
How much does Song Qingling love the Sui sisters? Bowing down for them, selling Sun Yat-sen's legacy to send them to study abroad

author:Miles to pick a garden

In the 10-year marriage between Sun Yat-sen and Soong Ching-ling, there was originally a child.

How much does Song Qingling love the Sui sisters? Bowing down for them, selling Sun Yat-sen's legacy to send them to study abroad

In June 1922, Song Qingling, who had been married for 7 years, found out that she was pregnant, and she was excited and nervous. But before she could tell Sun Yat-sen the good news, the Guangdong warlord Chen Jiongming staged a mutiny and besieged Sun Yat-sen's apartment, Yuexiu Building, and prepared to capture Sun Yat-sen alive.

But Soong Ching Ling said that he would not escape from the encirclement with Sun Yat-sen. Sun Yat-sen's taking of women is bound to attract attention and will greatly reduce the possibility of escape. More importantly, she was pregnant and had limited mobility, and she didn't want to drag her feet.

Soong Ching Ling did not tell Sun Yat-sen about the pregnancy, otherwise he would not have left alone. After much debate, Sun Yat-sen reluctantly left first, but left all his guards behind to protect Soong Ching-ling.

Soong Ching Ling's escape process is extremely dangerous, and with ammunition almost running out, she wears Sun Yat-sen's clothes and wears Sun Yat-sen's hat to pretend to be a man to break through. She was so exhausted that she couldn't run, and begged her guards to shoot herself.

Fortunately, the loyal guards set up Song Qingling and continued to hurry. However, she was unfortunately tripped by the corpse, and when she arrived at the home of her friend Zhong Rongguang, the president of Lingnan University, the fetus that had not yet formed for two months was miscarried.

How much does Song Qingling love the Sui sisters? Bowing down for them, selling Sun Yat-sen's legacy to send them to study abroad

The damage caused to Song Qingling and his wife by the loss of the child cannot be overestimated. She lost her fertility and suffered from gynecological diseases all her life.

After the founding of New China, Song Qingling was almost 60 years old. Although she no longer worries about safety and life problems, she is mentally lonely, facing the empty house every day, and seems to feel that something is missing. What's missing? Lack of laughter and laughter from children.

The attentive staff sensed this, and they agreed that no matter who had a new baby, they would bring it to Song Qingling and ask her to kiss and hug her. At this time, the inside and outside of the Song Mansion were filled with laughter and laughter.

Every New Year's Festival, she also invites the children of the staff around her to the home as guests, and when she sees the small guests eating with relish, she will happily praise in Shanghainese: "You see, interesting to come, interesting to come!" ”

How much does Song Qingling love the Sui sisters? Bowing down for them, selling Sun Yat-sen's legacy to send them to study abroad

The two sisters of the Sui family, Sui Yongqing and Sui Yongjie, entered Song Qingling's life in this way.

Sui Yongqing is the eldest daughter of Sui Xuefang, Song Qingling's second guard secretary, born in 1957. When she was still in her infancy, she was a beautiful little baby girl, who did not cry or make a fuss when she was held in Song Qingling's arms, and after smiling sweetly with her eyes wide open for a while, she unceremoniously sprinkled a bubble of urine on Song Qingling.

Song Qingling loves to be clean as everyone knows, everyone is busy wiping her and changing clothes, who knows song Qingling does not mind at all, and even called for a relationship with Sui Yongqing.

It turns out that there is a custom in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai, Suhu, and that if children urinate when they are first held in the arms of outsiders, it shows that they have a relationship in their past lives. The fate of Song Qingling and Sui Yongqing kicked off at this first meeting.

How much does Song Qingling love the Sui sisters? Bowing down for them, selling Sun Yat-sen's legacy to send them to study abroad

Right three Sui Yongqing

Two years later, the second daughter of the Sui family, Sui Yongjie, was born, and Song Qingling also liked this well-behaved girl very much. Due to work reasons and no housing, Sui Xuefang settled his home in the Song mansion, and he often took the sisters to play with Song Qingling during working hours.

At the end of September 1963, Sui Xuefang was happy to have a noble son, and he drank a few more drinks happily, but as a result of a sudden stroke, hemiplegia and the family economy was stretched.

In this case, Song Qingling resolutely decided to take care of the Sui sisters personally, and evened out a part of his monthly salary until they stepped into work.

It is worth noting that Song Qingling did not adopt the two sisters as adopted daughters, but only raised them on their behalf. Many books or articles refer to the two sisters of the Sui family as the adopted daughter of Song Qingling, which is completely wrong. In the Book of Selected Letters of Song Qingling, published in December 1995, three letters refer to the Sui sisters, all of which refer to Sui Yongjie as "the daughter of the staff around Song Qingling".

Not only the Sui sisters, but also the gardener An Maocheng's child was born, and Song Qingling also paid for him to raise it. Because of these expenses, she almost became a "moonlight family", and her broad mind can be seen.

How much does Song Qingling love the Sui sisters? Bowing down for them, selling Sun Yat-sen's legacy to send them to study abroad

Compared with his sister Sui Yongjie, Sui Yongqing stayed with Song Qingling longer. After she came to Song Qingling's side, she first faced the problem of how to call Song Qingling.

The secretary and other staff called Song Qingling "chief", and Li Yan'e, who took care of her life, called her "wife". When Sui Yongqing parrot learned to call Song Qingling "Mrs." She always shook her head and felt inappropriate.

Until one day, when Sui Yongqing inadvertently called the photo of Song Qingling's mother hanging on the wall "Mother's Wife", Song Qingling felt that this name was very interesting, and since then, she has become the mother's wife that the Sui sisters have called for decades.

Two lively and beautiful girls came to Song Qingling's side, singing and dancing every day, bringing her endless joy, Song Qingling loved them very much and poured a lot of energy into them.

Sui Yongqing is relatively beautiful, can sing and dance, guests come from home, Song Qingling will often ask her to perform singing, dancing, playing the piano to the guests, Zhou Enlai sometimes came, will also take them to the garden for a walk. There is a photo of Zhou Enlai holding two little girls with his left and right hands, that is, Sui Yongqing and Sui Yongjie.

How much does Song Qingling love the Sui sisters? Bowing down for them, selling Sun Yat-sen's legacy to send them to study abroad

Although he is only the guardian of the two sisters, Song Qingling has a heartfelt love and appreciation for them. On April 26, 1960, Song Qingling wrote to the magazine "Chinese Women" and attached a photo taken by Sui Yongjie when she was 5 months old, suggesting that the magazine should put this photo in liu. Published as a cover or illustration on Children's Day.

Sui Yongqing was very naughty when he was a child, and he did not like the staff, but Song Qingling had a gentle temperament and allowed her to make trouble, who knew that once he almost made a big incident.

It turned out that Sui Yongqing climbed from the second-floor window along the eaves to the roof. If a person stumbles and falls into the air, the consequences are unimaginable. Song Qingling panicked, and called out to Sui Yongqing with a strong and steady mood: "Little baby, don't move, you can just look at me." In the end, Sui Yongqing was dragged back from the window, and there was no danger.

After this incident, the nanny Li Yan'e advised Song Qingling to discipline Sui Yongqing severely, and Song Qingling thought that the child was too small to understand the big truth, and she also said appreciatively: "This is the age of a child." She climbed so high and still stood there singing, at least this child was brave and not afraid of heights. ”

The Sui sisters later recalled Song Qingling, and what they felt most deeply was equality and freedom. They have been eating together, sitting face to face and chatting after meals, unlike the elders and juniors, who are completely friends.

How much does Song Qingling love the Sui sisters? Bowing down for them, selling Sun Yat-sen's legacy to send them to study abroad

In the years of material shortage, Song Qingling's life was also very simple. She often wore a gray cloth dress and held a whitewashed handkerchief in her hand, but she was very generous to the two sisters.

She would personally select fashionable materials, make a few skirts for two girls at a time, and winter lambskin coats, which were novel in style and praised by everyone. Every morning when she got up, Song Qingling had to personally comb their hair and tie a beautiful bow on the ponytail.

The Sui sisters brought a lot of happiness to Song Qingling when they were young, but as they grew up, troubles gradually emerged.

Sui Yongqing, in particular, because Song Qingling often took her to meet very important guests, such as Zhou Enlai, such as Prince Sihanouk of Cambodia. The guests naturally praised Sui Yongqing, which indirectly created an illusion for her that she was superior and wanted to enjoy privileges.

Around the age of 17, Sui Yong fell in love early in the morning and became even more difficult to discipline. Song Qingling was already a very enlightened education, but in the eyes of Sui Yongqing at that time, she was synonymous with ideological feudalism. Song Qingling reminded her that "love is a responsibility and an attitude towards life", but Sui Yongqing did not listen to it at all.

How much does Song Qingling love the Sui sisters? Bowing down for them, selling Sun Yat-sen's legacy to send them to study abroad

Since the 1970s, the two sisters have pestered Song Qingling and asked her to find foreign friends to help her buy things in a store for foreign guests.

Song Qingling has always been very opposed to using privileges for personal gain, but she loves her two children too much and can't bear to disappoint them. Coupled with the fact that the two girls have penetrated her temper, they are entangled all the time. There was no way, Song Qingling had to entrust friends to help buy meat-colored stockings, curlers, watches and other items. Although she paid for it herself, this feeling made her feel very uncomfortable.

Epstein, a friend who wrote a biography of Song Qingling, was very unaccustomed to the behavior of the Sui sisters and blamed her for not educating Sui Yongqing well, and Song Qingling said helplessly: "Indeed, I can't control her actions and her self-righteous appearance." ”

How much does Song Qingling love the Sui sisters? Bowing down for them, selling Sun Yat-sen's legacy to send them to study abroad


When Sui Yong was in love early in the morning, Song Zhao's phone rang non-stop all day long, either calling in or out, and Song Qingling thought that he was always suffering from urticaria at that time, or he was angry with her.

One day at lunch, the phone rang, the secretary Zhang Yu was responsible for answering the phone, and when she heard that it was Sui Yongqing's boyfriend, she recorded and sent a message to Sui Yongqing. Who knew that Sui Yongqing suddenly lost his temper and blamed Zhang Yu for not calling her to listen to the phone.

Zhang Yu is a state worker, and after being trained by an unreasonable little girl, he did not show weakness, saying that he was acting according to discipline and said that he would not be allowed to make phone calls when eating in the future.

Sui Yongqing did not spare and caused this matter to Song Qingling. Song Qingling came forward and asked Sui Yongqing to apologize to Aunt Zhang, who knew that Sui Yongqing plunged into Song Qingling's bedroom and did not come out, and the secretary was not allowed to enter the bedroom without consent. In the end, it was Song Qingling who wrote a note to Zhang Yu, saying that Sui Yongqing had a high fever, which was a reason for her not apologizing.

On June 23, 1974, when the elderly and frail Song Qingling was leaving the room, the frizzy Sui Yongqing suddenly pushed the door in, and Song Qingling fell down in fright. Fearing that Sui Yongqing would be criticized by the staff for this, she would not let the nanny ask for a doctor or tell the guard secretary Du Shuzhou.

How much does Song Qingling love the Sui sisters? Bowing down for them, selling Sun Yat-sen's legacy to send them to study abroad

However, because the fall was too serious, this incident finally alarmed Zhou Enlai, and Vice Premier Li Xiannian specially instructed the staff of the apartment to accept this lesson and not to repeat similar wrestling incidents. After hearing the news, Song Qingling instructed Du Shuzhou that it was just an accident: "How do I know that Yongqing is coming in?" Or how did she know I was going out? Please arrive early and don't blame anyone for my wrestling. ”

Sui Yongqing later became an actress, marrying Hou Guanqun in 1980 at the age of 23, 14 years older than her. Song Qingling did not approve of this marriage, and her friend Yi Luosheng saw that her mood was not very high. But she also specially hired someone to make a big red invitation card with a font gilding, and held a wedding ceremony for the two in her Beijing apartment.

After sending Sui Yongqing out of his home, Song Qingling began to worry about Sui Yongjie's future again.

Although most of the articles seen now are Sui Yongqing's memories of Song Qingling's past, in fact, Song Qingling's favorite child is Sui Yongjie, who is well-behaved and sensible.

Sui Yongjie was eager to study in the United States, and in the fall of 1978, Song Qingling told his friend Helen Foster about it. Mrs. Snow, and asked her to help smooth the relationship and contact the school.

How much does Song Qingling love the Sui sisters? Bowing down for them, selling Sun Yat-sen's legacy to send them to study abroad

Mrs. Snow

Relying only on her salary and large expenses, Song Qingling also had to help Sui Yongjie raise funds to go abroad, so she dragged her elderly sick body back to Shanghai, sold the family's old belongings for the first time, and accepted public subsidies for the first time.

It costs a lot of money to study in the United States, and Song Qingling also has to buy clothes and prepare travel expenses for Sui Yongjie, and the expenditure in all aspects has increased greatly. Thinking about it, she decided to sell 13 fur robes, 1 record player made in Czechoslovakia, 1 picture tube, and 2 ship models.

According to the estimate, these old things can only sell for 2347.64 yuan, which is a drop in the bucket compared to the cost of studying abroad, and Song Qingling is very disappointed.

Half a month later, Du Shuzhou, the secretary of the guard, reported the situation to the higher department, and the organization gave a subsidy of 10,000 yuan. According to Song Qingling's temper, she would not accept a penny under any circumstances, but this time, she wrote back that she could only accept the money because she was "waiting for the money" to be used.

Song Qingling's move to sell old things due to economic constraints was also known to the central authorities. In February 1979, Ye Jianying, then vice chairman, wrote to Peng Chong, secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, and decided to allocate 50,000 yuan from the state treasury for support.

How much does Song Qingling love the Sui sisters? Bowing down for them, selling Sun Yat-sen's legacy to send them to study abroad

Ye Jianying

In the early morning of May 10, 1979, Song Qingling got up at 5 o'clock to send Sui Yongjie to the airport, although it was sad to leave, she was happy that Sui Yongjie could go abroad for further study, and the words were full of happiness: "I know that she will be very homesick for a considerable period of time... She was a hard-working girl and never got me into trouble. ”

Even after Sui Yongjie went to the United States to study, Song Qingling was still worried about her study, life and health, and worried about raising money. On January 12, 1980, she wrote to Chen Zhikun, Sun Ke's brother-in-law, who lived in the United States, imploring Chen to try to withdraw the $500 she had deposited in the American International Bank in 1923, because Sui Yongjie's bursaries were very small, only enough to pay for accommodation and tuition, and she usually relied on thrift to buy a pair of the cheapest glasses used in class.

Song Qingling poured all her love and patience into the Sui sisters, but in her later years, she did not enjoy the joy of heaven. Since Sui Yongqing got married and moved out, although the door of the Song Mansion was always open to her, she had hardly ever taken a step. Sui Yongjie was far away on the other side of the ocean, and he could not come back once a year. Song Qingling missed the two children very much, but unfortunately the eagle had already spread its wings and soared in the sky, completely forgetting the pit on the ground.

Song Qingling once expressed her true feelings to health doctors, and when she talked about her feelings old and lonely, she couldn't help but shed tears.

In early May 1981, when Song Qingling was dying, the staff sent a telegram to Sui Yongqing, who was filming outside, and Sui Yongjie also happened to follow the delegation to visit China. Unfortunately, Sui Yongjie prostrated himself in front of the sickbed and kept greeting Song Qingling, but did not get any response, and Song Qingling was unconscious at this time.

How much does Song Qingling love the Sui sisters? Bowing down for them, selling Sun Yat-sen's legacy to send them to study abroad

On the night of visiting Song Qingling, Sui Yongjie had just returned to the Beijing Hotel when she received the bad news of Song Qingling's death. At the time of Song Qingling's death, neither of her children, who had been raised by her, had been able to appear at the sickbed.

Nevertheless, in Song Qingling's will, she divided all her savings among 10 people, the minimum of five hundred yuan, the Sui sisters received the most gifts, Sui Yongqing five thousand yuan, Sui Yongjie ten thousand yuan. In her heart, she always worried about these two girls.

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