
Poor immunity Don't worry, these foods are related to immunity

author:Longevity extension

When it comes to strengthening immunity, many people feel that they have to eat nourishing nutrients. But in fact, "food supplements" is the simplest way to improve immunity, eat every meal well to avoid getting sick, because nutrition is an important factor in the body's immune function.

Eat right, immunity is good!

Poor immunity Don't worry, these foods are related to immunity

Food intake is a direct factor affecting the nutritional status and health level of the human body.

As early as the end of the 19th century, studies have found a correlation between the body's nutritional status and immune function. Many subsequent studies have also confirmed the role of dietary nutrients on the body's immunity by exploring the relationship between specific nutrients or foods and levels of plasma immune markers, or their effect on the risk of immune-related diseases.

According to experts from the Institute of Nutrition and Health of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, lack or insufficiency of nutrients can affect immune function, and supplementation can reverse the decline in immune function caused by nutrient deficiency to a certain extent.

What is the relationship between diet and immunity?

Poor immunity Don't worry, these foods are related to immunity

The human body has three "defensive walls" to resist external aggression:

01The first "line of defense"

Refers to our skin and mucous membranes, when viruses, bacteria and other pathogenic microorganisms invade, our skin mucosal barrier can isolate about 90% of foreign aggressions;

02 The second "line of defense"

It is the bactericidal substances and phagocytes contained in the mucus secreted by our body, such as white blood cells, macrophages, interferons, etc., which can kill most of the foreign viruses and pathogens;

03 The third "line of defense"

It is the antibody produced by the body when pathogenic microorganisms attack the body, and the main force is T lymphocytes and B lymphocytes.

The production of skin mucosa, various defense cells, and antibodies is inseparable from the support of nutrients. In other words, by relying on our mouths and eating nutrients, we will have resistance.

7 foods boost immunity

Poor immunity Don't worry, these foods are related to immunity

1. Lemon

Lemons contain bioflavonoids that help the body fight viruses, inhibit cancer cells, toxins and allergens. At the same time, it is rich in vitamin C, which can reduce the oxidative pressure of organs caused by free radicals, thereby reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke.

2. Apple

Apples contain vitamin B6, which is the most important vitamin for a healthy immune system in the B vitamin complex, and is also an important nutrient for the manufacture of antibodies and white blood cells. In addition to this, apples contain a lot of fiber, which can help alleviate the body's symptoms of inflammation.

Poor immunity Don't worry, these foods are related to immunity

3. Ginger

It has antioxidant and antibacterial effects, which contain β- carotene and capsaicin, which can enhance immunity. Ginger contains ginger, which converts to gingerol at temperatures of 80 to 100 degrees Celsius, which can promote blood circulation and accelerate the body's metabolic rate of sugars and fats.

4. Shellfish

Shellfish are rich in "selenium", selenium has the effect of preserving the thymus gland, maintaining lymphocyte activity and promoting antibody formation, selenium can stimulate the production of immunoglobulins and antibodies in the body, so as to effectively resist the invasion of colds, cardiovascular diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, liver diseases and cancer.

Poor immunity Don't worry, these foods are related to immunity

5. Yogurt

The body's metabolism and waste removal all require good intestinal function. Yogurt contains probiotics that can maintain and improve intestinal health and protect against germ invasion. In addition, lactic acid bacteria can also help eliminate toxins in the body and reduce the amount of cholesterol.

6. Garlic

Contains allicin, which can enhance immune cell activity, exert antibacterial and bactericidal effects. In addition, it can also work with free radicals to reduce the damage of free radicals to cells, thereby achieving anti-inflammatory effects.

7. Chamomile tea

The various nutrients and flavonoids in chamomile have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, sedative and other effects, and then achieve the effect of enhancing immunity.

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