
Thyroid cancer can also "attack" teens! Family history requires early screening

In recent years, the incidence of thyroid cancer has increased year by year, and there has been a trend of rejuvenation. Recently, Jiangsu Provincial Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine received three teenage thyroid cancer patients, all of whom were found to be relatively late. For this reason, experts remind that early screening of thyroid cancer is very important.

A 16-year-old girl is diagnosed with thyroid cancer, which is caused by radiation or heredity

Today (March 1), the reporter met the patient Ning Ning (pseudonym), who is 16 years old this year. A month ago, because of the thick neck to the hospital for examination, was diagnosed with thyroid cancer.

Thyroid cancer can also "attack" teens! Family history requires early screening

Wang Jianhua, director of the Department of Breast Surgery at Jiangsu Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, said: "The tumor is very large, six or seven centimeters in size, and it has been stuck with some muscles in the esophagus and neck, including some important organs in the throat. ”

A week ago, Ning Ning underwent thyroid tumor removal surgery and is now recovering smoothly, and then needs to receive iodine therapy. According to the doctor, in the past month, the hospital has received three adolescent thyroid cancer patients, all of whom were found to be relatively late and had lymph node metastasis.

Ning Ning's mother said: "I didn't care too much at the time, and she didn't have any symptoms of discomfort. ”

Qian Tao, deputy chief physician of the Department of General Surgery of Jiangsu Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, said: "We often find more and more young patients in the clinic, there are many factors, and the currently recognized point is due to radiation, other genetic factors, if the transfer is more severe, or a family has it, we will recommend some genetic testing." ”

Family history requires early screening for lumps in the neck with caution

Doctors remind that most thyroid cancers have a good prognosis, but require early diagnosis and early treatment. Adolescents with a family history of thyroid cancer should pay attention to early screening and regular thyroid function tests and ultrasound examinations. Early signals of thyroid cancer usually appear in the neck and should be observed carefully.

Thyroid cancer can also "attack" teens! Family history requires early screening

Wang Jianhua, director of the Department of Breast Surgery of Jiangsu Provincial Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, said: "If you find that the neck is large or the neck is painless lymphadenopathy, this lymph node is often not painful, it is not inflammatory, this time is worth our parents' vigilance, to bring children to the hospital in time." ”

(Source: Jiangsu Public News Channel/Wang Leping Editor/Gao Ruoting)

Source: Litchi Network

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