
Product reduction, the level of solution is uneven, SAIC Volkswagen really feels that there is more money?

According to sales statistics, Volkswagen's global sales in 2021 will be 8.882 million units, of which the domestic market has contributed 3.3048 million vehicles, accounting for 37.2% of the total share, which is definitely the group's largest single market. However, the enthusiasm and recognition of Chinese consumers for mass brands has made them arrogant and arrogant, and they are a bit overwhelmed.

Product reduction, the level of solution is uneven, SAIC Volkswagen really feels that there is more money?

In January this year, some media reported that SAIC Volkswagen Langyi models were suspected of being reduced. The thing is this, some car owners said that when they bought, they clearly advertised Langyi's car machine on the configuration list to support smart car union, and built-in Apple Carplay function, but the commercial car they bought did not have the above two functions, so the owner thought that what he bought was not the original car machine, but a third-party Android car machine. In the process of communicating with dealers, dealers have always said that this is the original car machine, and it has not been replaced later.

Product reduction, the level of solution is uneven, SAIC Volkswagen really feels that there is more money?

We can see from the list of complaints of the car quality network that Langyi ranked second in the number of complaints in the last month, of which there are dozens of complaints about the car machine system, and not only the 2021 model, even the 2022 model has not been spared, the model has been covered from the 1.5L self-priming version to the 1.4T model, that is to say, the Volkswagen Langyi's reduction is not divided into models, as long as it is this year, basically have to be recruited.

Product reduction, the level of solution is uneven, SAIC Volkswagen really feels that there is more money?

For the complaints on the website and the doubts of the owners, the statement given by the SAIC Volkswagen 4S store is surprisingly consistent, saying that "because of the lack of chips, it is not a quality problem", in addition to this, there is no second way to reply. It can be seen that SAIC Volkswagen has long anticipated this situation, so it has long passed on the corresponding statement to each sales store.

The lack of cores in automobiles has already affected the entire industry, and it does have a certain impact on the production capacity of individual parts of the car. Many car companies also said that they will reduce the allocation of some of these configurations, but they will also adjust the price of the car accordingly. No one wants to see the lack of cores, but what really makes the owner feel angry is that the car machine is reduced without being told, and the official website does not change the configuration list, which in turn causes misunderstandings to consumers, which is already naked sales fraud. If it is really because of the problem of chip supply, consumers should be informed in advance, rather than choosing another cheap car to match.

Product reduction, the level of solution is uneven, SAIC Volkswagen really feels that there is more money?

After two months, as the opinions of car owners have become larger and larger, the coverage has become more and more extensive, and dealers have also come up with some compensation plans. However, it is interesting that the admiration scheme given by each dealer is not the same, some are to solve the problem with two thousand yuan oil card, some are to send maintenance, and some are paid in cash, the amount ranges from 900-2500 yuan, how much money to take or depends on their own three inches of tongue. However, some lucky owners did get a new car, but the way they got it was also very strange, they were removed from an unsold commercial car.

Product reduction, the level of solution is uneven, SAIC Volkswagen really feels that there is more money?
Product reduction, the level of solution is uneven, SAIC Volkswagen really feels that there is more money?

Volkswagen's domestic allocation reduction behavior has already had a lot of "previous crimes", such as the first two years of the 2019 Passat in the 25% bias crash test of the China Insurance Research Institute knocked out the bottom of the list, the A column directly bent and broken, the air bag can not catch the dummy, refreshing the consumer's cognition of The Quality of the Ashkenazi. What's even more infuriating is that in the US IIHS test, the passat has received an "excellent" evaluation for the same project, which is not a clear distinction?

Product reduction, the level of solution is uneven, SAIC Volkswagen really feels that there is more money?

It is undeniable that Volkswagen has established a strong brand appeal in China with its preconceived advantages, and this force even overshadows any car brand on the market. However, from the perspective of what the Volkswagen Group has done in recent years, they have not responded to the trust of consumers with practical actions, but have used this as a capital to cut corners and constantly refresh the lower limit of quality, if the public continues like this, sooner or later it will be spurned by domestic consumers.

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