
Boost your baby's spring immunity, and do it most effectively!

When it comes to the health of the baby, the topic of improving immunity can be described as "cliché", especially in the spring when the weather is changeable, if you do not pay attention to it, the baby may have a cold and fever, and even suffer from pneumonia, which makes the family sad. So, in the spring, how to help the baby improve immunity? Let's take a look at it today!

Boost your baby's spring immunity, and do it most effectively!

What is immunity

Parents know that the baby always loves colds and fevers, mostly low immunity, then what is the specific immunity, may not be much understood.

In fact, the often said immunity refers to the body's ability to resist the invasion of external bacteria and viruses, which is not formed or secreted by a single organ, but a system, including skin, body fluid secretion and various granulocytes and macrophages in the blood.

Causes of low immunity

For the baby, low immunity is mainly due to premature birth or other reasons so that the baby in the fetal period of poor development, and the late nutrition did not keep up, so the body's immunity after birth is poor; when the self-protection ability is weak, the outside world has a change, it is easy to let the immune system collapse, resulting in immune dysfunction in the body, forming a vicious circle.

In addition to insufficient nutrition, insufficient nutrient absorption, perennial illness, long-term emotional stress and other reasons can also lead to poor immunity.

Boost your baby's spring immunity, and do it most effectively!

Ways to improve immunity

So, what can parents do to improve their baby's immunity?

(1) Reasonable disinfection

Some parents are too afraid of the surrounding environment to affect the baby's immunity, so in order to keep the baby away from the source of infection, they will over-disinfect the baby's daily necessities. Disinfection is good, but excessive disinfection will destroy the diversity of microorganisms in the living environment, so that the baby's immune system is too "comfortable" and affect normal development. Therefore, disinfection should be moderate and reasonable.

(2) Insist on breastfeeding

Breast milk is rich in immune active substances, which are very beneficial to the baby's immunity boost, so families with breast milk conditions should insist on breastfeeding their babies until 6 months or one year old.

Families with limited breast milk conditions may also wish to choose a milk powder with similar composition to breast milk for nutritional supplementation. For example, this Yobramu milk powder with a brand history of more than 20 years is very good. The nutritional formula of this milk powder is developed to simulate colostrum, based on the special Youbo bionic formula, the breakthrough development of the whole whey protein formula, whey protein and casein ratio is as high as 9:1, which is very beneficial to the baby's immunity growth.

Boost your baby's spring immunity, and do it most effectively!

(3) Regular diet

A regular diet can not only help the baby better resist the infection of external viruses, but also make the baby's nutritional intake healthier. To this end, for babies over four months, parents should adjust their life rules, try to stabilize the baby's biological clock, and make the baby's life more regular and healthy!

(4) Conduct more outdoor sports

Taking the baby to outdoor exercise can not only help the baby to enhance immunity, but also make the relationship between parents and children better, and proper sun exposure can also supplement the vitamin D needed by the baby to help the baby grow taller. Therefore, it is recommended that parents, under the premise of doing a good job of epidemic prevention, take their babies out to bask in the sun, and babies over two years old, parents should try to keep their daily outdoor activities at more than 1 hour.

The above is today's promotion of baby immunity sharing, I hope to help parents in need!

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