially when we find that our ideals are conflicted or compromised by our work and what we do. Then Jupiter promises to open your doors and make your life easier, easier to manage, and bring your ideals and dreams closer to reality. Think of ways you might want to improve your daily life and work schedule. If you imagine a more ideal day, what do you want to add and what do you want to remove? When Jupiter enters Pisces, one of the ways to work in our favor is to release your schedule so that you can do more in order to live a healthier, happier life.


Some of the things Scorpios have learned over the past decade is that when you have a problem with someone you love, the best way to help is often to help, rather than to solve the problem or even to understand them. Understand others with your heart, accept them unconditionally, and do not judge or expect. Jupiter is now helping you see the benefits of doing so, letting go of previously held expectations, and opening up to the idea of unconditional acceptance. Old habits are hard to change. But when you see the benefits of letting go and getting people to go with the flow, you can love the most important people in your life in healthier, more open ways. Neptune does something else in Pisces, which has to do with inspiration and divination. Jupiter is nourishing it too. Like a well-bred and well-cared for flower, it is almost about to bloom. Meet your vision well, create the conditions for their prosperity, what they will bring you, what they will bring you: a new commitment, a new hope, a new way of personal self-expression, a personal dream finally come true.


You get frustrated when the people who should support you and your dreams unconditionally are precisely the ones who have destroyed your self-confidence and self-esteem. This could happen to Neptune at this angle in your sun or Natal disk, as it has been 10 years. So you've learned to set the right boundaries and how to rely on your own support. Now, your ruling planet, Jupiter, is united with the remarkable Neptune, and while confusing, it's here to show you how to bring future hopes and dreams closer to reality. And that needs to start with your own fireplace and home. Ideally, Neptune wants you to find ways to create peace, beauty and tranquility, externally in your living environment, and inside in your own mind and mind. What does it mean to have greater peace and quiet? Live your best life? Have the most ideal and supportive living space and environment? Jupiter's presence brings it closer to reality. This week, Jupiter and Neptune meet in Pisces, and it's the ideal time in your mind to imagine that it all looks like you. Then embrace this vision and explore what opportunities there are to bring the ideal closer to reality.


We may look sadly at our old dreams and preconceptions, and we may miss out on the real dreams and possibilities that are right in front of us. The Jupiter/Neptune conjunction is trying to show you what your dreams might look like. And probably closer than you think. Neptune has teased you for years, inspiring and seducing you with a mysterious and creative desire. But Neptune can also be deceptive, taking you into confusing and misleading territory. This is what happens when we want to make something true, even though the obvious signs tell you it's not. Know that at the heart of your desire for faith is always the desire to achieve your ideals. While it's hard to align what we want with what we actually are, Jupiter is here now to say that maybe you can. But maybe not necessarily in the way you thought it would be. Neptune is always trying to awaken your heart and inspire you to fill your mind with even more inspiring ideas. But to get into these ways completely, Jupiter wants you to expand your worldview and be willing to look at things from a more inclusive perspective. The key is to be open, not resist. Jupiter/Neptune is about listening with empathy and understanding, and being open to people, even from very different backgrounds or perspectives. See completely with your eyes, hear completely with your ears, and your senses and consciousness have the potential to open in ways you can't even imagine.


Sometimes in order to embrace the promise of a new dream, we will need to release some of the old dreams and no longer work as we previously hoped. We look so eagerly at old dreams that we may have completely missed the door that was opening in front of us. It may not seem like much at first, so it's easy to overlook. dislike. For so many years, Neptune has been asking you: What are you willing to give up in order to live a more meaningful life and lifestyle? What are the things that really matter to you? Neptune has asked Aquarius to put material achievement aside for the time being and consider what your highest priorities are and what you are willing to sacrifice to bring those priorities closer to reality. Jupiter says here that maybe it's possible after all. Jupiter wants you to grow in some useful way that will eventually allow you to achieve greater self-sufficiency and independence, while also allowing you to accomplish your most important priorities. This may be something you haven't considered before. Know that mutual support and reciprocity thrive when we are committed to bringing greater benefits to all those involved.


Neptune has been running in your sign all these years, and your feelings must be enormous. Like an emotional roller coaster, Neptune takes you to the heights of exceptional glory and then turns away from you in a puddle of water to cry awake. Then we ask ourselves: How could I not have seen it? What the hell am I thinking? This is because, more importantly, Neptune wants you to find the best way to achieve your own best dreams. Instead, it's about doing it in a way that's both achievable and manageable. They don't always work together. Especially when you confuse the facts you want with the actual facts. But Jupiter is coming, and it's been laughing at you, saying that some of your dreams might actually come true. Jupiter is our wise and all-knowing advisor who advises you to expand your options and horizons beyond your previous expectations. You will feel that if your wise mentor is by your side, almost anything is possible. Jupiter is trying to show you who you are, what your greatest potential is, and believe it with faith. But do it wisely, understanding that dreams need to be nurtured with love and commitment, not forced to conform to preconceived notions.

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