
Honor Magic4 Exposure: With Snapdragon 8 far more than the iPhone 13 Pro

March 11 news, honor new product release conference next week is coming, today's glory high-level post revealed the latest news of the new glory magic4, or will continue magic3 to continue to use snapdragon 888 processor, become the strongest dragon taming master.

According to reports, the honor magic4, iPhone 13 Pro, Samsung S22 three mobile phones respectively run "Bright Mountains" in the highest quality for 30 minutes, honor magic4 average frame rate is higher, lower temperature.

Honor Magic4 Exposure: With Snapdragon 8 far more than the iPhone 13 Pro

From the performance point of view, the Snapdragon 888 equipped with the Honor Magic4 performs better than the A15 chip equipped with the iPhone and the Snapdragon 8 chip equipped with the Samsung S22, which mainly depends on the chip tuning advantage.

It is reported that the Honor Magic4 is based on the Honor GPU Turbo X technology, becoming the industry's first mobile phone that supports mobile game AI super rendering, and uses a new third-generation graphene technology to suppress the heat and power consumption of Snapdragon 8. Next week's new product release is worth looking forward to~ ~ ~

Honor Magic4 Exposure: With Snapdragon 8 far more than the iPhone 13 Pro


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