
The constellations that are easy to "recruit black" to themselves are always criticized for their extraordinary strength, but they will never be explained

The constellations that are easy to "recruit black" to themselves are always criticized for their extraordinary strength, but they will never be explained

In our lives, there are all kinds of people. In order to be able to better understand themselves, many people begin to learn about the horoscope. From a broad range, twelve constellations are divided, which roughly classify people's personalities. Some would say that the twelve constellations simply cannot cover all the constellations.

But in fact, the constellation is just a portal for us to understand ourselves. The astrolabe is the tool that can see us as a whole. And some people with the same configuration, their personalities, the way they deal with problems, and even their fates are similar. Today we will talk about the constellations that are easy to blacken themselves from the perspective of the astrolabe.

The constellations that are easy to "recruit black" to themselves are always criticized for their extraordinary strength, but they will never be explained

Sun Virgin + Moon Capricorn

In our astrolabe, the Sun and Moon are very important stars to us. The sun represents the self and the consciousness of the self, and it can be said that the sun represents the most sincere thoughts and desires in our hearts. The moon represents our subconscious, our state in intimate relationships, and the extent to which we feel about happiness within us.

Because of this, if the pattern of one person's Sun Moon City is very good, then this person will be higher than others in the pattern. That is to say, without looking at other configurations, if there is a harmonious phase between the sun and the moon, then it belongs to your personality in the constellation.

The constellations that are easy to "recruit black" to themselves are always criticized for their extraordinary strength, but they will never be explained

In a person's astrological chart, if the sun and moon all fall on the earth sign, then this person is very good at forbearance and is also very purposeful, but such people are easy to blacken themselves in terms of dealing with the world. And the reason why the sun falls on Virgo and the moon falls on Capricorn people, they are easy to misunderstand by others, because such people are not very good at explaining, and they are too lazy to explain.

The sun sets on Virgo and the moon on Capricorn, and this configuration is a purposeful, very results-oriented configuration. Not only that, but such people, both men and women, are very ambitious, and they have considerable ambitions and ambitions in their careers. Because of this, in the process of realizing their dreams, they do not care what others think of them.

The constellations that are easy to "recruit black" to themselves are always criticized for their extraordinary strength, but they will never be explained

So that they will never explain what they have done in the world, how others see themselves, they do not care at all, and in the process, they are bound to make others have some bad impressions of themselves. The attacks and smears against them are intensifying.

Stars in the constellation of Aquarius

We talked about the star configuration in the previous article. The so-called star configuration, that is, three or more stars fall into a constellation, we call it the star configuration. When a person has a group of stars, it means that within this constellation, their energy will be strengthened and amplified.

The constellations that are easy to "recruit black" to themselves are always criticized for their extraordinary strength, but they will never be explained

And when a person has strong Aquarius energy, this means that the person is very maverick and also respects his inner feelings and opinions. And people like Aquarius tend to be particularly free, particularly casual, they don't care what others think of themselves, they pay more attention to their own inner world.

Not only that, the global Aquarius people are actually more self-related, and it is precisely because of their self that they always pay more attention to their own ideas in life, rather than the evaluation of others and the outside world. Because of this, they will be perceived by the outside world as having little empathy or even being unsociable.

The constellations that are easy to "recruit black" to themselves are always criticized for their extraordinary strength, but they will never be explained

In this process, some people are bound to have a bad impression of them, so their evaluation is not high. Under this cycle, it is bound to make their reputation worse and worse. But this kind of person actually understands that doing so will bring some negative comments to themselves, but they still don't mind, because in essence they don't care at all.

This maverick, self-contained personality will inevitably make them be discussed and smeared by many people. But the things we pursue in each of our lives are different, and perhaps for people whose stars fall in Aquarius, what they pursue is never an external evaluation, but an inner possession.

The constellations that are easy to "recruit black" to themselves are always criticized for their extraordinary strength, but they will never be explained

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