
Christine Horoscope 5.8-5.22

author:Susan Miller constellation

【Key Date】Translator: @玥家樂

May 8: Taurus New Moon ~ The day of setting goals, making wishes, and getting ready for the next two weeks.

May 14: Saturn in Pisces sextile Venus in Taurus ~ protect what you cherish and need.

May 16: Mercury enters Taurus ~ practical ways to consolidate resources and be good at discovering ways to increase your inner and outer wealth.

May 17: Mercury square Pluto ~ There may be "speed bumps" or pressure points.

May 18: Four Stars conjunct Taurus ~ Uranus, Venus, Sun, Jupiter = Fortune in unexpected places. The sudden establishment of a new relationship.

May 18~19: Mars conjuncts the North Node of the Moon in Aries~ bringing new beginnings.

May 20: Sun enters Gemini ~ Express yourself!

Translator: @湾区Tessa

Your natal planet, Mars, is in your sign and will continue to cover some beneficial areas by June 9, as long as you don't rush and rush for quick success, giving you an edge in most pursuits. The resourceful Venus also travels in the sign of Taurus under her rule, which is perfect for sowing and nurturing desires to lead your soul forward. This pair is a reminder that there is just as much value in working with the ground beneath your feet and taking care of your inner before chasing what you crave. When you realize the value of something that is already within reach, you double the frequency when you go after what you want.

On May 14, Venus forms a supportive sextile to Saturn in Pisces in your house of dreams, and Venus is in a very alert position that will go a long way in helping you get something that feels fleeting, or support your efforts to build on the foundation you've been nurturing. You may finally feel empowered to fulfill some of your desires to improve your life, whether financially, spiritually, or emotionally.

Keep an eye on May 18-20 for opportunities to launch new projects or make a splash in your life once again, as Mars passes through the North Node (representing the future) and lights a fire on a wish or two you've always been keen to fulfill.

May 18 is full of energetic potential to kick things off and quickly, with Uranus, Venus, the Sun and Jupiter conjunct the four planets in Taurus, paving the way for the rest of May to be full of energy and potential prosperity. For the rest of the day, slow down and breathe consciously. Allow yourself to be grounded in the abundance of simple life while improving your imagination of yourself.

Soon, you'll be able to confidently close the gap between where you are and the heavenly heights you wish to reach!

【Taurus】Translator: @berrywhy

Once your favorite seed has been planted, a gentle rain will allow your garden of mind to sprout and grow. When the sun comes out, something magical happens, causing those petals to grow and bloom. You can really feel the colors blooming in your life. No matter where you live in the world, this could be the spring you experience alone.

Your ruling planet, Venus, is in your sign, and that's where it likes to be, and it's where it feels what you give the most, no matter how big or small. We have just ushered in the New Moon in Taurus, which opens the door for you to plentiful and new worlds. Saturn is in the strongly supportive sign of Pisces, and it gives you a sense of hope for the future. You may also feel the inevitability of change, but with that comes a sense of calm security. The best example of this is letting go of the fear of the unknown and trusting the invisible forces that have your interests first.

On May 14, Venus will be sextile Saturn in Pisces, with the sole purpose of showcasing it anywhere, which may make your heart feel like another dimension has been crossed. Mercury enters Taurus on May 16, giving you keen communication skills. You'll also have additional skills to deal with the details, so you'll reap a double return on investment. It's similar to finding the right title for a new book or project, and it's right in the minds of the influencer.

The square of Mercury and Pluto on Friday, May 17 sparked an unnecessary debate, but by the next day, Uranus, Venus, the Sun and Jupiter would quadruple and on Saturday life could suddenly go into high gear, with doors opening on both sides from Saturday, May 18 to Thursday, May 23. New beginnings lie ahead.

Let your imagination run wild!

Gemini Translator: @不会瑜伽的鱼

There is so much in the air that the planets of the entire universe are traversing your house of the unknown. On the one hand, it's exciting to dream big and be full of hope, but at the same time, it's also a little nervous to wait and be suspicious. Don't worry, Gemini, it won't be long before there's a lot of energy being injected into the road ahead of you, and before you know it, you can't wait to hit the road.

Venus, the symbol of love, is in Taurus, and on May 14, it will form a safe sextile to Saturn in Pisces, which will support your financial income and your hard work will be rewarded. On Saturday, May 18, Uranus, Venus, the Sun, and Jupiter come together in the constellation Taurus to form a quadruple conjunction, unveiling a world of possibilities (possibly an international project) with you holding a map of the universe in hand to breathe life into the new horizon. Uranus and Venus are precisely conjunct, with high energy ahead, and a breakthrough is emerging. And the Sun conjuncts Jupiter in the final phase of the upcoming departure from Taurus, which means that your needs are being tapped at that last point in time.

On Monday, May 20th, the Sun enters your constellation, and the potential for the Earth itself to be prepared has increased the Sun's own energy, and new life energy is being born on the uncertain road ahead. The conjunction of Mars, which is full of action in Aries, and the North Node, which represents the future, stimulates your growing desire to rush into a new world. With the smell of activity in the air, the cosmic vibe of generous Jupiter entering Gemini on May 26 and will be there for a whole year, may be helpful to you (we'll explain it in more detail next time).

With your ruling planet Mercury in impulsive Aries until May 16, be mindful of what you say and do, and make sure everything is in your favor. On Friday, May 17, Mercury square Pluto, so avoid feeding the thoughts that make you headbutt against the south wall and avoid getting into the Game of Thrones that will overwhelm you, Gemini. As long as you stay smart and patient, your home game is coming. There are always obstacles on the road, and around Friday, May 17, you want to avoid those stumbling blocks. In a few weeks, the situation will be clear again.

Imagine what you hope for tomorrow today, and you'll be motivated to move forward!

Translator: @荧火星星

Repeat to me: "The more I relax, the more I get." Life doesn't respond to my efforts, but to my frequency. "The planetary choir of Taurus is continuing to spread in the house that governs your nervous system. It's about keeping you grounded and getting your balance back. It begins with a striking Taurus New Moon on May 8, which is anchored by Saturn within the water sign Pisces. April is already full, and a Cancer friend of mine reacts that April is a bit of a "helicopter" – and your astrologers will agree. For those of us who are sensitive and trying to live peacefully, this is a bunch of unstable energy. You've been tested, and it may be hard. My friend, how are you doing? As we all know, the lunar eclipse season is the catalyst that accelerates our evolution, so whatever unexpectedly continues to appear reveals a necessary growth curve. The challenge is not to overwhelm you, but to help you develop your abilities. They come through the natural laws of progress, so that you can rise from a lower spiritual realm to a higher realm.

May promises to provide more relaxation and calm (hopefully) as it has just seen an abundant New Moon in the compatible earth sign Taurus, while forming an ideal sextile to Saturn in the water sign Pisces, which adds sparkle to our skies. If there's a river of emotions you can't cross, now you can, because Saturn builds a bridge to your evolutionarily higher self. On May 14, Venus continues this theme in Taurus to build on the best energy you've already received, forming an elegant angle with Saturn in Pisces to help you succumb to your unique nature, one that flows effortlessly forward like a river along a path of least resistance. Mercury will also enter Taurus on May 16, once again urging you to express yourself freely and not edit.

With Uranus, Venus, the Sun, and Jupiter all in Taurus on May 18, it will be a quadruple conjunction that will give you a bold backing to relax and liberate yourself with your magnetic powers. You will personally experience that energy is louder than words, and you can't fake the frequency. You can expect the old static hanging on your signal to be free and clear. The next two weeks provide you with a safe container for growing yourself with welcome clarity and growing confidence. To know yourself is to love yourself.

Relax and accept yourself!

Leo Translator: @荧火星星

There will be several planets in Taurus that will light up your house of professional and public self, and it has been keeping your eye on how your life goals are evolving and your next steps along these lines. Sometimes, you have to climb to the top of the hill so you can see the bigger picture, and see as far as you can before you know what you can or want to build from here. It may also entail crunching numbers, or asking yourself what you value most, time, fame, love, or money? Since we can't take away what we've acquired, time with loved ones and doing what we love becomes the most rewarding thing.

A new chapter in your time begins on May 8, with the New Moon in Taurus, and the New Moon is in a supportive aspect to Saturn in Pisces, which encourages you to use your time more (or less) according to your lifestyle.

On May 14, Venus in Taurus conjuncts Saturn in Pisces, which may give you an idea of what you have brought to the world. On Saturday, May 18, the planets in Taurus will be in quadruple conjunction, which includes the conjunction of Uranus and Venus to form a sudden surge in resources or progress, and the conjunction of your ruling planets Sun and Jupiter in Taurus, giving you a parting gift before the Sun enters Gemini.

On Thursday, May 23, expanding Jupiter and loving Venus also join forces in the final moments of Taurus to transport you to another arena. Abundant Jupiter will enter the compatible sign Gemini on May 26 for a full year, so start preparing for a radical awakening or an innovative brainstorming session. You'll soon feel that you're being greatly valued, and you may be rewarded handsomely for doing so. To help solve the problem, Mars is in the fire sign Aries until June 9, inspiring you with solar panels that will motivate your mind to continue chasing what moves you the most. It's a time to build confidence and lift spirits.

An open heart is a full heart!

Virgo Translator: @湾区Tessa

You are blooming. It's a reminder not to cower where you've grown up. The next stage requires you to let others go instead of proving your worth to them. "It's time to admit that your distant love affair is a love affair with yourself, and no one can work harder to get it than you" (David Whyte). Essentially, know your worth and strive for more.

On May 8, the New Moon in Taurus, the earth sign, shows you the power to dispel any self-sabotaging thoughts about who is and what is possible. All it takes is a little sunshine to get your spirits flying again. This New Moon with a sweet sextile to Saturn in Pisces in your opposite house suggests that something in your life is about to improve dramatically because someone with seniority or connections is supporting you. This sets the stage for the next two weeks.

Venus, the planet of love, is also in Taurus and is sextile Saturn on Monday (May 14), which will bring you fiery faith and regain your confidence in yourself. Things will get better and better.

On May 16, your ruling planet, Mercury, enters the earth sign Taurus, giving you more leverage and allowing you to play a bigger role in interactions that once felt like they had little impact. Almost as soon as you leave a headache situation, the place where you once stood loses oxygen, and suddenly, your absence attracts attention and deep nostalgia. Hold the bottom line.

On Thursday, May 18, Uranus, Venus, the Sun, and Jupiter form a quadruple conjunction in Taurus, opening the door to potential for your future steps. Oh~ The benefits of this breathing space can be said to be priceless. You deserve this release. On Thursday, May 23, Jupiter and Venus are conjunct for the last time in Taurus, remaining open for a potentially prosperous encounter.

Deep breath again and again, conscious breath again and again, to mold this May into what you are!

【Libra】Translator: @天秤@不会瑜伽的鱼

Maybe something doesn't feel right, it could be you wrong, it could be something else, but what is it? So, now is the time when you need to do soul proofreading. Pluto is retrograde in the same direction of the wind in Aquarius, and Aquarius dominates your creative self-fulfillment, telling you that you need to go now—and that's an objective fact. Pluto's retrograde is a relief for you, as you can take the opportunity to take a breather on the highway of your life and take a step back and no longer lose sight of the entire forest because of a tree. Mars, who represents action, is currently in Aries and slowly moving through your non-self house, which may stir up your primary relationships and profoundly affect the balance of giving and receiving. On May 8, a New Moon occurs in Taurus, the house of your family, opening a door to the depths for you, and your metamorphosis will take place, which is significant.

Venus, the star that rules you, is now in Taurus, and she and Saturn in Pisces will be transiting into a very excellent aspect on May 14, providing you with higher cosmic guidance on the direction you need to adjust and repair to form a healthier inner balance. In fact, May is a great month for inner cleansing and restoration, a great day for your spirit and emotions.

On Saturday, May 18, the four stars will be conjunct Taurus, and not only will your ruling planet Venus be conjunct Uranus, but the Sun and Jupiter will also be merging and reuniting on the same day, leading us to take our seats in the grandstand of the universe. If you have everything already in order, then the push of the soul and the achievement of interests will be achieved. On the battlefield of life that you have abandoned, new opportunities may sprout, they will appear, and everything can happen in the case of our physical reality, expecting miracles, constantly expecting them.

Starting on Monday, May 20, the Sun, Venus, Jupiter, and Mercury all move into Gemini, which is in the same direction of the wind. Any stress in your life will remain in the past of yesterday and will never enter your future territory. Go deep and discover the treasure inside you.

And once you find it, the light within you alone is enough to put your life back into a remarkable balance!

Scorpio Translator: @玥家樂

"You can't speak the language of butterflies to caterpillars." You need depth, and someone can do it. But for them, it will take time to prove that they can fly and that they can get to this level. There is now a lot of planetary activity within your opposite house of Taurus, which will spread out all your partnerships. Your ruling planet, Pluto, has also been retrograde in early May, where it matters about your home and emotions, and as a result, you're pulling the camera back to see what else is possible in your emotional realm.

Action-packed Mars will be in Aries until June 9, which will give you the motivation to fix any problem, whether it's a relationship, your general health, or your environment, inside or outside, because of your hunger for action and progress.

The New Moon in Taurus on May 8 opens a window that can bring you two weeks of support and a fresh wind into your relationships, and it will be strong, thanks to Saturn in Pisces, who is also a water sign, and it will come forward to send you blessings. It could be that you are connected to another person in an eternal way, or that some new person suddenly appears in your world, and you immediately feel as if you have known them for a long time. Venus in Taurus will be greatly encouraged by this, and it will also discover Saturn on May 14, asking it to bless and pour more love and approval on you.

Mercury enters Taurus on May 16 and then squares Pluto on May 17, which will give you a pause, which may be caused by some old trust issues. You realize very well that "if you hurt deeply, you have to let go again and again." (Yung Pueblo)

But on May 18, the conjunction of the four planets in Taurus will make you understand that you and a loved one will never go back. This is a very rich and productive time. Uranus alloy the planet, and at the same time the Sun conjunct Jupiter, which can feel like a burst of enthusiasm, pollen, and sunlight. A little more classic rock 'n' roll is the icing on the cake. Go out, walk into it, feel it, use your strengths, and bring another person with you.

The further you go, the better you progress = the faster you can improve!

Sagittarius Translator: @时光且短我心且长

Dear Sagittarius, active Mars is moving through the fire sign of Aries in an attempt to get you moving, but after a noisy April, the recent New Moon in Taurus on May 8 has slowed you down like never before. You feel as if you want more, but you don't. What you need is less stuff, less rushing, less stress, less noise, you want to be simple, and you'll get it. The perfect conjunction of Saturn and the Moon in Pisces allows you to slow down and unload some of life's stresses. This allows you to sow yourself and spend very little time on what is necessary, while also allowing enough time to fill yourself from the inside out. Venus, which represents love in Taurus, also moves to Pisces conjunct Saturn, which allows you to bask in the emotional pleasures that this simple space-time provides, especially if you are surrounded by loved ones. At this time, silence is better than sound, far better. The only thing you desire is to have more time.

On May 16, Mercury enters Taurus, which will urge you to clear out the clutter if you haven't already cleared those spaces. This is the time to organize and prioritize. The most beneficial cleanup, as well as the main starting point, which clutters your mind, so light a bonfire in the eye of your soul and throw all unnecessary nonsense into the flames. Your health also makes you aware of what you need, starting with more sunshine and fresh air, and as soon as you allow yourself to slow down, your immune system will reboot and become more fertile day by day.

It happens on Saturday, May 18th and involves the quadruple conjunction of Uranus, Venus, the Sun and your ruling planet Jupiter, which is such an electric and bold planetary movement that I'm not even quite sure how to use them unless you can inspire what you want to achieve, so keep your mind in tip-top shape and imagine what you hope to improve and enhance in this planetary motion, and in an epiphany, you might build bridges and make them manifest. The window of acceleration is particularly malleable on May 18-23, when the last conjunction of the two most benevolent planets, Jupiter and Venus in Taurus, will make you feel full of life again. What will this experience be for you? Good body? More time in nature? A project full of passion?

Go ahead and conceive it today, and it will be yours for real in no time!

Capricorn Translator: @abcdesk

Praise be to Heaven for the abundance of fertile soil! April may be a rollercoaster ride, but a different story is expected in May. On May 8, the New Moon rises in Taurus, coupled with Saturn's supportive aspect to the New Moon in Pisces. There's nothing like Saturn that gives you the feeling of a sure win. It's like someone signing you an unlimited check for vitality and saying go for it, Capricorn! How much of a difference this check can make depends really on how much importance you place on how you harness that energy. The stars gather in the constellation Taurus, and they are here to help you polish something about yourself until it shines.

Even Venus is testing the waters, and she is traveling in Taurus and will be in opposition to Saturn on May 14, easily attracting the best energy support to help you get something done. Your persuasive power will be unbelievably strong, your creative projects will go well, and your long-held dreams may finally come true.

Mercury may stumble your conversation before it enters Taurus on May 16, but you'll have the upper hand no matter what comes your way.

On Friday, May 17, Mercury square Pluto in Taurus, making you wonder if you have the resources to make things go smoothly, followed by a four-star conjunction in Taurus on Saturday, including Uranus, Venus, the Sun, and Jupiter. This will surely clear away any doubts you may have, as quickly as it enters. On Thursday, May 23, Jupiter and Venus meet at the tail of Taurus (29 degrees), and it will bring about a good outcome for your passion as a bow-wrapped gift. Stretch out, Saturn's strategic aspect in Pisces lets you know that you have one foot in the sky and one foot on the earth. Saturn in Pisces does become the magical bridge that makes anything happen, which means you are the bridge to a better world. You are the bridge to a higher order of love. You are the bridge that brings everything together.

Any energy that can last will prove invaluable. The rest is luxury!

Aquarius Translator: @时光且短我心且长

Dear Aquarius, on May 3, Pluto retrograde in your sign gives you breathing room for up to 5 months, allowing you to take a break from some of life's intensity. Of course, if you look around, you'll see the world still teetering in madness as usual, but you have the ability to get out of it, which also means you feel less stress in this regard. However, the whole galaxy is filling up your family and emotional receptors, which in general makes you feel more, so that you can emotionally ask for the baggage you want to get rid of, so that you can move those energies. This includes the New Moon in Taurus on May 8, which is receiving support from Saturn in Pisces to put your feet on yourself and return to what you hold dear and know about yourself. May has given you some fertile and energetic soil, and you will be decorated with medallion chrysanthemums and gold, so don't be stingy to get your hands dirty and dig into the soil. Plant those seeds of thought with hope and colorful skies, and anything is possible in the land where the sun shines.

Mercury currently stays in Aries until May 16, entering Taurus, which allows you to recognize that the brain is thinking about what your heart really wants to do, so let your spiritual realm follow the guidance of the firelight, which will allow you to navigate the waters of feeling without being frozen.

On Saturday, May 18, the quadruple conjunction of your ruling planets Uranus, Venus, Sun and Jupiter in Taurus forms a geom with immense potential, changing the way you live within you and further changing the way you move through space. It may also allow you to change your internal and external physical environment.

On Monday, May 20, the Sun will enter the air sign of Gemini, followed by Venus, Jupiter, and Mercury, giving you another level of freedom, beckoning you to return home, no matter where you are.

If it's worth it, go all out, because once the inner door opens, your connections will gush out and creativity soars!

Pisces Translator: @阿妙的星湖妙

Life has become more and more real since Saturn entered your sign last March. Time is ticking, and you've never been so obsessed with squeezing all the value out of those moments. Saturn brings you back to Earth, and that's a good thing. Saturn can also feel like a test or an obstacle that you should clear at times. You're learning a lot of ways to successfully pass these trials, just recognizing how to get into the center of what needs to be unraveled and released. What you really want is to get rid of the things that are holding you back from ascending to the level of starlight.

"There aren't many doors to the world of your wild self, but they're precious. If you have a deep scar, that's a door, and if you have an old story, that's a door. If you love the sky and water so much that you can barely stand it, that's still a door. If you desire a deeper life, a life to the fullest, a life of sanity, that is still a door. (Clarissa Pinkola Estes) It begins with desire.

Mars spends the entire month of April in your sign, keeping you in close contact with what your soul desires most during this time. You also know that some old mental barriers need to be removed so that you can go with the flow. On May 8, the New Moon in Taurus forms an invisible bridge to Saturn in your sign, signaling that a door is opening and revealing ways to reconnect your mind.

On May 14, love Venus in Taurus will also form a connection with Saturn, which will reveal the power and influence of your presence. You find your center of gravity and move towards that place, which represents the energetic you and attracts other people to what you have to offer. This also laid the groundwork for what came next. Next, Saturn will be the bridge between where you stand and how high you stand.

Mercury enters Taurus on May 16 and then squares Pluto on May 17, testing your regained confidence, but by May 18, you'll suddenly recover when the quadruple conjunction of Uranus, Venus, Sun, and Jupiter in Taurus whispers in your ear and reminds you of your superpowers. Look ahead, imagine the altitude of the elevation, and unleash the gravitational pull. Jupiter and Venus will be conjunct Taurus on May 23, and they will come up with all sorts of ideas to bless you.

Embrace this love!


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