
Marriage is not a game, marriage needs to be managed – how I got out of a wrong marriage


The development of the feminist movement in the United States has made more and more women and men have little difference in social status and economic income.

In the end, they are not dependent on men materially, whether married or not, they can take good care of themselves, so they have the confidence to leave, even if they do not love, they can also take their own money and leave.

Marriage is not a game, marriage needs to be managed – how I got out of a wrong marriage

This article is dictated by Amanda.

Hello everyone, my name is Amanda, recently, I have some feelings: the road of life needs to be carefully considered and carefully examined, otherwise it will pay a heavy price for your carelessness.

I paid for my mistakes for a year.

I think quickly and decisively, I always think that I am young, even if I make a mistake in judgment, there is still a chance to turn the tables.

After graduating, I randomly chose a university to attend.

Luckily, I experienced one of the coolest times of my life. I made a lot of friends, I had a lot of free time and we had a really great time together.

Guess what we're doing most of the time? Hanging out, of course! We go on vacation, go to clubs, go to parties. The coolest thing is that I'm in love!

His name is Chris, he's in the same class as me, and he's a great guy. It was nice that he noticed me, he asked me out, and then we started dating and we were very compatible. He was attentive and considerate, and his mouth was sweet. His family was particularly wealthy. We often go to all kinds of interesting places and eat in high-end restaurants. He was my ideal dream lover, and he fulfilled all my fantasies about men.

We both thought we would love each other for the rest of our lives. A year later he proposed to me, and I immediately agreed. I cried with joy and said out loud, I would like to marry you!

We had a grand wedding and a long honeymoon together, and it was a pleasure to choose to marry him.

The first question we face is where to live after marriage. We wanted to live together, but we didn't have a salary and couldn't afford to buy a house.

Chris's parents brought us a wedding present, they paid for us for a year's rent and they wanted us to be more comfortable. In another year we graduated from college and were self-sufficient.

So we moved over and started the world of two.

Marriage is not a game, marriage needs to be managed – how I got out of a wrong marriage

After living together, our lives have become much quieter than before. I think we should spend more time studying so that we can find good jobs in the future. Of course I will miss the old days too, but we are now a legal couple. I have to think through our future. Unfortunately, my husband didn't think so. He still wants to hang out every day and live the way he used to live.

At first, everything was fine. Because I also love to play. Later I got a job, was particularly happy, gained financial independence, and even bought a car with a credit card. Now I spend half of my time studying at university and half of my time at work. It's hard, but I love life like this.

It turned out that my husband was slowly pushing me out of his life. At first he just complained that I didn't have his involvement a lot of the time in my life and he missed me so much. Then he started going to parties alone, and I couldn't spend all night out at parties because of my work and study.

Sometimes I make compromises and we go out together. Finally one day we had a fierce conflict. The cause was a girl named Clare, who was in the same class as us, and she was always hanging out with Chris. We were playing at the party and we were going to leave early because I had a class the next day. The two of us said goodbye to everyone, at which point she persuaded Chris not to go and played. She said the fun had only just begun, and Chris promised to stay, while I insisted on leaving. Clare said I was upset, and what was infuriating was that my husband had agreed with her.

I had a fight with Chris, who said he was tired of my always absent life, and that events like today were the only moments we could get together. I'm very unhappy, how childish his behavior is! He really should think about his future life like an adult!

Our relationship became strained. Later, after consultations, we agreed, at least that's what I think.

A few weeks later, I got into some trouble and my car broke down on the way from school to work. I was delayed for a long time, and I realized that I couldn't rush to work, so I called my boss and asked for leave. I left the car at the repair shop and went home.

When I got home, I saw scenes that I hadn't expected. Clothes scattered everywhere and sounds coming from the bedroom. I opened the door and saw both of them, Chris and Clare.

Marriage is not a game, marriage needs to be managed – how I got out of a wrong marriage

Oh my God, I've never shouted so loud, I've never said what I said that day, I beat the woman out of the house, I started arguing and fighting and screaming with my husband, you can make up for the scene yourself.

What made me even angrier was that Chris had no guilt, he betrayed me, and he wanted me to feel guilty. He said I didn't spend time with him and I changed too much during this time.

I would never forgive him, we talked about divorce. But there's a problem: I don't have a place to live, and I still have a car to pay off the loan, so I don't have the money to rent another house. So I decided to live here because this house was a wedding gift for both of us. He began to object, and later he agreed.

His parents liked me, and if I told his parents about things, he would definitely be punished. Neither of us wanted to get carried away, so we lived together in the house, but I moved to another room.

He certainly didn't want me to stay in the house. In order to get myself out of the troubles of life, I began to be busy with school study and work. When I'm at home taking breaks, he always turns the music to maximum, or goes on a date with Clare.

During this period, of course, there will also be undercurrents and quarrels. But the ending is similar, that is, if I don't like it, then leave. I endured his provocations. I got used to it and even felt that my life had improved.

But Chris broke that calm, clare moved in, perverted Clare, I hated her, she made me sick, she was so stupid. She always said things to me that made me angry, and they went from inadvertent provocations to active personal attacks. They stole my food, threw away my things, and they wanted to use this despicable means to force me out of this house. They not only insulted me at home, but also slandered me in front of my classmates and friends, so that I could not live in the house and had to move away.

Once I came home from work, and when I was almost home, I heard a loud music coming from the room. I opened the door and saw many people dancing and singing inside the house, and garbage and wine bottles were thrown everywhere.

Marriage is not a game, marriage needs to be managed – how I got out of a wrong marriage

Apparently, the two of them were having a party. I was so angry that I turned off the music and shouted at everyone that the party was over! Everyone had to leave right away, and everyone wasn't very happy at the time. Clare immediately began to stir up the flames, and she laughed at me and shouted at me, "Thank you bastard for ruining the party." Everyone in the room whistled at me... Apparently, Clare insulted me in this way, she wanted to provoke a fight between me and my friends, and my patience had been exhausted...

Things quickly took a turn for the better, as it was time for our final exams. I'm under a lot of pressure and a lot of challenges. Since my roommates are two perverts, I bring headphones when I review, and I spend a lot of time looking up materials and preparing for exams.

One day the information was no longer available, and I immediately realized that they had stolen it. Because he and I took the same exam. I immediately went to his room to look for him, and he wasn't there. I started searching every corner of the house, and then I found it. I had a stroke of genius and suddenly had a good idea, and I didn't get it back. Instead, I'm going to use it to tease Chris.

It took me a few hours to make a fake note and a wrong answer, and then I mixed up the fake and the real ones. I got my original study materials and left the fake ones to Chris.

The day before the exam, I packed my stuff and prepared to move out. This time, I was very happy to see Chris. He thought I was going to move away, so he cleaned up his room and quietly prepared for the exam.

It was exactly what I needed, and he didn't even notice my plan. For the past year, he has always played outside, attended countless parties, and has not studied at all.

The most important moment came and I was a little nervous, but my result was A. I took the exam seriously, and I did it perfectly.

Just like my plan, neither of them passed. It is estimated that they do not understand, why do they seriously review and fail the exam? Now they face a huge problem in their studies, and a bigger problem, which is how to face their parents.

I called Chris's dad and I told him what his son had done during the year. He was a very decent man, and he didn't want his son to behave like that.

I was so happy that I finally got out of the game and won it all!

I didn't waste anything, I did a great job in my studies and work. I left there painlessly. I paid off my car loan and saved some money, enough money to rent a comfortable little apartment for myself, and the monotony of life improved.

I have to plan my future life, and every decision in my future life must be seriously and carefully considered.

In the future, you must be careful not to make the same mistakes again.

If it is you, are you willing to spend some time to experience or enjoy life, but when you encounter difficulties, you can stop the loss in time, or kill a carbine and play a beautiful turnaround battle?

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