
There is a kind of "fruit" baby who loves to eat, but bao mom is best not to let the baby eat more, which is not nutritious and high in sugar

There is a kind of "fruit" baby who loves to eat, but bao mom is best not to let the baby eat more, which is not nutritious and high in sugar

Eating more fruit helps with vitamin C and dietary fiber intake, so many parents will control their baby's fruit intake in their daily diet. However, although the fruit tastes fragrant, there will still be some children who do not like to eat fruit, especially babies who usually prefer snacks, they will be more likely to feel that the taste of fruit is "dull", and then they cannot raise interest in eating.

So some mothers will choose some "fruit substitutes" in order to make the baby eat more fruits to meet the nutritional needs of their children, such as dried fruits. So is dried fruit that tastes more intense really suitable for babies?

There is a kind of "fruit" baby who loves to eat, but bao mom is best not to let the baby eat more, which is not nutritious and high in sugar

The neighbor Sister Wang's dabao was checked out for caries, which made Sister Wang feel very anxious. "I usually pay attention to the baby's tooth protection, I didn't expect that the little guy would have caries at such a young age, and 4 of them would be checked out at a time!"

When learning from the doctor about the cause of the child's caries, Sister Wang mentioned a child's daily eating habits, "Dabao usually does not like to eat fruit, I usually buy him some dried fruit to eat." ”

There is a kind of "fruit" baby who loves to eat, but bao mom is best not to let the baby eat more, which is not nutritious and high in sugar

The doctor shook his head helplessly after listening, "Dried fruit and fruit are two completely different concepts." For example, children usually eat apples, which can play a certain role in cleaning teeth, but if it is dried fruit, then the baby will easily over-consume sugar and induce caries. In addition, the dried fruits on the market are not recommended for children to eat more, the sugar content is high, and there are many additives in it, which are not conducive to the growth and development of children. ”

There is a kind of "fruit" baby who loves to eat, but bao mom is best not to let the baby eat more, which is not nutritious and high in sugar

The fruit is sweet and sour, so why don't experts recommend giving your baby more?

After the fruit is dried and roasted, the sugar in it will be concentrated, and the vitamin C, B1 and other substances will be reduced. If the child eats more, it is easy to lead to excessive sugar intake, limited intake of nutrients, and long-term obesity and caries are easy to induce.

There is a kind of "fruit" baby who loves to eat, but bao mom is best not to let the baby eat more, which is not nutritious and high in sugar

In addition, in addition to the dried fruits on the market to remove water such as air drying, in order to ensure that the taste is rich, the taste is crisp and will add some additives, for children who are still in the development stage of the body, too much additive intake is not healthy, but also may increase the digestive burden of the kidneys, spleen and stomach.

Therefore, if the child especially likes to eat dried fruit, parents must control the daily intake, it is best to eat 1-2 times a week, the daily intake should not exceed 15-30 grams.

There is a kind of "fruit" baby who loves to eat, but bao mom is best not to let the baby eat more, which is not nutritious and high in sugar

Regarding the baby eating fruit, these common "rumors" are really unreliable

"Rumor" one: "The baby does not like to eat vegetables can eat fruit instead"

The taste of vegetables is not as sweet as fruits, so many babies have the habit of not loving vegetables. Some mothers think that babies who don't like to eat vegetables can be replaced by eating more fruits, after all, fruits and vegetables are often mentioned together.

There is a kind of "fruit" baby who loves to eat, but bao mom is best not to let the baby eat more, which is not nutritious and high in sugar

But in fact, the nutrients contained in fruits and vegetables are different, and the nutrients such as vitamins and fiber contained in dark vegetables are much higher than those of fruits. In addition, if you rely entirely on fruit to provide the supply of nutrients, then not eating vegetables and only eating fruit will lead to excessive sugar intake of the baby, which is not conducive to good health.

"Rumor" two: "Anti-seasonal fruits can not be given to the baby to eat"

Nowadays, many parents have begun to pay attention to scientific diet, and some parents believe that anti-seasonal fruits contain a large number of ripening substances, and if they are given to the baby, it will be harmful to their health.

But in fact, the off-season fruit is not as "terrible" as parents think, and most of the off-season fruits on the market are mostly created by using greenhouses and other equipment to create environmental conditions suitable for fruit growth. In addition, some out-of-season fruits are imported fruits, which are not much different from seasonal fruits in terms of nutrition and taste.

"Rumor" three: "The fruit eaten at night is a poisonous fruit"

Some mothers believe, "The apple eaten in the morning is the golden apple, the apple eaten at noon is the silver apple, and the apple eaten at night is the poisonous apple." "But in fact, as long as it is the right amount of fruit, the baby is very healthy to eat at any time in the morning, middle and evening."

There is a kind of "fruit" baby who loves to eat, but bao mom is best not to let the baby eat more, which is not nutritious and high in sugar

Eating fruit at night is also completely fine if it does not affect night sleep. In addition, it is worth mentioning that it is not recommended that the mother give the baby fruit before eating, which is mainly to avoid the fruit "occupying the stomach" to affect the baby's meal intake.

"Rumor" four: "The fruit is made into puree and cut into pieces, which is more suitable for children to eat"

Although it is said that for babies at a young age, it will be easier to eat fruits and fruits that are made of puree and fruit pieces, but if parents have been "reluctant" to chew their children, this can easily lead to insufficient chewing power in the baby's mouth, affecting the development of their chewing ability, and even hindering the emergence of teeth.

There is a kind of "fruit" baby who loves to eat, but bao mom is best not to let the baby eat more, which is not nutritious and high in sugar

Pillow Parenting Message:

When the baby eats fruit, parents should also control the daily fruit intake, the fruit is rich in nutrients but it is not recommended to overdose, the baby's stomach is delicate, too much fruit intake is easy to increase the digestive burden, at the same time, eating excessive fruit will also affect the baby's normal nutrient absorption, which will induce malnutrition in the long run. Usually, 1-2-year-old babies should consume 50-150 grams of fruit per day, 2-3 years old babies should consume 100-200 grams of fruit per day, and 4-5 years old babies should consume 150-250 grams per day.

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