
Dagan three months to ensure Hengchi 5 mass production, all this time, why xu Jiayin still want to build a car?

When Jia Yueting ran to the United States, he said that he was not running, he was going to build a car, if he succeeded, he would have money to pay it back, if he stayed in China, he would never have a place to turn around, and the creditors did not have the opportunity to get money. It seems that Jia Yueting is still very great, running away for the sake of creditors.

Coincidentally, Xu Jiayin is also constantly repeating the car building thing. Xu Jiayin was absent from the meeting of Evergrande's creditors, but instead ran to Evergrande Automobile for a meeting, and put forward a request, Dagan three months to ensure the mass production of Hengchi 5.

Dagan three months to ensure Hengchi 5 mass production, all this time, why xu Jiayin still want to build a car?

Seeing this matter, it is estimated that many people are an idea, when is it, Xu Jiayin still wants to build a car? Hengchi 5 is indeed infinitely close to mass production, and this model of the benchmark BBA will soon enter mass production, which also means that this model will soon be available for sale.

How to solve the current debt problem of Evergrande Group is really a very difficult problem. Evergrande's top management has publicly stated that Evergrande's current debt situation is very stable. The word stability really works well. When we are studying, if the top students in the class are praised by the teacher for being stable, then it means that this is a good thing, and if a top three is praised by the teacher for being stable, then it must be laughed at generously.

Xu Jiayin smashed tens of billions of dollars before and after to build a car, but the whole building collapsed when he was at the door. Evergrande's problem Xu Jiayin must have been discovered earlier. If the problem can be solved in the real estate industry, then Xu Jiayin certainly does not need to cross the border to engage in cars to engage in mineral water. These are all xu jiayin's ways to redeem himself, but unfortunately they have not succeeded.

Dagan three months to ensure Hengchi 5 mass production, all this time, why xu Jiayin still want to build a car?

Building a car means a big gamble, and Xu Jiayin can only win and cannot lose. But now it seems that Hengchi 5 is mass-produced, can Xu Jiayin turn over? In fact, there is still a problem of sales after mass production? How many people in the market are willing to buy Hengchi 5 is a question.

Now the competition in the electric vehicle market is very fierce, in addition to Wei Xiaoli, BYD and Tesla two giants have obvious advantages. In addition, Geely, the Great Wall, etc. are also making efforts. In addition, Toyota, Honda, and even Mercedes-Benz and BMW are also beginning to exert their strength. An era of dogfight has arrived.

Even if you don't consider the negative problems of Evergrande Group, it is very difficult for Hengchi 5 to stand out in this era of chaotic warfare. How competitive the product is, this needs to be tested by the market.

Dagan three months to ensure Hengchi 5 mass production, all this time, why xu Jiayin still want to build a car?

Nowadays, most of the electric vehicle brands are losing money, ANDD is also maintaining a small profit, if there is no subsidy, it is estimated that the situation is even less ideal. How much time is left for Xu Jiayin? No one knows about this question, but time is certainly running out.

Xu Jiayin also has no way, he can only be a dead horse as a live horse doctor. If Evergrande Automobile succeeds, there is still a glimmer of hope, otherwise it is really hopeless. Xu Jiayin came to this step, and really many people did not want to see it.

An entrepreneur who has donated more than 10 billion yuan to China's charity and more than a billion yuan to his hometown has come to this step today. In the past, Xu Jiayin was an entrepreneur who was highly respected by many people, he went back to his hometown to visit, and also specially went to visit his high school teacher, learned that the teacher's house was a mortgage, and gave the house to the teacher with a big hand, and incidentally took the furniture to do it.

Dagan three months to ensure Hengchi 5 mass production, all this time, why xu Jiayin still want to build a car?

Xu Jiayin also specially invited his boss who worked in Shenzhen to visit Evergrande in the New Year, he did not have any shelf, personally went to the first floor to receive, and also gave the main seat to the other party when eating.

In the Wuhan epidemic, Xu Jiayin paid for the effort, took out 800 million yuan for Zhong Nanshan's team to cooperate with Harvard University in the United States to study ways to defeat the virus, and he even donated 100 million worth of anti-epidemic materials to foreign countries.

In fact, seeing Xu Jiayin's current situation, and then looking at his situation before, I can only say that the world is really too complicated. There are a lot of things we really can't understand. We can only hope that Xu Jiayin can deal with the problem of debt as soon as possible, so that those suppliers and buyers can get a satisfactory answer.

Dagan three months to ensure Hengchi 5 mass production, all this time, why xu Jiayin still want to build a car?

Xu Jiayin's current situation has also given Chinese entrepreneurs a wake-up call, and doing business still needs to be steady and steady. If you want to ascend to the sky one step at a time, most of the situations in the end are not good. In addition, do not blindly diversify in business, many things are beautiful, in fact, they are just imaginary.

Many industry insiders are not doing a good job now, why can you do well, not everyone in this world is Li Ka-shing.

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