
It is nature for a person to be "selfish" and "not selfish" to be nurturing

He Suohuan, a writer of gender-emotional psychology, writes sentient stories, interesting strangers, and material knowledge.

It is nature for a person to be "selfish" and "not selfish" to be nurturing

Selfishness and selflessness are two sides of a person's heart.

Selfish people pay more attention to short-term interests, consider themselves in everything, and take themselves as centered, even if they hurt the interests of others.

And selfless people, considering long-term interests, may lose a lot in a short period of time, but in the long run, the people around him who have received his favor will often bring him unexpected gains and rewards.

That is to say, selflessness is the highest state of a person, and selfishness is only a dark side of human nature.

It can also be understood as: selfishness is human nature.

It is only in the acquired education, the growth environment, and the choices made when getting along with people that people suppress the dark side of selfishness.

It is nature for a person to be "selfish" and "not selfish" to be nurturing


"Selfishness" is human nature

Do you know?

Babies have learned to be "selfish" in their mother's swaddling.

Babies kick their mother's stomach, in order to make themselves grow better and survive, so they will continue to absorb nutrients from their mothers.

When a baby is born, it takes advantage of every opportunity for the mother to breastfeed.

In particular, when a mother gives birth to a pair of twins or dragon and phoenix fetuses, it is easier to find two babies competing for food.

Selfish nature is engraved in human genes.

Because the essence of life is selfish.

Life needs to keep itself alive by constantly obtaining external resources; and as long as it is a resource, it will definitely clash and compete with the outside world.

With competition, there is naturally also calculation and harm.

From the perspective of survival and life, people are often selfish.

It is nature for a person to be "selfish" and "not selfish" to be nurturing

In the book Selfish Genes, a point is mentioned:

"Everything genes do is to maximize their chances of survival."

See an interesting story elsewhere.

The penguins living in Antarctica are not so "calm and safe" in their living environment.

Because penguins also face the threat of seals.

When penguins need to go into the water, they are often prone to encounter seals; at this time, no one wants to be the "first diving" penguin.

As a result, more and more penguins are gathering on a piece of ice, and they are constantly crowded forward.

Whoever stands in the front, the penguin becomes a "test subject".

Although it is a story, it is also a good illustration of the selfish gene in human nature.

In order to survive, in order to live, in a specific environment, people often release their dark side.

When they choose to be selfish, why not choose their own chances of survival?

It is nature for a person to be "selfish" and "not selfish" to be nurturing


"Not selfish" is a person's ability and upbringing

What does it correspond to selfishness?

Selfless, of course.

Who is the most selfless person?

Some people will say: between parents and children, the love and affection of parents for their children is the most selfless.

Some people say that two people who truly love each other are selfless when they give for each other.

It is undeniable that when love is at its peak, people tend to give everything they have for each other without reservation.

For the sake of the family, for the sake of love, everything is a subconscious behavior, and there is no need to consider the interests and gains and losses of the self.

But in social society, people's selflessness is cultivation, and it is also a person's ability.

The education received from childhood to adulthood, tutoring, and the principles of being a human being realized in the process of growing up.

All these make them understand the charm of selflessness.

in other words:

Although human genes are selfish, only human beings can fight selfishness and choose to be a selfless person.

It is nature for a person to be "selfish" and "not selfish" to be nurturing

What do those who are selfless gain in giving for others?

First: Gain happiness

Helping others will make you harvest the greatest happiness and sense of accomplishment.

Like what:

When we walk on the road and a little friend gets lost, we help him find his parents; when we are thanked by his parents, we are happy and fulfilled inside.

When others need our help and receive our help, the praise and gratitude we receive will make us feel the kindness and warmth between people.

Deep down, people long to become a "valuable" person.

Because of this, there will be so many selfless people who do selfless things.

If you can get happiness and a sense of accomplishment from it, why not do it?

It is nature for a person to be "selfish" and "not selfish" to be nurturing

Second: long-term benefits

A person who does good deeds every day may not bring him any "blessings".

But if he insists on doing good deeds every day, one day, he will get more rewards.

Because everyone he helps, perhaps one day in the future, will help him.

From a utilitarian point of view, helping others is to make our life path wider.

And from the perspective of self, helping others, let us get happiness and satisfaction.

The choice between selfishness and selflessness is between one's thoughts.

But selfishness cannot be based on hurting others, and selflessness cannot be based on hurting the interests of loved ones.

For example:

Unscrupulous means to achieve your goals, this is not only selfish, but also poor character.

In order to help others, every time to put the family in a "dilemma", this is not selfless, but a flattering personality.

It is nature for a person to be "selfish" and "not selfish" to be nurturing

Today's Topic:

Do you think that human nature is selfish?

(Article with picture source network)

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