
A touch of green, accompanied by the Chinese star shining in China, communion in the rise of national self-confidence

Text | Hu Wenwen

"Flying like a surprise, like a dragon" "The only program of the Spring Festival Gala that is still being repeated" "When it is shown to foreign friends, they vividly interpret what is called?" I can't understand it, but I'm blown away?" Such a restrained and implicit dance, but I saw tears in my eyes"...

The Spring Festival Gala of the Year of the Tiger has come to an end for some time, but there is a program that is still being forwarded and commented on by countless people on the Internet, and even triggered various imitations and secondary creations at home and abroad, which is the dance poetry drama "Only This Green".

A touch of green, accompanied by the Chinese star shining in China, communion in the rise of national self-confidence

More than a thousand years ago, 18-year-old Simon used stone blue and malachite as pigments on silk to create a green landscape painting of more than 11 meters long, and then died young. This famous painting called "A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains", because it will undergo a loss once it is unfolded, has been rarely seen by the world, until a thousand years later, it was vividly reproduced by a group of artists on the stage, which was stunning and became another business card of Chinese culture.

This dance feast combines classical feelings with modern aesthetics almost perfectly. The dancers with sharp eyebrows and high-haired lips are feminine and refreshing, without the slightest twisting posture of a little girl, the cuffs are waved open, and the embrace is the courage of the sun and moon mountains and rivers, which is a kind of "whale drinking has not swallowed the sea, and the sword qi has crossed the autumn".

A touch of green, accompanied by the Chinese star shining in China, communion in the rise of national self-confidence

It is said that the synaesthesia of art is borderless, in the face of such a dance, without explanation, the audience has already felt the ancient Chinese charm, as if the flow of green ink, carrying the wind and bone of ancient literati. This is something that only Chinese can do. It is no wonder that many young people sigh: "Never thought that a story throughout the millennium can be told in such a form, even to make people tear up." 」 ”

Soft and hard power dual tube output

Now, this phenomenon-level IP will usher in a new journey. Recently, Geely brand CMA high-end series? China Star Official announced that it will formally reach a strategic cooperation with "Only This Green", focus on the exploration and integration of "automotive technology and traditional culture", carry out national co-creation activities in automobile design, peripheral development, experience interaction, etc., and create an immersive experience that integrates science and technology, culture and fun through the integration of science and technology and culture, the collision of modern and traditional, and create an immersive experience that integrates science and technology, culture and fun, so that Chinese traditional culture can be revitalized.

A touch of green, accompanied by the Chinese star shining in China, communion in the rise of national self-confidence

The breaking of the circle and popularity of "Only This Green" at home and abroad is actually a microcosm of the soft power output of Chinese culture in recent years: whether it is the new consumer goods market created by the "national tide", the pillar industry supported by Hanfu, the "new Chinese furniture" with annual sales of more than 10 trillion yuan on Taobao, the Forbidden City Cultural creation, the ancient style blind box, the Samsung ice cream and other Internet red products, or the upsurge of international friends rushing to learn Chinese dance, wear Hanfu, and appreciate Chinese folk music on the Internet, all confirm an unquestionable trend:

After several generations of blue wisps of the road, achieving economic take-off and creating countless products and wealth for the world, China has begun to export thousands of years of cultural influence. As the only ancient civilization that has existed so far, while returning to strength, we have also begun to trace back to the roots and pursue our own spiritual core.

Take Geely, a contemporary Chinese automobile independent brand, as an example, it has been ranked among the world's top 500 for nine consecutive years, is the only Chinese private automobile group on the list, and has won the Chinese brand sales championship for 4 consecutive years.

Many car owners may remember that in 2015, when Geely Borui, known as the "most beautiful domestic car", was born, it subverted the pattern of the automobile market. Since then, domestic cars have begun to collectively exert their strength, rush out of the siege, and gradually compete with joint venture cars and imported cars. As a bellwether, Geely has also continued to innovate, bringing one excellent product after another, completely refreshing consumers' cognition of domestic cars. And its success depends on a deep understanding of the spiritual core of Chinese culture.

Just as the dance poetry drama "Only This Green" dares to adopt the expression of modern and classic fusion to convey and strengthen the beauty of traditional Chinese culture, the Chinese star of the high-end series of Geely brand CMA is also the practitioner and inheritor of the spirit of "dare to do".

A touch of green, accompanied by the Chinese star shining in China, communion in the rise of national self-confidence

Since its listing, it has shouldered the mission of "fighting for the value of Chinese cars", dared to break the inherent "cost-effective" strategy of traditional independent brands, truly challenged the world's mainstream cars with "high value", and showed the charm of Chinese cars and Chinese culture with the best technology of Chinese car brands.

In January this year, in The Inner Mongolia Yakeshi nearly minus 40 degrees, a "Thor Expedition, And Then Fight the Tooth Keshi" ice and snow test drive, with the thunder god Hi · The Chinese star represented by the X oil-electric hybrid version competed in a luxurious lineup, through excellent driving skills and strong hardware support, running across the northern scenery, showing the world a feast of ice and snow drift.

In addition to challenging the extreme format and harsh environment with the spirit of "dare to be", conquering Yakeshi with the proprietary "PTC Thor Hot Core" technology of Thor Hybrid, and breaking the inherent cognition that the extremely cold environment is the "forbidden land" of new energy vehicles, China Star has also created China's first elite driving academy comparable to the luxury brand BBA, opening up a new height for Chinese brands.

Since its listing, the cumulative sales volume of China Star has exceeded 320,000 vehicles, which has won the recognition and support of the market and consumers, and has become a "new domestic product" and "new flagship" of the automotive industry, leading the continuous upward movement of Chinese automobiles. Its bright performance in the market also shows that today's young consumer groups are no longer willing to be a bystander in the context of the rise of great powers, but are more willing to participate in it, using practical actions to express the return and expectation of their own traditional culture, and to promote our realization of national cultural self-confidence.

Not only high value, but also high value

There was a hot topic on the Internet: "Why are often the children of high-income families studying art and aesthetics now?" ”

Many netizens believe that it may be because the children of these families do not have the pressure to make money and can try more freelance occupations. One answer, on the other hand, attracted a lot of attention: "On the contrary, these families will support their children to choose this path, which is a more forward-looking layout." Because society has entered the era of the beauty economy, aesthetics, culture and commerce are closely related and mutually empowering. ”

Why is it that a dance of "Only This Green" and a "Map of a Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains" can move so many audiences to tears and hearts? Because they bring not only the enjoyment of beauty, but also a sense of pride of "having honor". Applied to business, this pride is more important and rare than simply "making customers like", and Geely has done it.

A touch of green, accompanied by the Chinese star shining in China, communion in the rise of national self-confidence

For example, The pioneering work of China Star, Jili Xingrui, the official main color promoted at the beginning of the listing is azure glaze, inspired by the celadon that has been passed down for thousands of years; and the custom set of "Cui Yu Magic Special Car Paint + Cui Yu Double Chamois Interior, Double Five Spoke Pulse Exclusive Hub + Magic Exclusive Car Key" has become a hit. They find modern aesthetic mapping from thousands of years of civilization, select the most cosmopolitan and fashionable parts, and perfectly integrate them with modern craftsmanship to create a Chinese classic that transcends public perception.

In addition, China Star's flagship car Xingrui also cooperated with sanxingdui Museum to hold the "Wonderful Night Across Time and Space: Technology Pays Tribute to Civilization? Geely Xingrui Space-time Edition Listing Conference", and jointly released the "Spark Plan", the development of joint names around, etc., to pay tribute to civilization with wisdom technology; recently, it reached a strategic cooperation with "Only This Green", and let China Starcar system on the road of exploration and integration of "automotive technology and traditional culture", further advanced.

A touch of green, accompanied by the Chinese star shining in China, communion in the rise of national self-confidence

The Chinese soul of the "Chinese Star" does not only stay on the surface symbols, but also explores the Chinese feelings. Starting from the inclusive culture of a big country, it not only discusses the relationship between people and cars, but also discusses the interaction between people and time, space, nature, and the universe. It does not use historical symbols everywhere, but it achieves the effect of evoking emotional resonance and vivid empathy with young people: the cars of the China Star series not only have a high-value trend image, but also can summon our national pride.

Behind its high value and dense cultural output, it relies on excellent technical forces. Relying on the world's top modular architecture system CMA, which can compete with Toyota's TNGA Fengchao concept, China Star has bred a world-class car with its own charm, excellent pedigree and genetic heritage.

British brand evaluation agency Brand Finance found in the "China Automotive 2018 China SUV Independent Brand Value Positioning Improvement Study" found: "China's new generation of automobile consumer groups tend to be younger, more and more consumers, especially after the 90s, have abandoned the stereotype of China's own car brands, aware that the product quality and technical content of some local brands are achieving great breakthroughs, Chinese car brands in terms of product technology and configuration rate far beyond the joint venture brand models, Gradually dominate emerging markets with the best price/performance ratio. ”

According to the study, between 2017 and 2018 alone, the total value of Chinese car brands increased by 92%, much higher than the 8.6% annual increase in the value of brands in other countries.

In the "2020 China New Car Quality Research SM (IQS)" report released by the authoritative organization J.D. Power (Jundi), the performance of domestic car brands is also very eye-catching, and Geely Xingyue ranks first in the mid-size SUV market.

In the eyes of many professionals, from the perspective of market performance, product planning and launch, technology research and development capabilities and other dimensions, Geely Automobile is worthy of being the leading brand of Chinese automobiles, and there are almost no shortcomings in performance. Therefore, its next mission must be to represent Chinese brands in dialogue with many international giants and win a place in the international market.

Dare to think and dare to do, and constantly break the circle

The connection between automobiles and people is very delicate. It is like a loyal friend, like a side-by-side partner, and can even be a confidant with a sharp heart. When consumers "meet and rejoice" with it, whether they can further have a long-term affection and produce a sense of sympathy for each other is crucial to the development of the brand.

A new generation of consumers is no longer satisfied with the retro or generation-by-generation nostalgic national tide model, and then requires brands to detach from homogenization and carry out more refined excavation, bringing more connotation and more long-term vitality of products. The so-called "tide" is bound to have an iterative cycle and constantly innovate; classics, just can go through the cycle and be left by time. Therefore, the classic cultural core is more stable and more suitable for long-term development.

In this context, the continuous breaking of the circle and the prominence of the Geely Chinese Star are the embodiment of the vitality of classic culture. According to the latest data released by the Association of Automobile Manufacturers, geely automobiles will sell a total of 1.328 million units in 2021, not only winning the annual sales champion of Chinese brand passenger cars for five consecutive years, but also squeezing SAIC Volkswagen out of the top three, second only to FAW-Volkswagen and SAIC-GM, the two global auto giants, and is a well-deserved leader of Chinese brands.

Among them, the "China Star" high-end series models with the spirit of "dare to act" and the posture of The inheritors of Chinese culture have broken the boundary between autonomy and joint ventures with high value, broken through the barriers of technical shackles, and become the mainstream choice of high value.

A touch of green, accompanied by the Chinese star shining in China, communion in the rise of national self-confidence

Historian Mr. Xu Zhuoyun once wrote at the beginning of "Ancient Rivers": "In the long river of Chinese culture and history for thousands of years, what I have seen is very limited. Just as Nagisa looks at the river, sometimes you see the waves, sometimes you see the gentle flow of the flat river, after all, it is only a fragment of a moment and a place. The flow of Chinese culture from the source, the Yangtze River all the way to the tributary rivers to collect the water of the tributary rivers, but also accepted the many components brought by these rivers, and finally converged into a torrent, rushing to the sea - this sea, that is, the world culture created by human beings all over the world. ”

Chinese civilization actually contains values common to all mankind. At a time when the world environment is changing rapidly, geopolitical struggles, and great powers are competing against each other, whether Chinese and Chinese brands, as the sole inheritors of thousands of years of civilization, can tap and gather their power, gather into a mighty river, and rush to the sea of stars, perhaps has a deeper significance for human society.

And we, not only as witnesses to this historic moment, but also as our promoters. Brilliant galaxy, with glory.



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