
What are the "four taboos of pregnancy"?

After pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, some internal and external factors can affect embryonic and fetal development, and even cause deformities, so special attention should be paid to the damaging effects of these teratogenic factors.

If pregnancy has been established, the following four points should be avoided:

(1) Do not abuse the drug. Use as little or no medicine as possible after pregnancy. Medication is required for certain diseases and should also be applied under the guidance of a doctor. Drugs that are more clearly harmful to embryos and fetuses are: tetracyclines (tetracycline, oxytetracycline, doxycycline), kanamycin, streptomycin, chloramphenicol, sulfonamides (especially long-acting sulfonamides), various hormones, anticancer drugs, etc., which can cause brain nerve damage, various malformations, etc. Proprietary Chinese medicines can be implemented according to "pregnant women should be used with caution" and "pregnant women are contraindicated".

If a drug that is detrimental to the fetus or a certain drug must be used due to other diseases, and the drug is certainly unfavorable to the fetus, the pregnancy should be terminated and the abortion should be performed.

(2) Prevention of infectious diseases. Especially viral infections, such as rubella, influenza, etc. In the first trimester of pregnancy, the mother is infected with rubella, and the rubella virus can harm the fetus through the placenta, causing microcephaly, cataracts, congenital heart disease, deafness and muteness. To this end, pregnant women should pay attention to health care and avoid going to public places, especially during the epidemic season of infectious diseases. If you go out, you should wear a mask.

(3) Do not come into contact with harmful substances. Some chemicals can cause genetic mutations, cause fetal malformations, or cause cancer through the placenta. These substances are mainly. Phosphorus, lead, benzene, mercury, arsenic, nitrite, etc. Once the pregnancy is determined, female workers and scientific and technological personnel engaged in the production and experimentation of these substances should be given a type of work according to the nature and characteristics of their work to protect the normal development of the fetus.

Tobacco and alcohol are not a hobby for pregnant women to quit as much as possible, but a drug that must be avoided

(4) Avoid radiation. Mainly avoid X-rays, radioisotope examination and treatment. Chest fluoroscopy and photography can be done after 4 months of pregnancy, and X-ray pelvic measurements can be done after 36 weeks if obstetrics requires. Pregnant women engaged in radiation work should be removed from the radiation environment.

What are the "four taboos of pregnancy"?

(Image from the Internet)

What are the "four taboos of pregnancy"?

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