
Good carb vs bad carb, choose the right to eat healthy, choose the wrong to eat fat!

Good carb vs bad carb, choose the right to eat healthy, choose the wrong to eat fat!

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Good carb vs bad carb, choose the right to eat healthy, choose the wrong to eat fat!


- What are the "good carbs"? What's the good?

— What are the "bad carbs"? What's the bad?

— Are rice and white bread "bad carbs"?

— What can be done to improve the quality of carb water?

Good carb vs bad carb, choose the right to eat healthy, choose the wrong to eat fat!

Carbohydrates are important to us and are one of the three major energy-supplying nutrients, and about 50%-65% of the energy the body needs to consume in a day is provided by carbohydrates.

Eating too much carb will be fat, but carb eating too little or not eating is also not enough, which will lead to insufficient blood sugar supply in the brain, easy to feel tired, emotional instability, reduced work efficiency, and may also have delayed menstruation and memory decline.

The diet of not eating carbs is easy to produce ketone bodies, affect blood lipids, and is difficult to adhere to, once it can not be held back to rebound quickly.

In fact, as long as you choose the right food and eating method, you can enjoy eating carbs while maintaining your figure and vitality ~ how to choose?

What are the "good carbs"?

The following are all high-quality carbohydrate sources:

丨 Whole grains (e.g. whole wheat bread, whole wheat flour, oats, barley, buckwheat, whole corn kernels)

丨New fried potatoes (potatoes, taro, yam, sweet potatoes)

丨Other high-starch vegetables (such as lotus, water chestnut, horseshoe, some varieties of pumpkin)

丨Cropping beans (such as red beans, mung beans, kidney beans, chickpeas)

丨 Most fruits

What's the good?

While providing carbohydrates, it also provides more vitamins, minerals and other beneficial ingredients

Dietary fiber is high and satiety is sufficient

Low blood glucose response

Mixed beans can also supplement some protein


Whole grains

Whole grains (all parts of the grain) have more protein, vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber than polished rice white noodles due to the retention of more of the nutrients of the paste layer and embryo, as well as some wholesome plant compounds.

Good carb vs bad carb, choose the right to eat healthy, choose the wrong to eat fat!


The carbohydrate content of cooked potatoes of the same quality is 20% to 40% lower than that of rice, but due to the high content of dietary fiber, the feeling of fullness under the same calories is stronger than that of rice, and it can also delay the rise of blood sugar. Potatoes can supplement the vitamin C that is scarce in refined rice noodles (do you know that the vitamin C content in potatoes and sweet potatoes actually exceeds fruits such as apples, pears, and peaches), B vitamins (2-4 times that of rice), potassium, β-carotene, etc.

Good carb vs bad carb, choose the right to eat healthy, choose the wrong to eat fat!

Miscellaneous beans

Mixed beans can supplement B vitamins and calcium, potassium, magnesium, it is more prominent feature is that it can also provide a lot of protein, and contains lysine lacking in cereal protein, so with cereals as a staple food, can improve the utilization of cereal protein. It also has a large amount of oligosaccharides and dietary fiber, and the blood sugar response is much lower than that of rice.

Pumpkin, lotus, water chestnut and other high-starch vegetables

Pumpkins are roughly divided into two kinds, those long "vegetable pumpkins" have more water content and low starch content, which is suitable for eating as a dish. But there is still a lot of starch in sweet glutinous pumpkins like Babe pumpkin, which is suitable as a staple food. The nutritional advantage of pumpkin is that potassium, carotene, and dietary fiber are abundant, but the blood sugar response of pumpkin is not low.

Lotus root and water chestnut are also high-starch vegetables, and there is a transparent brushing phenomenon when eaten, because it contains a large number of health-healthy polysaccharides, and polyphenol antioxidants and vitamin C are also relatively rich.

Good carb vs bad carb, choose the right to eat healthy, choose the wrong to eat fat!


Unlike the above starch-based foods, fruits contain a lot of fructose, glucose, etc., but considering that there is also dietary fiber in the fruit, the impact of eating in moderation on blood sugar is not particularly large.

Fruits are also rich in vitamins, plant compounds and other nutrients, which are very worth eating food, which can be classified as a good source of carbs, but must be limited (200-350g a day), especially high-sugar fruits such as jackfruit and figs are only occasionally eaten.

When you eat more fruit, you will eat less staple food, but the protein content in the fruit is extremely low (grains also contain about 10% protein, but fruits are less than 1%), which can not completely replace the staple food.

What are the "bad carbs"?

The following are low-quality carbohydrate sources:



Other processed foods containing added sugars

Sugary drinks and juices

Fried potatoes


What's the bad?

Most of them are deficient in nutrients and can hardly get energy

Poor satiety, easy to eat a lot, so that sugar and calories exceed the standard

High blood glucose response

It is easier to increase the risk of obesity and multiple chronic diseases

Good carb vs bad carb, choose the right to eat healthy, choose the wrong to eat fat!

These foods have almost no other nutrients except carbs, and they are "empty calorie foods". On the one hand, they are easy to eat due to their good taste, which may lead to excessive calorie intake, on the other hand, they can be quickly absorbed by the human body, which has a greater impact on blood sugar, and may also cause a large release of insulin and accelerate the accumulation of fat.

Good fruit is squeezed into juice, not only a large loss of vitamin C, but also concentrated sugar, a cup of easy drinking 4 or 5 apples, far beyond the limit.

Potatoes are healthier to eat when cooked, but if you fry them, the calories will skyrocket. In addition, we must also be vigilant about the desserts of the restaurant's mashed potatoes, which are likely to be seasoned with cream, condensed milk, honey and the like, which may not be healthy.

Are rice and white bread "bad carbs"?

It cannot be said that polished rice white noodles have their own value, the advantages are easy to digest, the price is low, and the burden on the body while replenishing energy is very small.

Good carb vs bad carb, choose the right to eat healthy, choose the wrong to eat fat!

For people with weak stomach, if the staple food is completely replaced by coarse grains, potatoes and beans, it will bring a series of discomforts such as bloating and abdominal pain, so it is still necessary to match the thickness and thinness, such as the general recommendation that the general population eat half of the whole grain.

In addition, when eating rice, you can reduce the blood sugar response by eating slowly or eating a few bites of vegetables and meat before eating rice.


First of all, we must quit the bad carbs mentioned above (if you can't quit it, try to eat as little as possible), and then you can spend some careful thoughts on the daily staple food.


If you like to eat rice, then use the rice cooker to put less than 1/3 of the rice, free up space into peeled and cut potatoes, pumpkin, or corn kernels, peas or whatever, and then follow the normal procedure to stew rice on the line, cooking porridge is also OK.

Good carb vs bad carb, choose the right to eat healthy, choose the wrong to eat fat!


If you use whole grains or red beans, mung beans, chickpeas, etc., you may need to soak them in advance. Now there is a rice cooker that can be timed, put the beans and rice well before going out in the morning, add the right amount of cold water to it, cover the lid, and cook it regularly to the first 1-1.5 hours before the time of coming home from work, and when you get home, it has been cooked, and you can eat it when you open it.


If you are too lazy to match it yourself, you can also buy ready-made mixed porridge rice, such as small packages of "Mung Bean Lotus Lily Porridge Rice", "Red Bean Barley Eight Treasures Porridge Rice", one small bag at a time, according to the packaging instructions to add the right amount of water to boil, very convenient.


If you like to eat noodles, you can add some beans to the brine, and the noodles should be less brine and more, but less salt.

You can also buy healthier noodles, such as soba noodles, pasta (the material is pure Duran wheat / durum wheat / semolina), oat noodles, miscellaneous bean noodles, etc., pay attention to the choice of semolina, soybean flour accounted for a high proportion, low sodium content.

Good carb vs bad carb, choose the right to eat healthy, choose the wrong to eat fat!


If you like to eat steamed buns, you can mix mashed potatoes or whole wheat flour and semolina flour in the washi noodle step. You can also buy ready-made ones, but be sure to check the ingredient list carefully and avoid buying those wheat flour + pigments passing off as coarse grain steamed buns.

What is your favorite staple food?

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