
A woman who doesn't know the egg is equivalent to not knowing anything about herself!

The story of the egg

The story of the egg is the most important thing that everyone needs to know in the chapter on the ovaries. If the most core organ that affects a woman is the ovaries, then it is the egg that determines the most core function of the ovaries. As a woman, if you don't know eggs, that's tantamount to knowing nothing about yourself.

The core of ovarian function is because of the presence of eggs. If there are no eggs in the ovaries, then the existence of the ovaries has no meaning, and the ovaries should basically withdraw from the stage of history, which is equivalent to the state of menopause.

Regarding eggs, we need to understand several concepts: oocytes, primary oocytes, secondary oocytes, egg cells. These claims are all forms of existence of eggs.

Oocytes can be understood as progenitors and are the original form of eggs. One oocyte can undergo mitosis to form two oocytes. Oocytes exist only during the fetal period and are no longer present after birth.

During the division process, the egg protocellular cells enter the 4-ply state and then rest and no longer continue to be mitosis, which forms primary oocytes.

The primary oocyte is an egg cell in the 4-fold state, which is stationary and does not have the ability to divide 1 into 2 by mitosis, and it will remain dormant until the moment before ovulation, and will not enter the meiosis stage. After the first meiosis, the primary oocytes excrete a first polar body, forming secondary oocytes.

Secondary oocytes are formed before ovulation, so our ovulation is actually a secondary oocyte that is ovulated.

Egg cells, which are produced in the fallopian tubes by secondary oocytes before fertilization, are haploid cells formed by secondary oocytes after a second meiosis and discharge a second polar body. When it is combined with sperm, it forms a fertilized egg.

Therefore, the eggs stored in the ovaries are actually primary oocytes.

Here's a very important piece of information, knock on the chalkboard, scratch the point!

From the moment of birth, the eggs in a woman's ovaries become a non-renewable resource, which is stored there in the form of primary oocytes. Not only that, but its number will also fall at a cliff-like rate.

The peak of a woman's egg reserve is during the fetal period, about 20 weeks of pregnancy, and the total is about 7 million. Because there are also egg protocells at this stage, it is possible to increase the number of eggs. But soon, the egg protocells withdrew from the stage of history, and the number of eggs gradually began its cliff-like decline. By birth, the egg reserve had dropped to about 2 million. During puberty, when the first menstruation begins, the egg reserve is only about 200,000 to 300,000. After that, a batch of eggs will be collected every month to compete to develop into follicles, and a batch will also die of atresia. At the call of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, a batch of follicles develops in a woman's ovaries every month, but eventually only one egg ovulates, and other backward eggs are forced to lock up. This rate of decline can be maintained until about 49.5 years old, the egg reserve in the ovaries is exhausted, and from then on menopause, no matter how the hypothalamic-pituitary gland makes the call, the ovaries are always dead, and there is no more follicle development. Women can lay eggs about 400 times in their lifetime.

Only by understanding the history of eggs can you understand the key factors about female fertility.

There are two iron laws regarding female fertility:

First, the younger the egg, the better;

Second, the more eggs the better!

The average quality of your ovulation at the age of 18 is certainly higher than that of the ovulation at the age of 28. If you have 10 eggs developing at the same time, competing for ovulation will definitely have a higher probability of ovulation than women who only have two or three eggs developing competitive ovulation at the same time.

The number of eggs competing for development each month is positively correlated with the total number of egg reserves in the ovaries, and the more abundant the total number of egg reserves in the ovaries, the more egg bases that can be recruited to compete for development, and vice versa.

Before doing IVF, ovulation induction will be done, and the principle is to stimulate the eggs that compete for development, and at the same time ovulate, do not let the eggs be wasted. We will find that the younger the woman, the more eggs can be obtained by stimulating ovulation, and it is difficult for women over 40 years old to excite a large number of eggs.

Knowing the truth of the appeal, you will no longer listen to the various claims on the Internet about the optimal age for childbearing.

According to the growth law of eggs, for you of childbearing age, for you at this moment, looking forward, your best childbearing age has been missed, looking back, this moment is your best reproductive age. If you are still looking forward to your optimal childbearing age, please give up this idea, look forward to it for too long, afraid that what awaits you will be endless disappointment and even despair.

The difference between eggs and sperm

An egg is a complete cell containing all organelles and a rich cytoplasm, as well as a haploid nucleus. The size of the egg is very large, significantly larger than other normal tissue cells in the human body, and even reaches a volume visible to the naked eye. There are two sets of DNA inside an egg cell, a set of nucleus DNA and a set of mitochondrial DNA. The egg does not contain the Y chromosome, and its nucleus has a karyotype of 23,x.

The sperm, not a complete cell, has a head containing a haploid nucleus, and a tail that can swim. The sperm is very small, smaller than normal cells, and some complex organelles such as the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi are discarded. Although sperm also have mitochondria, they are only used to maintain their motor function and are not involved in the fertilization process. So the mitochondria and other organelles in the fertilized egg all come from the mother. The karyotype of the sperm can be 23, x or 23, y.

In terms of contribution to the formation of the next generation, the contribution of the egg is actually much greater than that of the sperm. Because the responsibility is large and the task is heavy, the risks taken are correspondingly greater. This is also an important reason why women's reproductive age is much shorter than men's.

I am Dr. Guo of gynecological tumors, pay attention to me and I don't get lost!

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