
How to get the heart of the zodiac sign?

How to get the heart of the zodiac sign?

How to get the heart of the wind sign?

Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

People with wind signs especially like people who are wise, sincere, and simple.

Most people think that there are many problems with wind signs, some are fickle, some love to raise bars, some are double standards, some are unreasonable, some love sophistry, and some always treat others as fools.

But in the perspective of the wind sign, this is not the case at all.

They are not fickle, but the mood and thoughts switch faster, some things are too strong, they are not interested, they are not interested, they have to force it, isn't it silly?

They are just using simple logic to explain the facts, but others are not smart enough to understand; they are not deliberately double standard, but they are good at dialectical thinking, so they can switch arguments at any time.

Wind signs do not think that they are unreasonable, sophistry, and fools. They will feel that they are willing to say those truest thoughts, willing to argue with you, even if they are misunderstood by you and scolded by you, because they care about you. Otherwise, is it bad to remain silent? Why do we have to provoke contradictions?

In summary, the wind sign in particular needs an intelligent companion. Note that wisdom and wisdom are not the same, smart people often can't suffer losses, but wise people can.

Most of the wind signs are intelligent, they learn things quickly, and they have strong understanding, which also makes them prone to arrogance and like to reason with people. Wise people look at things more on the whole than on details because of the large pattern, so they often choose to ignore the small mistakes of the wind sign. This makes people in the wind sign feel very comfortable.

Not only that, but the wind signs also need the guidance and guidance of others (because they often lose their direction for a while because they have too many ideas in their minds), and they will have an irrepressible appreciation and yearning for those who are obviously larger and higher than themselves, just like the ship sailing on the sea sees the beacon that illuminates the way forward.

In addition, people with wind signs often have a hard time successfully expressing their ideas to others, and no matter how hard they try, they cannot escape the fate of being misunderstood. (Of course, from the perspective of other zodiac signs, it is really not a misunderstanding, it is that their logic and cognition are different from normal people) So they need a patient audience and a sincere expressor.

They are not afraid of quarrels, nor are they afraid of debate, they feel that as long as they are willing to communicate, it means that the feelings are still there, so the attitude of willing to communicate is more important than the content of the other party's communication.

Finally, the point is that because the people of the wind sign are highly volatile and complex, the people they hate the most are often people who are similar to themselves. Therefore, they especially need people who can accompany them for a long time, complement them, give them a sense of security and simple happiness.

If you can do what I say, the wind sign will depend on you so much that you can no longer be separated. If they're kites, you're that line.

How to get the heart of the fire sign?

Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

People in the sign of fire especially like gentle and powerful people. It is capable, small-tempered, patient, and kind (preferably good-looking). Encountering this kind of human fire sign can be said to be "pinched" and cannot walk.

First of all, the people of the fire sign are very innocent and childlike, they are really deadly teenagers, especially Aries men, proud of their childishness, mathematical and physical knowledge may not be remembered, but the names of Ultraman and Pokemon can still be memorized backwards.

So people in the fire sign will be naturally resistant to gentle and patient people, especially when the other party can still indulge their own little hobbies. Because this is our ideal mom and dad, it will make the fire sign feel very secure, both men and women.

Emotional stability is also particularly important for fire signs. Many people will say that the fire sign has a big temper, which is actually not very accurate, they are not temperamental, they are anxious. It's not easy to make them lose their temper, and many times they are really forced out by people to drive ducks to the shelves.

But when their temper comes up, it will look terrible, so when they are irritable, you have to be more stable, so that things can calm down quickly. And when the partner of the fire sign is emotionally stable enough, the fire sign may not lose his temper several times a year.

Then there is the fire sign generally strong, mainly Leo, they are good for excellent people is to look at a few more. And when choosing a partner, they will consider whether the other party can take a shot.

For the fire sign, high appearance is the first choice, followed by stature, personal ability, talent, education, family lineage, etc. juxtaposed. Don't ask for everything to be top-notch, at least one shot to take.

Here's the final point! Fire signs have great self-esteem, and you must always encourage them and support them. Especially when their dead ducks have a hard mouth and a strong smile on the outside, you must be able to find their vulnerability and stand by their side in time.

As long as you can do the above points, I believe that few fire elephants can resist :)

How to get the heart of the water sign?

Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio

Unlike the other three types of constellations, water signs sometimes fall in love with not someone, but with a feeling, such as a sense of security, ritual, speciality, and so on.

Water signs are often contradictory about love, they have high expectations for love, but also full of anxiety and worry about love. They long to have and are afraid of losing, so they are always tempted repeatedly, hoping to get enough security from the temptation.

You will find that when you first meet a water sign, if they are interested in you, they will behave particularly friendly, and even a little deliberately "flattering" suspicion.

However, as your feelings increase, he becomes more and more elusive. He will be inexplicably angry, suddenly close to others to deliberately isolate you, send some ambiguous words, and so on.

In fact, all he did was testing you to see if you could accept his emotions and accept his dark side. Because he finds that he likes you more, he can't help but want to give, so he needs to determine if you can stay with him all the time, he needs to feel safe.

It is said that water signs attach importance to the sense of ceremony, in fact, they do not want to deliberately toss people, but hope that through this sense of ceremony, they feel that the other party attaches importance to themselves (of course, some water signs do like these surprises and romances).

Many water signs say that there is no need, especially Scorpio, but they like these extra surprises in their hearts. People in the water sign are extra sensitive because they care, they are always worried that love will disappear, so any detail in life will make them think of "no love".

Similarly, every surprise, every sense of ceremony, will make them feel that "I am being loved very well."

Most water signs like to challenge other people's bottom lines, and in addition to confirming the other person's love for themselves, they also need to know themselves from each other's attitudes.

They like to ask "propositions" and like to force each other to make sacrifices and concessions for themselves. If the other person can always tolerate themselves, no matter how uncomfortable they are, they will feel that the other party is really loved, and they are really worthy of being loved.

Some people will find the water sign very abrasive, but they often toss you when they feel uneasy, confirm that they are "special" in your heart, they will be at ease, and repay you with double love.

At the end of the day, the water sign needs someone who can fully accept him. But only when the other party creates a sense of security, ritual, and speciality for them, and cares for every aspect of him with patience and tenderness, will he really believe that he does not love the wrong person.

No matter how strong the water sign looks on the outside, it is fragile in front of the lover. If you can understand his vulnerability and become his armor, then you can get their hearts.

How do I get the heart of an earth sign?

Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn

Earth signs especially like people who have a sense of boundaries, self-motivation, emotional stability, and a sense of humor.

People in earth signs are very realistic, have a strong sense of purpose, and are inevitable in intimate relationships. When he wants to be friends with you, or even chooses you as a partner, it often shows that you have a point that attracts him and makes him feel that it is worthwhile, even beneficial, to associate with you.

However, the earth sign's assessment of a person is constantly changing, and when he feels that your advantages are slowly no longer attracting him, or when you can't keep up with the speed of his progress, he will re-evaluate you and adjust his attitude towards you.

Hearing this you think the earth sign is very merciless, right?

But in the perspective of the earth sign, all this is because the other party is not motivated, people originally like to get along with better people, and good feelings should also make each other better people, why let the earth sign go alone and accommodate an unmotivated person?

So if you want to be with the earth sign for a long time, then you must be motivated, specifically more motivated? Depending on how motivated he is, if you can always stay a little better than him, then he will always be interested in you.

Some people may say that I am not very motivated, and the earth sign has not abandoned me, yes! The earth sign is not the kind of person who is desperate. But then he needs you to have a sense of boundaries, and the ugly point is that you have self-knowledge.

Suppose you are going to be rotten, you want the earth sign to envelop you, put you like a vase or a straw vase, they are actually acceptable. But at this time, they will want you to pay more in other aspects, such as taking more care of their daily life, providing them with more emotional value, reducing their burden on trivial matters, making them happy, and so on.

To put it bluntly, it is almost like the president's little wife. But if you don't have a sense of boundaries and insist that love cannot be measured materially, although you are not materially worthy of him, but spiritually you are equal.

This trick works well for water signs, and I support it spiritually, but for earth signs, they think: Then why don't I find someone who is also my material equal.

Yes, earth signs rarely feel that you must, and in their world, almost everything can be exchanged equally, at least when they were young.

Talking about emotional stability, earth sign people think very far ahead, so they will think at every turn: "Do I have a future with this person"? "How long can this cooperative relationship last"? When they feel that they can be with someone for a long time, they will be very accommodating.

However, when they feel that there is no future with someone, they will become very indifferent and will be compared. So what makes them feel like they don't have a future?

The first is emotion. Earth sign people are very unemotional, they are angry and clear the pros and cons, so when an earth sign can not move to lose your temper with you, it means that you have no value in his heart, the real value of people, they can endure no anger.

They are very willing to associate with the same type of people, and in the hearts of the people of the earth sign, such people are called the general body.

On the contrary, if you have an emotional breakdown because of a little thing, it is a time bomb in the hearts of people in the earth sign.

Earth sign people will never get along with the time bomb for a long time, because this kind of person is equal to the risk of the earth sign person, it is uncontrollable, maybe one day when you are not happy, you will betray you, retaliate against you, and make your chicken and dog restless.

In the earth sign's perspective, the way to stop all this is not to associate with them, not to find a way to stabilize their emotions, unless such people are particularly valuable.

Finally, earth signs like people with a sense of humor. Because most of the people in the earth sign are quite gray on the inside, no matter what they look like on the surface, they are like a group of people bound by the earth. So they need to look up at the stars and they need to be happy.

If you can bring them joy, grow with them, and make them feel safe and stable, you can gain their hearts.

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