
After going to the 4S shop for maintenance, the owner of the electric car is dumbfounded: this practice has become the unspoken rule of the industry?

"Why did my car drop so badly after sending it to the 4S shop for maintenance?"

In the past few days, the hourly news has received a lot of questions and complaints from the owner of the Wei carriage: the original actual endurance is 200 kilometers, and it can only run 120 kilometers after being sent to the 4S shop for inspection; the car shows that it is charged 60 degrees, but it is actually only charged with 47 degrees of electricity.

What exactly did the 4S shop do to the car? Hours of news reporters conducted an investigation.

The actual charging amount differs from the vehicle data by 13 degrees

Charging hit the "fold on the fold"

Mr. Wang's WM was bought in January 2020 at the Hangzhou North Weima store (which is currently closed) and is a first-time founder version EX6 PLUS, which has an official endurance of 505 kilometers and a lithium battery pack with a capacity of 69kWh.

At the beginning of the car purchase, Mr. Wang did not find a problem, or because the car purchase was given with an 8888 degree charging card, he did not have to bear the charging cost in the early stage, so he did not care about the problem of charging and battery life.

The real problem was in January 2022, when the charging card sent was exhausted, and Mr. Wang found that the degree of paid charging and the degree of the vehicle target were always different, such as the car machine showed that the charging was 60 degrees, but he actually only paid about 50 degrees of electricity.

On the morning of March 1, the reporter and Mr. Wang came to the charging station of Longxuan Building in Yunqi Town and tried to charge on the spot. At that time, the vehicle showed that there was still 11% of the electricity, it took 48 minutes to charge to 99%, and the charging pile showed that the total degree of charging was 47.685 degrees; but the car machine showed that the charging capacity was 60kWh, which was a loss of nearly 13kWh.

After going to the 4S shop for maintenance, the owner of the electric car is dumbfounded: this practice has become the unspoken rule of the industry?
After going to the 4S shop for maintenance, the owner of the electric car is dumbfounded: this practice has become the unspoken rule of the industry?

Mr. Wang said that his car was sent to the 4S store for after-sales maintenance in May 2020, and from the maintenance work order, the after-sales vehicle was upgraded (battery management upgrade), and he suspected that the car had changed at that time. After the upgrade, it was found that the mileage was significantly shortened, the original driving range was a 30% discount, it could drive to more than 300 kilometers, and now the fully charged 300 kilometers could not run, the car condition was still only two years of 40,000 kilometers of new cars, the winter endurance shrinkage was more exaggerated, only to run to about 220 kilometers, the endurance shrank by 50%, which was really a bit depressing.

Not only this time, almost every charge has a similar charging data discrepancy, take December 27, 2021 as an example, this time the charge is almost open to no power to charge, the car shows that the charging amount is 67kWh, the actual payment of the degree is 55.68kWh, the difference between the two is as much as 12 degrees, which does not include the line loss during the charging process, and the power loss of the charging heating package (about 1-3 degrees per hour).

After going to the 4S shop for maintenance, the owner of the electric car is dumbfounded: this practice has become the unspoken rule of the industry?

The cruising range was reduced from 200 km to 120 km

Maintenance back range is 40% off

Ningbo owner Mr. Jiang's WM EX5 is more heart-wrenching, itself bought WM EX5 400 km endurance, normal driving discount endurance is 200 km, has been 50% off.

"After the vehicle maintenance and repair inspection returned, the mileage dropped significantly." Mr. Jiang said that after this maintenance, the full voltage of the vehicle was reduced from the original 408V to less than 400V. "The model with a comprehensive working condition of 400 kilometers now basically only has an endurance of about 120 kilometers, which is not a 30% off is already a 30% off." Mr. Jiang now commutes back and forth to and from work is more than 20 kilometers, and he has to be charged twice a week to meet the normal commuting endurance of 5 days. From the point of view of use, this is definitely unexpected by the owner of the car.

Some car owners appear in the charging process, the car machine shows a direct jump, 1 second charging 5%, so it seems that the problem of battery life has seriously affected the use experience of car owners. The State Grid does not match the data of the car machine, and the endurance is not satisfactory, which inevitably makes people wonder, what is the problem?

Online fermentation continues

Artificially reducing the battery capacity without the consent of the owner

We learned from relevant channels that many car owners have raised questions about WM Motors' "power locking", the incident is continuing to ferment, and the official choice not to respond has triggered the anger of car owners.

The reporter inquired from the complaint platform of the car quality network that the complaints about WM Auto are almost all such words: the shortening of the mileage of WM EX5 affects normal use, the vehicle cannot be fully charged after the upgrade of WM EX5 leads to a decrease in endurance, and the upgrade of the WM EX5 vehicle system is upgraded and the subsequent voyage drops the forced lock.

After going to the 4S shop for maintenance, the owner of the electric car is dumbfounded: this practice has become the unspoken rule of the industry?

After communication and exchanges between the relevant car owners, it is believed that when WM Motors conducts "vehicle inspection", without the consent of the owner, the battery capacity is artificially reduced, resulting in the original endurance of 350 kilometers, which can only run to 300 kilometers or even lower. The owner even provided a vehicle charge state of 99%, and the vehicle information display picture of the completely different voltage difference before and after the "comprehensive inspection" was used as evidence of "locking the power" - after the upgrade, the maximum voltage of the single battery was limited, resulting in the battery not being fully charged, which is the so-called "locked power".

Such a "power lock" situation also appears in WM's EX6, W6, and other popular models on sale.

The sale said it was unaware

The problem of battery life reduction has always existed

After going to the 4S shop for maintenance, the owner of the electric car is dumbfounded: this practice has become the unspoken rule of the industry?

The reporter came to Gongshu District Shixiang Road Weima Automobile Sales Service Co., Ltd., from the sales mouth learned that they do not understand the situation of "locking electricity" at present, the battery life discount of new energy vehicles has always existed, and the reduction of the mileage is basically about 70%. According to the inherent caliber of sales, the reduction of WM-related hot-selling models and the reduction of cruising range are also normal.

As for why it is "locked" by upgrading, WM did not respond. Confused car owners can only secretly worry. However, some analysts pointed out that WM's move may be related to battery safety. It is reported that in September and October last year, WM EX5 had four accidents of spontaneous combustion of vehicles, so frequent spontaneous combustion of batteries, as well as this inexplicable locking of electricity, is it to sacrifice the battery life to ensure the safety of the use of the battery.

More than 400 car owners jointly defended their rights

The multi-party "kicking the ball" problem has not been solved

As one of the owners of the mi zhou has united many car owners with such problems to unite to protect their rights, mi zhou told reporters: At present, there are 418 car owners in the group who protect their rights, and there is such a situation of "locking the electricity" and the endurance is not satisfied.

After going to the 4S shop for maintenance, the owner of the electric car is dumbfounded: this practice has become the unspoken rule of the industry?

The owner of the rights protection car revealed that after the rights protection incident, WM only asked the user to enter the store through the dealer's phone, but due to the "opaque and non-disclosure of the inspection process and results of the store", the store unilaterally concluded that the vehicle was "all normal" after the test.

In this regard, rights protection users do not buy it. At present, on the black cat complaint network, more than 200 car owners have participated in the collective complaint, believing that WM Motors "without the consent of the owner, without the consent of the owner, set the upper and lower thresholds of charge and discharge to reduce the hidden danger of battery defects, resulting in a serious shrinkage of the vehicle's mileage", and there are huge safety risks in the battery.

A large number of WM users (currently 600 people) have been slow to respond to complaints for 7 months. After sending the lawyer's letter on January 10, including complaint 12315, WM has not carried out any direct docking and has not provided any effective solution.

"Locking electricity" is already an unspoken rule in the industry?

Hours of reporters help keep an eye on

According to industry customs, "locking" means that car companies lock the SOC (battery charge state) by rewriting the BMS battery management system of electric vehicles, thereby affecting the battery capacity and charging and discharging performance.

In order to protect the battery and prolong the service life, in the electric vehicle market, "locking the power" is a relatively common practice. However, the implicit problem is that most electric vehicle companies have not disclosed the "locked electricity" ratio to car owners, and the promotional parameters are still marked by the original capacity of the battery. As a result, the outside world is worried that some car companies will increase the proportion of locked electricity to cover up the potential safety hazards caused by technical and even quality problems.

The most intuitive impact of "locking electricity" is the decline in vehicle mileage. In the electric vehicle consumer market, mileage is the core selling point, and mileage anxiety is a consumer pain point that users are particularly concerned about. The decline in battery life directly affects the mood of consumers.

Source: Qianjiang Evening News

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