
Is it appropriate to start a new energy vehicle now?

Is it appropriate to start a new energy vehicle now?

I wanted to buy new energy vehicles to save money, but it was still a step too late...

Oil prices have risen one after another, many people have "cried" that they can't afford to drive, and people who save money are ready to turn into the arms of new energy vehicles, but they are still one step too late... So is it appropriate to start a new energy vehicle now?

These people are suitable!

Don't scold when you see this, see if you are "within the scope of application". New energy vehicles, especially pure electric models, although not as convenient as fuel vehicles in terms of convenience of use, but the cost of the car is indeed low, to an electric vehicle using an 80kWh battery in the peak period of 2 yuan per kilowatt hour of electricity to calculate, from 0 charge to full is only 160 yuan, generally saving points to run can run about 400km. This can be saved compared to the current fuel price of fuel vehicles.

However, electric vehicles are generally 10,000-20,000 price increases, and we don't know how long it will take to save back.

Is it appropriate to start a new energy vehicle now?

Therefore, if you want to save money by refueling the tram at this "juncture", you must meet a necessary condition - you can install household charging piles. Because the current household charging pile implements the electricity consumption of residential houses, residential communities and non-resident users who implement the residential electricity price, the electricity consumption of charging facilities set by the residential user is implemented in accordance with the residential user electricity price consolidation table. The electricity fee is 0.558 yuan per kilowatt hour of electricity, and the tiered electricity price is not implemented, and the peak and valley electricity price is not divided for the time being. So a save of about 4 times, the most important thing is that after having a home pile can greatly alleviate your "mileage anxiety disorder", because in most cases mileage anxiety is actually a charging anxiety disorder, if you go home and park a good car, you can plug in the pile, the next day you can start with full power and also bring the battery insulation, so that your "electrocution" trip is still satisfactory.

There is also a group that is now suitable for buying electric vehicles because of the indicator policy can only choose new energy vehicles, and friends who have no luck with fuel vehicles (such as me a year ago... )。 I believe that what has not been ordered now should be an early warning before catching up with this wave of new energy collective price increases, and it is now in the wait-and-see stage, mainly in the expectation that it will not go back later.

Is it appropriate to start a new energy vehicle now?

From the above lithium carbonate price list, we do not have to look at the specific data to feel the "rocket-level" rise in battery raw materials, which is also one of the main reasons for the collective price increase of new energy vehicle companies, although it seems that the rise rate after March seems to have slowed down a little, but in the current international situation, there is still a possibility of "speeding up" in the future.

Is it appropriate to start a new energy vehicle now?

Just a few days ago, He Xiaopeng also predicted that in the second or third quarter of next year, China's battery supply situation will be greatly improved. New energy vehicle manufacturers face three major challenges: one is materials (mainly refers to batteries); the other is chips, previously we expected that the lack of cores in the second half of 2022 may be alleviated, but in the first half of this year, instead of alleviating, it further deteriorated; third, the changes in the epidemic situation in China this year. In general, Tianqi and Ningde are expected to see a difference, lithium 500,000 per ton, the entire plate has been overdrawn, this year is difficult to improve. Therefore, at present, it is estimated that the collective price reduction of new energy vehicle companies will be next year.

Is it appropriate to start a new energy vehicle now?

If you want to wait until next year, in addition to giving up the convenience of this year's car, you may miss out on a very important add-on - benefits. Friends who are familiar with the new forces of car manufacturing should have understood that their "playing style" has been different from the 4S shop model of traditional car companies before, in addition to selling cars, they are more particular about service, so where is the service? In addition to the service attitude, it is mainly displayed in various rights and interests, such as some car companies give a lifetime warranty of three electric appliances, or some car companies give a fixed amount of free charging every year. However, with the gradual rise of various costs and the further expansion of the scale of enterprises, equity will also be correspondingly "circled". So if you have a just need for new energy vehicles, it is recommended to further understand the rights and interests of major brands, if the existing rights and interests can make up for the "loss" caused by the price increase to a certain extent, there is really no need to wait for this year.

Is it appropriate to start a new energy vehicle now?

Insert a gossip: In fact, the price increase of some brands is with the discount, such as BYD's Qin and Yuan series have thousands of yuan of discounts, geometric C Some stores also have 1000 to 10000 activities, so if you are diligent, you may "pick up a leak".

Who is not suitable?

If the "Suitable" column does not match your situation, then you may wish to see if the inappropriate column has your situation.

For friends who have cars at home and have little demand for new energy vehicles, it is not a good time to buy new energy vehicles now, and many people, in addition to hesitating whether the price of new energy vehicles will continue to rise, will also think that the price will not come back?

Is it appropriate to start a new energy vehicle now?

Tesla has given the answer to such doubts, Tesla has used practical actions to prove that the price of electric vehicles is directly affected by raw materials and production capacity, and has paid the "price" of being pulled by users to defend their rights. Therefore, with Tesla's leading role, even if other brands taste the sweetness of price increases and do not want to reduce the price back, they will be "forced" to compromise in the face of competitive pressure in the market. Therefore, for the group that does not have a strong demand for cars at this stage, it is recommended that you can wait.

Is it appropriate to start a new energy vehicle now?

The above mentioned that even if the price increase for the limited city should be "fought", for the unlimited city still needs to "do what it can", do not "blindly follow the trend" because of this wave of new energy vehicle price increases. After all, the most economical scenario of electric vehicles must also have to have a household charging pile, if it is an old community or a group of people who have no conditions to install a household charging pile, spend more money and less money, not to mention, just running the charging station every week is in vain. Therefore, if you can't meet the charging conditions or commute a long distance, fuel vehicles still have advantages. Don't see the new energy vehicle charging cheap no conditions on the "hard rush", and finally not only is it inconvenient to use, after a period of time the car also reduced the price, you say that you do not regret it? Because this matter of pulling banners to defend rights does not work.

Is it appropriate to start a new energy vehicle now?

There is also a group of "true" mileage anxiety disorder, I have a few friends around me can not drive the tram, the reason is to see the mileage brush off is uncomfortable, the endurance is less than 200km began to worry about finding a charging station, this situation in the northern winter low temperature environment is more likely to "attack", basically driving the tram out is "masochism". Friends with similar situations, whether the electric car has increased its money or reduced the price, do not rush to "rush", first overcome their own psychological barrier and then say.

Whether it is new energy or fuel vehicles, everyone's situation is very different. Do not run online car, the fluctuation of oil prices will not let you move the mind of changing cars, ready to buy a new car should consider the comprehensive cost and car environment. If you have other confusions in the choice of fuel trucks and trams, please leave a message to discuss.

GeekChoice original article

Is it appropriate to start a new energy vehicle now?

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