
1~36 months baby development training, super detailed! It is recommended that parents collect it and practice with their baby

Parents are the closest people to their children

Also the best teacher for children

If Mom and Dad are willing to take some time

Accompany your baby as he grows

It couldn't be better for a baby!

1~36 months baby development training, super detailed! It is recommended that parents collect it and practice with their baby

1 to 3 months of baby development exercises

Big moves

● Tilt your head up

Mom can tease in front of some colorful toys with a loud sound, so that the baby can practice looking up on his own.

● Head upright

Mom holds the baby up several times a day and lets the baby practice putting his head up.

● Turn over

At about 3 months old, the baby will start to practice turning over, and when the baby is lying prone, the mother can use toys to tease the baby on both sides of the baby and train the baby to turn over.

Cognitive abilities

● Vision

When the baby is lying flat, you can hang some colorful balls, bells, rings, or some sounding toys at a height of 20 or 30 cm above the baby's head. For babies who are more than 2 months old, the eyeballs will follow the moving object to rotate, so the mother can use two toys to train the baby's visual transfer, let the baby look at a toy first, and then take out another toy, so that the baby's gaze shifts from one object to another. Alternatively, you can take a toy and slowly rotate it above your baby's eyes to let your baby's gaze follow the toy's movements.

Note: Many parents are accustomed to hanging a gadget in the baby's crib or stroller to attract the baby's attention. But in the long run, the baby has been looking at one place, which is easy to cause eye contact. So, just hang up the gadgets while you're training, or change the position of things after a while. Avoid your baby staring at a place for long periods of time.

● Hearing

When the baby is lying down, the mother can talk on the left and right sides of the baby, or play some soft music, so that the baby can find the sound source and train the baby's hearing.

● Haptics

When the baby is awake, the mother breaks open the baby's clenched small fist, gently touches the baby's small hand with the thumb, nudges the palm as the center, and often pulls the baby's thumb out of the clenched small fist. When the baby reaches two or three months, the mother should put toys of different materials such as bean balls and plastic toys into the baby's hands, so that the baby can contact different objects and train the baby's sense of touch.

Language proficiency

From the moment the baby is born, the mother should use various opportunities to talk to the baby, providing a rich language environment for the baby, which is conducive to the development of the baby's language.

When the baby makes some "uh-huh", "ah", "oh" sounds, the mother should encourage the baby in time, hold the baby, or kiss the baby.

The baby will laugh at 3 months, and the mother can make the baby laugh more when the baby is in a good mood, so that the baby can feel a variety of sounds and intonations, and promote the baby's language development. Moreover, some opinions believe that the more you laugh, the smarter your baby is. So, moms, always make your baby laugh.

Social behavioral capacity

Mothers should understand the baby's living habits and develop the habit of eating, drinking and sleeping on time. In addition, the mother should also have some emotional communication with the baby, such as looking at the baby softly when feeding, and communicating with the baby lovingly.

3 months old babies have shown initial social communication skills, they are particularly interested in the mother's voice and face, so the mother should often kiss the baby, hug the baby, establish a good parent-child relationship, so that the baby will smile at more people and be willing to interact with more people.

Developmental exercises for babies aged 4 to 6 months

● Prone support

Train your baby to support the upper part of the body (mainly the head and chest) with two hands, and the mother can first let the baby lie on his stomach, and then use colored toys or toys that will occur to shake on the top of the baby's head, so that the baby can support the body with his arms and lift his head. As your baby's age increases, your baby will gradually use one hand to support his body and the other hand to free up enough toys.

● Sit

The 4-month-old baby can be trained to sit, the specific method is to let the baby lie flat, the mother stretches out her fingers, let the baby hold his fingers, gently pull, pull the baby's head and shoulders up, and then let the baby lie flat, repeated several times. If you find that your baby can't keep his head straight, the mother will have to practice this position again after a while.

When the baby is 5 months old, you can practice sitting back, let the baby sit on the sofa, 2-3 times a day, and then gradually reduce the support of the cushions, so that the baby can learn to sit alone.

Note: Because your baby's bones are still growing and developing, you should not let your baby sit for a long time. Be sure to remember to let the baby combine work and leisure

Fine movements

Babies around 4 months old, with the development of the nervous system, fine movements are also developing, especially the hands, therefore, the mother should also pay attention to exercising the baby's fine movements at this time.

When the baby is 4 months old, the mother can hold the baby and dance, cultivate the baby's sense of rhythm, 2-3 times a day. It is recommended to put some music on it.

At the same time, you can put some toys around the baby and let the baby try to get it on his own. In addition, you can also prepare some toys of different sizes, let the baby grasp, and train the baby's hand-eye coordination ability and grasping ability.

Recommended Toys:

Rattles, rattles. These toys allow your baby to learn different movements during play, such as shaking, grabbing, holding, etc.

When the baby is about 6 months old, the body is already very flexible, so at this time, the mother or the father with great strength should often lift the baby up, let the baby practice leg pedaling, and exercise the baby's leg muscles.

Mothers should teach the baby to recognize the things around them anytime and anywhere, so that the baby's language development will be very rapid.

The mother should face the baby when talking to the baby, so that the baby can clearly see the mother's mouth shape and expression, so as to exercise the baby to adapt to the mother's expression changes.

Mothers should hold the baby and look in the mirror more, let the baby know themselves in the mirror, and promote the development of the baby's host-object consciousness. You can play hide-and-seek with your baby to cultivate your baby's reflexes.

Developmental exercises for babies from 7 to 10 months

● Sit alone

To train the baby's ability to sit alone, the mother can put the baby on the stool, let the baby's legs land on the ground, support the baby's thighs with her hands, do not support the baby's back, and then slowly spread her hands to let the baby master the balance. In addition, you can also put some toys around the baby, let the baby turn his head to find the toys around, and train the baby's flexibility.

● Climb

Crawling is a sign of your baby's motor development, and you can move your body by crawling to expand your field of vision. Moms can use toys to attract their babies and make them climb forward. Some babies shrink back when they first start learning to crawl, and at this time, the mother can put her hands on the baby's feet to make the baby move forward.

● Station

The mother can help the baby to learn to stand, and when practicing, let the baby's legs be separated, but not for too long, one to two minutes at a time. Practice three to five times a day.

Train your baby to pinch things with your thumb and forefinger to exercise the flexibility of your baby's fingers, such as letting your baby pinch beans or beads, but the mother must be on the side to avoid stuffing the baby into the mouth.

Mothers can teach the baby to play the game of clapping, let the baby shoot each other with both hands, train the baby's coordination ability, in addition, the mother can prepare a few more toys, and hand them to the baby at the same time, so that the baby learns to hand the toy in one hand to the other hand.

Mothers should also deliberately exercise actions such as picking up and putting down the baby. You can train your baby to drink water by holding the bottle by himself, and cooperate with his mother to put on and undress.

Drums that can be beaten. Exercise your baby's coordination when you pat it with both hands.

Use pictures to cultivate the baby's observation ability, show the baby more color pictures, and tell the baby the content of the picture. Mothers should also take their babies to different environments to expand their vision.

You can also buy picture books suitable for small babies, so that the baby can read them while telling them to the baby.

Listen to a piece of music for your baby every day, so that your baby can feel different melodies, rhythms, etc. The mother should also encourage the baby to shoot a variety of different toys with his hands so that he can distinguish between different sounds.

About 10 months of baby has been able to send "dad, mom, grandpa, grandma" and other overlapping words, so the mother should consciously strengthen the training, once the baby makes these sounds, the mother should praise the baby, kiss the baby, so that the baby is more willing to open the mouth to pronounce, is conducive to the development of language.

For babies of about 10 months, the mother should ask the baby to sing nursery rhymes, and the choice of nursery rhymes is best to have actions such as clapping hands and twisting waists, and the mother can teach the baby to do the action while singing.

At this stage, the baby can already distinguish between the people and strangers they are familiar with, so the mother should take the baby to contact strange people to avoid the baby being afraid of life. In addition, the mother should also teach the baby some polite words, such as goodbye, thank you, etc.

Continue to teach your baby to identify things like "Where's Daddy" and "Where's the Table?" "Wait, let the baby learn to look for and distinguish different objects."

Developmental exercises for babies from 11 to 14 months

Baby hold on to things and stand firm

Baby can walk

Baby will run

Baby enough with the help of a wooden stick

Baby unscrew the cap

Baby close the bottle cap

Baby build blocks, can build three blocks steadily

Baby eat with a spoon

Babies can turn over books

Language cognition

Babies will pronounce the sounds of dad, mom, grandpa, grandma, etc., and at the same time, babies will react when they hear their names called.

Social cognition

Babies smile at familiar people

When Mom leaves, the baby will cling to it

Babies are not afraid of strange children and people

The baby will do goodbye movements

Thinking cognition

Babies can identify at least three or more body parts

Baby hears the concert twisting its body with the melody

Babies will take off their hats and socks

Developmental exercises for babies from 15 to 18 months old

The baby's motor ability at this age has been improved to a certain extent, but the mother still insists on letting the baby strengthen the practice, take the baby to outdoor activities, and strengthen the baby's walking and running ability training.

Mom can take the baby to play on the slide, up and down the stairs, exercise the development of the baby's leg muscles. In addition, you can also play games such as throwing balls to exercise your baby's arm muscles.

Encourage your baby to play more hands-on games and exercise your baby's small muscles in his hand. For example, give the baby pen and paper, let the baby practice doodles, build blocks, and so on.

Teach your baby to recognize more than five kinds of graphics, look at pictures with your baby, and let your baby say the color, shape, etc. of the picture. Teach your baby to distinguish between clothes and pants.

For example: let the baby know the relationship between up and down, size, how much, length and so on, you can teach the baby by drawing, draw a long line, and a short line, let the baby compare the relationship between the two lines.

Let the baby know more than five colors, and teach the baby to distinguish different colors at any time in life.

When the baby is asked how old he is, what his name is, boy or girl, he can answer it. Can communicate with the mother in simple language; can recite more than three nursery rhymes or nursery rhymes; can count to more than 5; can imitate the sounds of several animals.

Developmental exercises for babies from 19 to 24 months

This month-old baby can walk freely, squat, throw purposefully, kick balls with his feet, support railings up and down stairs, and slide down slides on his own. Mothers can use toys to train their baby to walk, bend over, squat down, and a series of big moves.

For example, you can let the baby pick up the toys on the ground and put them in the original position, or you can play a game of balls with the baby.

This month-old baby's hand movements are more flexible, he can draw freely with his own pen, even draw straight lines, can pinch things with his thumb and index finger, can wear beads, can build 4-8 blocks, will take a spoon to eat, and will wear and undress by himself.

The baby's language skills have made substantial progress, and the vocabulary has been enriched, from nouns and verbs to adjectives and adverbs, and to start speaking phrases and some simple sentences. Mothers can use the bits and pieces of life to train the baby's language expression ability, such as seeing a thing, you can ask the baby "what is this", "what is it for", and so on.

When the mother tells the baby a story, try to use short sentences, plus rich expressions and tones, to attract the baby's attention, and a story to be repeated several times.

● Attention

At this stage, the baby can concentrate on watching TV, watching pictures, reading nursery rhymes, listening to stories, etc., but the attention is generally maintained at about 10 minutes.

● Observation

Mothers should pay attention to training the baby's ability to distinguish between shape, color, size, how much, etc., such as taking two apples and letting the baby judge which one is large and which is small.

● Memory

At this stage, the baby's memory is in the unconscious memory, and the conscious memory is very short. Moms can train their baby's memory by playing hide-and-seek games, such as taking a toy, showing it to the baby first, and then hiding it for the baby to find.

Social skills

When guests come to the house, the mother should teach the baby to learn polite words, such as "hello", "thank you", "goodbye" and so on.

Mothers should also encourage babies to play with their friends, take the initiative to give their toys to other children to play, so that babies can learn to share.

Developmental exercises for babies from 25 to 30 months

The baby is already walking very steadily, walking obliquely, walking backwards, a high and a low walk, in addition, the baby can also squat freely, stand up, no longer need to use the strength of the hand.

This month-old baby can also run freely, but often because of too much speed, and can not grasp the inertia of the body, will suddenly fall forward, but the mother is best not to stop the baby, falling with the head is a necessary stage of life.

The baby can already throw the ball 100 cm away, this time the baby's arm strength has made great progress, and the balance has also developed greatly, and you can also stand on a high stool and take a few steps forward.

Babies will put on and take off simple clothes and will also zipper. Mothers should teach their babies to learn simple paintings, and they can draw straight lines and horizontal lines. At this time, prepare a set of plasticine toys for the baby, let the baby rub, rub, dough, etc., to train the baby's finger flexibility. Also teach your baby simple handmade origami.

Mother to teach the baby to master the use of quantifiers, the baby will often say "give me a flower", the mother neither laughs at the baby nor deliberately makes a mistake in order to tease the baby, but to patiently teach the baby the correct number of collocation.

At this stage, babies can express their feelings and describe their feelings in words. Be able to understand the story, master some of the vocabulary in the story, and be able to repeat the main content of the story.

Families with conditions can begin to expose their babies to English, such as watching some English cartoons, listening to some English nursery rhymes, or directly teaching their children English words and phrases.

Social cognitive skills

Babies like to listen to a story and read a book over and over again, so the mother wants a story to tell many times. With the help of his mother, your baby will recognize some simple Chinese characters and English words.

Babies have the ability to associate, they will connect different things, such as seeing a curve, they will say that it is water. Mothers should not interfere with the baby's imagination, and should create conditions as much as possible to cultivate the baby's imagination.

Babies at this age like to play with children to develop their social communication skills, so the mother should take the baby to play with the children often, and when the baby plays with the children, the mother should not interfere with the baby and let him solve the problem by himself.

Moms often play role-playing games with their babies to create their babies' creative thinking, such as playing doctors and patient games. Through the play of game roles, you can enrich the baby's emotions, but also can promote the development of the baby's language and imagination.

Babies can understand concepts such as "as many", "same", "equal", can recognize and distinguish triangles, squares, and circles, and can count 1-6 points.

Developmental exercises for babies from 31 to 36 months

The baby's walking, running, jumping and other actions are basically coordinated, and the mother should take the baby to participate in cycling, climbing, balance beam, throwing, swimming and other activities to increase the difficulty of the activity and make the baby's activities more coordinated and more controlled.

Your baby can use a variety of techniques when fiddling with various objects.

Babies like to listen to stories, children's songs, like to ask questions, mothers should often communicate with the baby, to meet the baby's curiosity and curiosity; mothers should create a language environment, so that the baby masters simple daily language and some Chinese characters and English words, guide the baby to read simple children's books, picture books, etc.

Mothers should cultivate the baby's self-care ability in daily life, such as eating by themselves, putting on and undressing, going to the toilet, and preparing the baby for entering the kindergarten.

Mothers should provide opportunities for the baby to perform, let the baby experience the joy of success, encourage the baby more, and let the baby form an optimistic and cheerful, confident and lively personality; let the baby have more contact with society, expand the horizon, and enrich the baby's life experience. The baby can perceive the changes of the four seasons, the difference in the scenery, the mother should use nature to train the baby's observation, so that the baby understands the natural laws such as seasonal changes, climate change, and plant growth.

Babies can learn about tableware, toys and furniture, and about all kinds of transportation.

Babies can recognize several animals and can use appropriate words to describe the animal's habits and characteristics. Can identify the front and back upper and lower positions, can count the number within 5 points, and understand the geometry.

The content is very long, it is recommended that you collect more convenient!

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