
An important realization of human nature after the age of 30


Many strange ideas are still popular in reality. For example, for a time, there was a lot of noise about whether to install air conditioning in college dormitories. It was actually a few years ago. Electricity, installation, equipment and even circuit layout are not a problem, but a faction that thinks that college students blow air conditioning is not too comfortable, how to become a pillar without suffering? Eat bitterly, and be a strange value for people.


Before, a fortune teller said that I would be trapped by love in the past few years, I always thought it was love, and now I understand that it is the epidemic.


Most men receive flowers for the first time at the grave. The people who received the flowers were also from the city, and my grandfather had never received them until now.


Yesterday the plane next to a doctor, tell me that he was first arrested to watch the operation, when he entered the door has begun to suture, he is happily thinking that the operation is basically over, there is not much blood, just see the attending doctor pick up the internal organs, a brain poured into the abdominal cavity, he legs are weak almost did not stand and fainted before trembling asked a sentence "The intestines do not need to be sorted out in the put in", the attending doctor held the remaining one in his hand and glanced at him with the corner of his eye: "No, they will return to their original positions, how, The body is magical, right? ”


The biggest positive for the night before was the re-reconciliation of Sino-US relations. It's a huge turn. The capital market represents the attitude of the elite group, when we turn to Russia, we are short 10 trillion yuan, when we turn back, the instant straight up, we want to be with the civilized group.


My important understanding of human nature after the age of 30 is that unless the other party clearly opens my mouth, I try to restrain myself from taking the initiative to give advice and help to the other party for three reasons:

Self-preservation: It is often not the hunter who is bitten the most often, but the veterinarian.

Self-esteem: Unsolicited help often hurts each other's self-esteem.

Self-help: You can't wake up the person who pretends to be asleep, the other party does not intend to change, and no matter how much effort you make, it is not interesting to ask for yourself. No matter how much you help, the other party will not thank you.

I don't want everyone to be cold-blooded, I just want to remind, "If you want to do good things, you must first have a strategy!" Before I was 30 years old, I didn't know this truth, and I suffered a lot of secret losses and inadvertently offended many people. Most people don't need help from others, they just need an outlet for emotional vents, and it is far more practical to accompany them to a meal and chat to comfort their mood, which is far more practical than giving help and advice.


Qibao said that there was a season, Professor Xue Zhaofeng said: do difficult work, talk about easy love. Work is difficult to do, you are more likely to achieve, then you will be in love more and more easy to talk about. And feelings are difficult to deal with, which is bound to affect the work, and will only get worse and worse.

That's it. Life is already very difficult, talk about love do not find a hard model. Work and love, can not boil frogs in warm water, get by. The former will make you feel anxious about nothing at a certain age, and the latter will make you exhausted and regretful.

Professor Liu Qing said: People's hearts are sinister and the world is uncertain. Do what you have to do and don't be too idealistic.

Make a living first, then love. Don't be too greedy, it's hard to have it both ways.

Do hard work and fall in love easily. This statement is the truth, but many people have done the opposite. Play up a top two, spend money on men without blinking, go to the major bloggers to submit articles when there is a problem, and feel that the world is not worth it when there is a little problem at work. How can this progress be made? The brain must be clear. Careers and feelings can complement each other.


When I first went to Northern Europe a few years ago, I was surprised by the grandfather who was alone with a baby on the street here, the tall woman like a mountain, the disabled who drove around in a small car, the swan wild duck who swung across the road, the child sleeping alone in the stroller in front of the restaurant, the sex education that began in kindergarten... At that time, when I first came out of the depression, I could not understand that this was what human civilization looked like.


The most fucked education is probably the Chinese parent. Educating children does not lie, but parents mainly live by lying. Later, it was found that when the child grew up to be like his parents, he still taught the child not to lie, and as a result, the parents intensified, but they were all a lie. Now, lying has become a gene, open your mouth to be blind, lie and fart, and people who are familiar with it dare to be blind. You have to familiarize yourself with a concept, there is no truth.


The ultimate reason for life is self-actualization. Because life is ultimately someone's own, all experiences and feelings belong only to the self. One proof of this argument is that when you have a toothache, no one else can share your pain, and when you are so happy in your heart, no one else can truly share your happiness (except for the one who has become one with you in soul). Although existence is ultimately empty, the emotions and experiences that man feels when he exists are real. And the pursuit of happy feelings and self-realization is the ultimate reason for life.

An important realization of human nature after the age of 30
An important realization of human nature after the age of 30
An important realization of human nature after the age of 30
An important realization of human nature after the age of 30
An important realization of human nature after the age of 30
An important realization of human nature after the age of 30
An important realization of human nature after the age of 30
An important realization of human nature after the age of 30

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