
Can milk protein allergies also cause diarrhea in your baby? What's going on here?

From winter to spring, in addition to the grass warblers flying and the willows blowing on the embankment, the bacteria and viruses around the baby are not idle. Coupled with the humid air in spring, the temperature gradually warms up, and the baby's fragile small intestines are prone to abdominal pain and diarrhea if they are not paid attention to. As parents, when we look at the baby's diarrhea, we must also be anxious in our hearts. So, in what ways can you prevent diarrhea in your baby in the spring? Let's take a look:

Causes of spring diarrhea

In fact, babies are prone to diarrhea in the spring, which is nothing more than these reasons:

1. Indigestion, feces in the intestine accumulate, so that the bad bacteria producing gas proliferate in large numbers, resulting in diarrhea in the baby;

2. Diarrhea caused by milk protein allergy, lactose intolerance, enteritis and other reasons;

3, the baby gastrointestinal peristalsis is slow, of course, this is also divided into two situations, the first is purely functional, we call it "pseudointestinal obstruction"; the second is that the gastrointestinal tract lacks ganglia, that is, "Hirschsprung".

When the baby has diarrhea, parents may wish to first distinguish what kind of cause their baby belongs to, find the right cause, and then prescribe the right medicine, it is much simpler.

Can milk protein allergies also cause diarrhea in your baby? What's going on here?

How to cope with spring diarrhea

First of all, parents should remember not to wait for the baby to cry and then feed, because when the baby is too hungry, he will take a big mouthful of milk, which is very easy to inhale a lot of air at this time, resulting in flatulence. And every time after feeding, remember to burp the baby to help the baby smoothly discharge the gas out of the body.

Can milk protein allergies also cause diarrhea in your baby? What's going on here?

Secondly, after the baby's diarrhea or vomiting, many parents dare not give their children food, in fact, this practice is the most undesirable. This is because after the child's diarrhea and vomiting, a large amount of nutrition in the body will be lost, and if the baby is not supplemented in time at this time, it may not only aggravate the baby's condition, but also make the baby malnourished, so fasting is absolutely impossible. At this time to supplement nutrition for the baby, while ensuring that the baby's diet is as light as possible, you can choose some high nutrition, or give the baby a moderate amount of rice soup to prevent the baby from dehydration due to diarrhea.

For the baby's nutritional supplement after diarrhea, in addition to starting in the daily diet, we can also choose a nutritious, easy to digest and absorb formula for the baby, such as this Uberim milk powder is quite trustworthy. This milk powder uses a full whey protein formula developed by simulating colostrum, which contains a whey protein to casein ratio of up to 9:1, and the whey protein molecule is smaller, which is very suitable for being absorbed by the baby's delicate intestine; at the same time, the milk powder also adds deep seaweed oil DHA and AA in accordance with the scientific ratio of 1:1.8, which is very beneficial to improve the baby's neurodevelopment.

Can milk protein allergies also cause diarrhea in your baby? What's going on here?

In addition, during the baby's illness, parents should also maintain good patience with the baby, try to coax them, do not let the baby always cry, because too much crying will also cause the baby to inhale a lot of air, thereby aggravating the flatulence situation.

The above is about the causes of the baby's spring diarrhea and the countermeasures that can be taken, hoping to help parents in need Oh ~ Here is also a sincere wish that every baby can grow up healthy and happy, the road to parenting is still a long way to go, let's cheer together!

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