
LOL: Those non-T2 skins with special voice packs, that's all

A few days ago made a skin statistics with full-screen special effects, there are small partners suggested whether you can count those non-T2 skins with special voices, with reference to the suggestions of small partners, this statistic I have made, the alliance has special voices of non-T2 skin is relatively small.

Gentleman Cogas

Big bug this skin has a new voice pack similar to the T2 skin, in the outer service this skin is sold according to the price of T2 skin, the price is 1820Rp, in the national service this skin also has a legendary dog tag, but with the quality of T2 skin to divide, this skin did not reach the standard of T2 skin.

LOL: Those non-T2 skins with special voice packs, that's all

Gold Anchor De Levine

De Levine this skin must be known to everyone, this skin has a new voice pack, in the outer clothing of this skin and scarecrow horror party, initially wanted to launch at the level of T2 skin, but then the fist thought that they could not reach the level of T2, so the permanent price of these two skins in the outer clothing is 975Rp, and later after the scarecrow redoed, the horror party skin has fully reached the level of T2 skin.

LOL: Those non-T2 skins with special voice packs, that's all

Iron Buddy Olaf

This skin has a new voice pack, Olaf this skin outer wear is also sold according to the price of T2 skin, the price is 1820Rp, in the national service this skin has a legendary dog tag, but the price is not expensive.

LOL: Those non-T2 skins with special voice packs, that's all

Devil's Blade Tedamir

This skin has a new voice package, the barbarian king this skin is also sold in accordance with the price of the T2 skin, the price is 1820Rp, the national service barbarian king this skin is also more famous, this year's fist vote to redo the list of heroes there is the barbarian king, but unfortunately the final determination is the scorpion redo, if it is the barbarian king redo, this skin will become the level of T2 skin.

LOL: Those non-T2 skins with special voice packs, that's all

There are also some special T3 skins, although there is a new voice pack, but there are no lines, Fist also included them in the ranks of having a new voice when it introduced these skins, such as zombie Nunu, Janissary mech Federico.

LOL: Those non-T2 skins with special voice packs, that's all

In addition, the 4 skins of the traditional shape also have different voice packs from the current one, the former overlord Planck, the traditional shape Cersei, the traditional shape Ofhandle, the traditional costume Kalmar The voice packs of these skins are the earliest hero voices, and the voices of these heroes you hear in the client are different, theoretically these are not new voice packs, but retain the voice of the heroes in the early years.

LOL: Those non-T2 skins with special voice packs, that's all

In the Three Kingdoms series of skins, Zhao Yun of Zhao Xin and Lü Bu of the Prince are new voice packs, and these two skins are also very famous, and everyone should be familiar with them.

LOL: Those non-T2 skins with special voice packs, that's all

Non-T2 skins have new voice pack skins, some other skins have one or two different lines, or with this theme changed the voice, but the lines do not change, for example, there are one or two new lines of the skin are: Mountain and Sea Painting Scroll Cogas, video game Warrior Izzeril, Dragon Slayer Panson, Dragon Trainer Svein, Western Cowboy Embers, etc., and later hero companion skins basically have one or two new lines.

It is worth mentioning the knife sister, after the knife sister redoed, many skins have added some new lines.

For example, the Wing knife girl will say: I was shot / It's time to parachute to escape / Ready to take off

For example, the Frost Blade Sister will say: This is a blade made of ice, don't stick your tongue on it / I like the way blood spills on the ice.

For example, the Lotus Flower Order Knife Sister will say: Everything has a time to wither / bloom again and again

LOL: Those non-T2 skins with special voice packs, that's all

There are probably so many non-T2 skins with one or two new lines, and very few non-T2 skins with new voice packs, and they are all very old skins.

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