
Go to primary school to develop these 3 habits, do not have to go to any tutoring class, the child still becomes a bully

Cocoa's mother wants to tell many parents today that they don't know a fact, how many knowledge points are there in the three stages of primary school, junior high school, and high school?

1.3 million!

This is not the key, the key is how many knowledge points are learned in primary school?

3%, yes, you heard it right, that's 3%.

Coco's mother said this to tell everyone that the most important thing in the primary school stage is not to learn knowledge, but to develop learning habits.

In the primary school to develop a good habits, the child will enter junior high school, high school, do not have to worry about the parents, the results will be very good!

Go to primary school to develop these 3 habits, do not have to go to any tutoring class, the child still becomes a bully

Coco's mother was also a bully when she was a child, graduated in 985, and also met many parents of the bully, and found that in fact, the bully did not need to do a lot of extracurricular exercises, many of them did not go to the training class, but they all had one thing in common, that is, to develop several good habits.

The point is that these habits are not difficult, but many parents and children do not know.

Friends who see this article quickly collect attention, and can't find it if they can't brush it.

Nonsense is not much to say, directly on the dry goods. What are these three habits?

The first habit is to read more

Now, because of the double reduction policy, children in primary schools, especially in the first and second grades, return home from school and basically have no homework.

At this time, it is a very good reading habit to develop a period, we must seize this opportunity to improve the child's reading ability.

Go to primary school to develop these 3 habits, do not have to go to any tutoring class, the child still becomes a bully

Why? Because experienced parents know that by the third grade, the difficulty of Chinese reading comprehension and mathematical application problems has risen sharply.

If the child's reading ability is not good, there may be a situation that even the questions cannot be understood.

So how to cultivate a child's reading habits and improve his reading ability?

There are four steps, the method is very simple, but one step can not be less, parents will have an effect if they do it.

The first step is to read Gamification

Play is the nature of children, children who do not love to play basically do not, children who do not love to learn are a big grasp, this is the nature of children.

Therefore, to cultivate children's reading habits, we must follow the rules, in line with the child's nature, so that children feel at the beginning that reading is very fun, interesting, like a game.

For example, when the child is very young, tell the story of the puppy, you have to tell the child: "Baby today the mother will take you to play a game of catching the puppy, and will tell a nice story, call the puppy obedient." ”

"This little boy is a bit naughty, he will appear many times in the story, when you hear the term puppy obedience, grab him well, see if the baby can catch a few puppies obedient." 」

The story begins to tell, the child will listen carefully and carefully, which not only trains his auditory concentration, but also trains his auditory memory, and at the same time enhances his interest in listening to stories and reading.

The second step is to take only one book at a time

If you are a preschool child who has not yet gone to school, you must buy a picture book with more pictures and less text.

When it comes to children who are already in elementary school, they can buy words and pictures that are similar.

Many parents are eager to improve their children's reading ability, buy a lot of books back, children turn over this book today, turn over that book tomorrow.

No child has taken it seriously. So don't take so much at once, it's best to take only one copy at a time.

The third step is to create a good reading environment

Parents must create a good reading environment and atmosphere for their children at home.

For example, when a child is reading a book, your TV is very loud, or the short video is very loud, and the child will be attracted to it immediately.

So this environment is important, and so is the role model of the parents.

Go to primary school to develop these 3 habits, do not have to go to any tutoring class, the child still becomes a bully

You have to give him a quiet reading environment, but also to be a role model for serious reading, when the child reads the book, parents can also read the book to recharge.

The fourth step is to be sure to read intensively

Many parents report that their children have read a lot of books, but they still can't do a good job of reading comprehension and write bad compositions.

That's because the child has read it and forgotten it, and it is also possible that the child will not summarize and refine.

After reading the story, you can ask your child to simply repeat the story.

Repetition is a very important channel for learning, if the child can not repeat it, let the child look at it again, until it is very skilled to repeat, indicating that the story he has entered the mind, this is intensive reading.

The second habit is to learn to control time

Having a good sense of time and being able to control time is too important for children in elementary school.

Why are some children able to complete the day's homework at school, while some children have to grind their homework until 11 o'clock every day?

Go to primary school to develop these 3 habits, do not have to go to any tutoring class, the child still becomes a bully

This is all because the child lacks the ability to control time.

There is a method that many parents have tried to work very well and can solve this problem.

This method is called the Pomodoro Clock Method, how to operate it?

For example, take half an hour as a unit of time and set the time to 25 minutes to let the child focus on writing homework.

You are not allowed to do anything unrelated to writing your homework until the clock rings, then take a short five-minute break and then start the next unit of time.

But if it's 25 minutes, even if you're not done, take regular breaks.

The child is a little older, or after a period of training, the time unit can be slightly longer.

Go to primary school to develop these 3 habits, do not have to go to any tutoring class, the child still becomes a bully

When performing the Pomodoro Clock Method, parents must train their children to do all the preparations in front of them.

For example, going to the toilet, eating, sharpening pencils, once you start learning, you can only do this one thing.

This fosters the habit of serious concentration, which is the core of the Pomodoro clock method.

The third habit is to be very focused on doing things

If the child is very attentive in class, the child's grades will certainly not be bad.

If the homework energy is also very focused, the homework children will certainly be very fast.

Go to primary school to develop these 3 habits, do not have to go to any tutoring class, the child still becomes a bully

So how do you improve your concentration?

Here are three small ways to train concentration, which are simple and the key is to stick to it.

The first small method, submarine activation training

Elephant nose spinning, wallpaper paste, frog jumping, this kind of game can be done for ten to 20 minutes a day.

The second small method, word training

Say a set of words to the child, let the child hear these words, the animal will raise the left hand, the plant will raise the right hand, such as panda, frog, grass, lion, strawberry...

Give the child a try to see if he can make it very accurately and quickly, if not, he is mostly distracted in class.

The third small method, reverse number training

Give your child a set of numbers, say 12345, and after he has listened, he will read the numbers backwards to you.

Of course, we can increase the difficulty, use irregular numbers, or increase the length of the number.

This training can exercise the child's ear's ability to focus on listening

Go to primary school to develop these 3 habits, do not have to go to any tutoring class, the child still becomes a bully

These few small methods insist on training, generally do 25 days, you can see a very obvious change in the child.

If you want to know more about similar training methods, follow me!

How about your child's learning habits? Welcome to share with you in the comment area, remember to like and follow yo!

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