
Baby development standard time list, your baby is up to standard?

Some babies don't look up at 6 months, and 1 year old can't walk.... What should I do if my baby develops more slowly than others? Why does your baby develop more slowly than others? Many parents are facing these problems and are difficult to solve, come today to solve this problem for you!

1. Baby heads up standard time

In the second month of life, your baby may raise his head slightly and his front chest, lift his head 45° when lying prone, and hold him vertically, his head will be slightly straighter and can rotate 90° with the line of sight. By the third month, your baby's head is straight, his head is lifted steadily, and he can rotate 180° with his line of sight.

The mother asked: "My baby looks up more than a month later than other children, is it because the child is not developing well?" ”

Expert guidance: In fact, each baby has its own growth rules, and early looking up may not be conducive to its development.

The baby's head-raising movement is a very natural development process, and the mother should not be too anxious. From the baby's full moon, you can let him play on his stomach, but at this time, there is no need to deliberately do head-up exercises for the baby in order to raise his head as soon as possible. Because the baby's muscles have not yet developed perfectly at this time, it may not be good to do the head-up exercise early, or let the baby's body develop naturally. However, if the baby can't lift his head steadily at the age of 4 months, it is best to go to the hospital for a check-up.

2. Baby turn over standard time

The development process of turning over is first from the tilting posture to the upward posture, and then from the upward posture to the downward posture. Some babies are able to turn from a pitched position to an upward posture when they are 3-4 months old, but it usually takes 5-6 months to turn from an upward to an upward posture.

The mother asked: "My babies are 6 months old, why don't they turn over?" ”

Expert guidance: If the baby does not turn over after 6 months, in addition to individual differences, it can also be caused by the following reasons:

1) Weak calcium deficiency

Turning over requires strength for the baby, if the muscles are weak and the bones are deficient in calcium, the baby will find it difficult to exercise.

2) Too obese

Now the standard of living is good, the baby is overweight, and the body is overwhelmed.

3) Clothing bondage

If you wear too much, the clothes will bind the baby's activities, and he can't move if he wants to.

4) Psychological disorders

If your baby has unpleasant memories of turning over, maybe he is not motivated to turn over.

5) Developmental delay

When the brain is delayed, the child's turning over occurs later. Parents should actively guide when they find that the baby has signs of turning over, and if they are older than 6 months and will not turn over, they should go to the hospital for examination.

3. Baby sits for standard time

At the age of 6-7 months, the baby's spine, back, and waist have gradually grown, and they have initially learned to sit independently.

The mother asked: "Why doesn't the baby sit still for 6 and a half months?" When sitting upright, the teacher leans forward, can't he sit straight? ”

Expert guidance: When the baby sits alone, the body always leans forward and does not sit straight, which is mainly because the nervous system is not yet mature or the corresponding waist muscle development is not strong enough, and the body instinctively leans forward to find a balance position.

Infancy is the period of the fastest growth and development, when the baby sits too long or learns to sit too early, it is not good for their growth and development. Mainly because the baby's bones are small in hardness, toughness, easy to bend and deform, but also because the ligaments and muscles that play a role in fixing joints in babies at this age are relatively weak.

4. Baby crawl standard time

8-9 months old babies can use their hands to support the chest and abdomen, so that the body off the ground and begin to crawl

Mother question: The baby is 10 months old, why can't he climb?

Expert guidance: Generally 8-9 months old babies will begin to use "crawling" to explore this colorful world. Crawling also contributes to brain development, hand-eye coordination, and hand-brain use.

In recent years, many parents are worried about the safety of the environment, or afraid of the baby getting dirty, so they rarely let the baby climb, often holding or carrying the baby. As a result, many babies skip the climbing stage and directly enter the standing and walking stages. However, many studies have found that there is a difference in coordination between babies who climb and those who do not climb, so parents should encourage their babies to climb more.

5. Baby standing standard time

In general, babies are able to stand at 9-12 months.

The mother asked: "Why are the babies 1 year old and still can't stand up?" ”

Expert guidance: Generally, babies can stand at 9-12 months, while active and strong babies can stand at 7 months, and some babies can stand after 1 year old.

Standing sooner or later does not affect its intellectual development. Most of the babies who stand late are fat babies who don't like to move, and some of them have insufficient English leg strength, but their overall development is satisfactory. It is worth noting that standing too early does have an impact on the baby's leg shape, the baby is young, the leg bones are not yet fully developed, and premature support weight can easily make its bones bend, especially when vitamin D is deficient.

6. Baby walks standard time

The standard time for babies to develop walking is to learn to walk when they are 12-14 months old.

The mother questioned: "The neighbor's baby is only 10 months old and can already walk." My babies are 1 year old, but they can't walk yet, please ask, is my baby not developing well? ”

Expert guidance: It is not that the earlier you walk, the healthier your baby will be and the better your development will be. Whether the baby can stand and walk is related to the development of his nervous system, general coordination, the development of leg strength, exercise, nutrition, education and other factors.

There are also differences in how long each baby can stand and walk independently. Usually, babies can stand firm and walk with things in the first 11 months of life. If you let him learn to walk too early, regardless of the baby's specific situation, it is harmful to the baby's leg development, and even leads to skeletal deformities. But if your baby still can't walk by 15 months, check it out in the hospital to see if it's a neurological or motor system abnormality.

7. Baby speaks standard time

When the baby reaches the age of 1 or so, he begins to learn to speak a few simple words, and by the age of two or three, he will basically speak in sentences.

The mother questioned: "The babies are 3 years old, why is it still difficult to open the golden mouth?" ”

Expert guidance: There are individual differences in the baby's language development, but under normal circumstances, there is a difference of 4-6 months between the baby who develops late and the baby who develops early, beyond this time limit, parents should pay attention. The main reasons why babies are late in speaking:

1) There is a problem with the baby's hearing itself or the pronunciation organ is not normal

2) Sick babies, emotionally in a negative state, unwilling to practice speaking

3) The baby's parents or the nanny who takes care of him do not like to talk, so that the child is less stimulated by language, so the language development is slow.

4) Psychological reasons, parents inadvertently hurt the baby's self-esteem, the baby will become unwilling to open.

5) Brain development retardation or severe physical disease.

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