
What is a light diet?

Clinicians often tell patients to pay attention to a light diet.

For a light diet, many friends with liver disease have a big misunderstanding about this concept. Think of a light diet as eating vegetables or not eating meat.

This is not advisable for patients with liver disease.

If you do not eat meat for a long time, you are prone to hypoproteinemia and induce ascites.

So what exactly does a light diet really mean?

What is a light diet?

First of all, while ensuring food diversification, pay attention to less oil, less salt, less sugar, such a "one more three less" is the correct light diet.

1. Food diversification

No one food can provide all the nutrients needed by the human body, so a light diet should also be diversified, the staple food should be coarse and thin, and the side food should be meat and vegetarian, so as to ensure the provision of comprehensive and sufficient nutrition for the body.

2. Less oil

The daily intake of cooking oil is controlled at 25 grams to 30 grams. Prefer a variety of vegetable oils, such as peanut oil, olive oil, tea oil, etc., it is recommended to eat frequently.

3. Less salt

Adults should not take more than 6 grams of salt per day, paying special attention to invisible salts, such as soy sauce, chicken essence, pickles, salted fish, salted eggs and other high-salt/pickled foods. Try to choose fresh, raw ingredients.

What is a light diet?

4. Less sugar

The daily intake of added sugars should be controlled to less than 50 grams, preferably no more than 25 grams. Common added sugars in daily life are white sugar, cotton sugar, rock sugar, brown sugar and so on.

5. Avoid spicy

Although spicy food can promote appetite, it also has a strong stimulating effect on the mouth and gastrointestinal tract, easily damaging the mucosa of the digestive tract, increasing the burden on the gastrointestinal tract, causing serious problems such as mouth ulcers, constipation, and gastrointestinal tract.

6. Reasonable cooking methods

It is appropriate to choose steaming, boiling, stewing, stewing and other methods to cook food, avoid fried and fried food, greasy food is difficult to digest, which will increase the burden of gastrointestinal digestion.

What is a light diet?

Here, we must pay attention to avoid these few misunderstandings.

1. A light diet is not the same as a diet!

What you may not know is that excessive dieting is also a cause of fatty liver. When people are in a state of hunger for a long time, the body is not enough glucose, the body will promote the conversion of fat and protein stored in the body into glucose. The liver is the biggest transit point for this transformation process, which causes a large amount of fatty acids to enter the liver. At the same time, excessive dieting will cause insufficient lipoproteins and other nutrients required by the body, resulting in a decrease in the metabolic function of the liver to fat, resulting in the formation of fatty liver.

2. A light diet does not equal a vegetarian diet!

Vegetarianism can lead to too little fat intake, causing a large amount of body fat to decompose, which will aggravate fatty liver. At the same time, vegetarian food will lead to insufficient protein intake, the human body is difficult to synthesize enough lipoproteins, and lipoproteins are important substances for fat degradation in the liver, so it will make the disease worse.

What is a light diet?

3. A light diet is a diet with suitable energy and reasonable combination

A light diet should also be premised on a balanced diet, and food diversification is the basic principle of a balanced diet.

For example, vegetarians do not eat meat, but should also consume enough protein through plant foods, such as soybeans and nuts; otherwise, they are prone to protein malnutrition and cause a decrease in immune function.

The Dietary Guidelines recommend that a one-day diet include 5 major types of food: cereals and potatoes, vegetables and fruits, livestock, poultry, fish and eggs, soy nuts and milk, and oil and salt.

4. Boiling water does not equal lightness.

Excessive fat intake can cause obesity, cardiovascular disease, etc., so the dietary guidelines recommend that the intake of cooking oil per person per day should be controlled at 25-30 grams, that is, 2-3 spoons of old-fashioned enamel soup used at home.

Isn't it possible to reduce a lot of fat by boiling it? yes. But some foods themselves contain a lot of fat, don't be fooled by these "invisible oils"! For example, boiled peanuts and nut foods generally contain a lot of oil, and patients with liver disease should also pay attention to the right amount when eating nuts.

What is a light diet?

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