
Oil prices are menacing, Changan Ou Shang saw the tricks, buy a car to send fuel cards, are you moved?


Recently, I always heard friends complaining that the price of oil has risen twice, resulting in a lot of pain in each refueling, and this situation has not only become the pain of fuel car owners, but also the car purchase anxiety of fuel car prospective owners, after all, it seems that buying fuel vehicles now is not a wise move.

Then you may wish to take a look at Euler's current car purchase and fuel card activity, which is bound to dispel the oil price concerns of most prospective car owners. At a time when most car companies are still plagued by rising oil prices, Auchan has taken the lead in taking measures to fire the first shot of oil replenishment in the automotive industry. On April 2, Euler said at the press conference that it would launch 60 million liters of oil supplement benefits to help oil prices return to the 7 yuan era.

Oil prices are menacing, Changan Ou Shang saw the tricks, buy a car to send fuel cards, are you moved?

The 7 yuan era was put into practice, and Auchan came to the real world

Specifically, Auchan has a total of three good gifts to the prospective car owner, first of all, if the consumer is ordered from April 1 to April 30, the consumer will enjoy 2,000 yuan cash oil card if he orders Auchan X5, and the next Order Auchan X7 PLUS will enjoy 4,000 yuan cash oil card; second, if you provide tens of millions of oil supplements, the next order will have the opportunity to draw 10,000 yuan of cash oil supplements, the sooner the order, the greater the probability, maybe you can also become the lucky; finally, Auchan live broadcast room provides 5.5 yuan / 7.7 yuan per week to kill 1000 yuan cash oil card, Achieve refueling freedom.

Oil prices are menacing, Changan Ou Shang saw the tricks, buy a car to send fuel cards, are you moved?

Seeing this, I don't know if your heart is moved, anyway, I am moved.

After knowing the above heartbeat benefits, we can calculate an account. Take the purchase of Auchan X5 as an example, its 100 km fuel consumption is 6L, we ordinary people almost drive 20,000 km per year, with 8.7 yuan / L of No. 92 oil to calculate, our annual expenditure on fuel costs will be 10440 yuan.

Oil prices are menacing, Changan Ou Shang saw the tricks, buy a car to send fuel cards, are you moved?

Now order Auchan X5 can enjoy 2000 yuan cash oil card, after deducting this part of the money, our oil fee will be reduced to 8440 yuan, at this time the oil price per liter will be as low as 8440/ 1200 = 7.03 yuan, Auchan let the oil price return to the 7 yuan era sincerely do not deceive me! And this is still in the absence of lottery and second sale oil price benefits, if you draw 10,000 yuan cash fuel card, then rounding is equivalent to driving Oushan to pay for the whole year.

The brand concept is once again carried forward

The reason why Auchan was able to take the lead in breaking the oil price rise, I think the most important reason is that Changan Auchan has always been user-led, thinking from the perspective of customers, in order to perfectly solve the user's pain points, and this is why Changan Automobile can win the favor of consumers.

Last year, Auchan Automobile's annual sales exceeded 230,000 units, with a year-on-year growth rate of nearly 50%, successfully ranking among the top ten in the sales list of Chinese brands, which gave Auchan confidence and determination to continue to bring better services to users.

Oil prices are menacing, Changan Ou Shang saw the tricks, buy a car to send fuel cards, are you moved?

In fact, this time we can also come out, this is a marketing of Auchan Automobile, but with innovative thinking to market good products at the same time can really solve the needs of users, such marketing how can you and I not be moved? The reason why Auchan dared to launch the first shot of auto oil replenishment so boldly, its explosive products gave Auchan great confidence. From the data point of view, the sales volume of its Auchan X7 by the end of 2021 exceeded 210,000 units, and the sales volume of Auchan X5 exceeded 130,000 units by the end of 2021.

The theory of double the value helps Auchan produce more blockbusters

Now that the information is transparent and consumers are no longer easy to fool, so they can stand out from many products, and Auchan X5 definitely has a strong product force.

Auchan X5 is born for the ultimate, with track mode, no wheat on-board KTV, face recognition, clairvoyant downwind ear "four peers unique" and 0.30Cd ultra-low wind resistance, new Blue Whale NE1.5T engine, new plastic light design concept, 40 dB idle working conditions, equipped with Qualcomm Snapdragon 8-core car chip OnStyle3.0 intelligent ecosystem "five peer leading", this is the fatal charm of Auchan X5.

Oil prices are menacing, Changan Ou Shang saw the tricks, buy a car to send fuel cards, are you moved?

Auchan's ultimate pursuit is: "the value provided to customers is twice the cost paid by customers" as the value pursuit, and this is the guide to create high-value, high-reputation popular boutiques.

The high-performance intelligent control Damei SUV "Auchan X7 PLUS power configuration is fully advanced, which is the first choice for family travel. The "automotive robot" Auchan Z6 is equipped with a smart happy cockpit, bringing a third living space for users and users. We also look forward to the future auchan can bring us more amazing products.

Oil prices are menacing, Changan Ou Shang saw the tricks, buy a car to send fuel cards, are you moved?

Write at the end:

In the face of seven consecutive price increases in domestic oil prices, instead of wandering in the circle, Auchan believes that it is better to take the lead in firing the first shot to break the game, which is also in line with the image that Auchan has always dared to break the game and dare to go out of the circle. It can be found that the two models of this oil supplement are the two major explosive products of Auchan, and at the same time, the oil supplement will also exceed 500 million yuan. Finally, do you feel Auchan's sincerity?

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