
Epidemic counterattack, kindergarten epidemic prevention and control to parents! Remember the "three-piece set" and "six more"!

Epidemic counterattack, kindergarten epidemic prevention and control to parents! Remember the "three-piece set" and "six more"!

Kindergarten epidemic prevention letter to parents

Dear Parents and Friends,

The current epidemic prevention and control situation is still severe and complex, and the epidemic situation distributed in many parts of the country has sounded an alarm bell for all of us! As a key place for epidemic prevention and control, kindergartens must not slacken their epidemic prevention measures! In order to jointly maintain the health and safety of you and your children, please be the first person responsible for your health, adhere to the "three-piece set of epidemic prevention", keep in mind the "six protection requirements", and jointly build a strong defense line for epidemic prevention and control.

Epidemic counterattack, kindergarten epidemic prevention and control to parents! Remember the "three-piece set" and "six more"!

Epidemic prevention "three-piece set"

Wear masks scientifically

Practice social distancing

Pay attention to personal hygiene

Epidemic counterattack, kindergarten epidemic prevention and control to parents! Remember the "three-piece set" and "six more"!

Remember the "six also wants" of protection

Masks should continue to be worn

Social distancing is still to be done

Cough and sneezing should also be covered

Wash your hands frequently

Doors and windows should also be opened frequently

Vaccines should also be given in a timely manner

Epidemic counterattack, kindergarten epidemic prevention and control to parents! Remember the "three-piece set" and "six more"!

Campus Prevention and Control Guidelines


Cooperate with the mapping work

Actively cooperate with kindergarten and class teachers to do a good job in body temperature detection, travel reporting, data statistics and other related work, and do a good job in epidemic prevention and control in an all-round way. Parents are not allowed to enter the park when picking up and dropping off their children, and maintain a safe distance of one meter.


Adhere to health monitoring

Do a good job of daily health monitoring of family members, such as fever, cough, diarrhea, fatigue, loss of smell and other symptoms, please wear a mask to the fever clinic in time and report to the class teacher at the first time, try to avoid taking public transportation during the treatment.


Actively vaccinate against COVID-19

For the sake of children's personal health, parents are requested to take their children to complete the new crown virus vaccination in strict accordance with the immunization procedure and in turn on time.


Do not travel to medium- and high-risk areas

Do not gather and reduce non-essential travel. During holidays and weekends, try not to go out, and avoid traveling abroad or key areas of the epidemic in China. If you really need to travel far, please understand the risk level and epidemic prevention requirements of the destination in advance, take the initiative to make a record of the itinerary, and do a good job of personal protection throughout the process, and submit the nucleic acid test report when you return.


Adhere to normalized epidemic prevention and control measures

Try not to go to crowded places where the air does not circulate. Consciously abide by epidemic prevention measures, and cooperate with wearing masks and measuring temperature in public places such as shopping malls, restaurants, hotels, movie theaters, stadiums, buses, and so on.


Insist on wearing a mask and washing your hands frequently

Practice a healthy lifestyle. Wash your hands frequently, ventilate frequently, wear a mask, and maintain "one meter line" social distancing. Pay attention to a reasonable diet, maintain an optimistic attitude, ensure adequate sleep, moderate physical exercise, improve immunity, and prevent respiratory infectious diseases.

Home prevention and control guidelines

Strengthen exercise to enhance physical fitness

Parents can often take children to shoot balls, jump rope, running and other sports to cultivate children's physical coordination and flexibility, and enhance children's physical fitness. Daily exercise promotes blood circulation in the body, enhances cardiopulmonary function, improves the body's immune function, and enhances antiviral ability.

Care for the body and mind, soothe the emotions

Parents can choose the appropriate way to inform the virus and the epidemic simply and clearly according to the age and acceptance of the child. Through words and deeds, children are taught how to protect themselves, so that children can simply and clearly understand the epidemic situation correctly, and alleviate their panic, anxiety and other emotions.

Parent-child companionship, cultivate ability

Parents accompany young children to read books, tell stories, do games, etc., establish a harmonious parent-child relationship, better understand children's thoughts, increase children's insights, develop good learning habits, and have an interest in science. Guide the order and method of getting dressed and undressed in small classes, and middle and large class children can learn to make beds, clean and other things within their ability.

Reasonable work and rest, regular diet

Affected by the epidemic, children's time at home has increased. Parents are also asked to arrange their children's work and rest time reasonably, avoid watching TV and playing mobile phones for a long time, and guide their children to do some activities beneficial to physical and mental health such as drawing, paper cutting, and reading at home. Cultivate good eating habits in young children, so that they are not picky eaters, do not overeat, eat less snacks, eat less fried foods and sugary drinks, and avoid indigestion. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables and don't eat unclean foods.

Home communication, health management

Do a good job of self-health management of young children, adhere to the morning, noon and evening body temperature detection and record. If there is fever, fatigue, cough and other symptoms, go to the regular hospital in time and report it. During the stay-at-home period, strengthen communication between homes, if parents receive information about centralized isolation or home isolation, please report to the community and inform the class teacher.

The "Seven Steps Handwashing Method" teaching video that children must learn, the video source XiaokangXuan Kindergarten Teacher took a picture of the show submission,

Author: Miao Xinyao, a healthy kindergarten in Jincheng City, Shanxi Province

Epidemic prevention and control is no small matter, and it is prudently implemented as always.

Dear parents, this epidemic has not really passed, please be responsible for yourself, responsible for others, responsible for the family, responsible for the kindergarten, responsible for the society, avoid paralyzing thoughts, fluke psychology, special period, your understanding and cooperation is the greatest contribution to the prevention and control of the epidemic in kindergartens.

Epidemic prevention and control is everyone's responsibility.

Each of us should start from ourselves, actively implement and implement epidemic prevention and control measures, maintain good hygiene habits, enhance personal protection awareness, and improve personal protection capabilities. Let us unite as one, take scientific precautions, implement precise policies, overcome difficulties together, and create a safer and warmer environment for children to grow up!

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