
FAW-Volkswagen accelerates the transformation of digital intelligence and leads the high-quality development of China's automotive industry

FAW-Volkswagen accelerates the transformation of digital intelligence and leads the high-quality development of China's automotive industry
FAW-Volkswagen accelerates the transformation of digital intelligence and leads the high-quality development of China's automotive industry
FAW-Volkswagen accelerates the transformation of digital intelligence and leads the high-quality development of China's automotive industry

At present, the global auto industry is facing unprecedented challenges, and China's auto industry has burst out of strong vitality in a severe market environment.

In 2021, the cumulative retail sales of passenger cars in Mainland China reached 20.146 million units, an increase of 4.4% year-on-year. As a large-scale automobile enterprise in the production and sales of passenger cars in China, FAW-Volkswagen focuses on user needs, grabs resources and guarantees production throughout the system, coordinates multiple parties to ensure chip supply, quickly and efficiently adjusts production plans in real time, and hits a record high with a single-day output of 10,777 units, and finally achieves an annual production of more than 1.7 million vehicles, delivers 1.858 million new cars to users throughout the year, and wins the industry champion in production and sales. In January 2022, FAW-Volkswagen sold 195,871 units (including Audi imported cars), welcoming the opening of sales.

Deeply cultivate the foundation, keep the integrity and innovation, and win the battle against the epidemic and production protection

Affected by the repeated outbreak of the new crown epidemic and the serious "lack of core", the automobile market in 2021 has also encountered difficulties and challenges. As an industry leader, in the face of severe challenges, FAW-Volkswagen is thinking of danger in times of peace, self-innovation, taking advantage of the "missing core" window period, actively optimizing internal management, and practicing "internal strength". Relying on its strong system capabilities, FAW-Volkswagen has made every effort to ensure production and grasp management, while profoundly understanding the industrial dynamics, comprehensively deepening transformation and upgrading, and effectively winning a tough battle!

In 2021, FAW-Volkswagen launched a system-wide digital and intelligent transformation, streamlined traditional business organizations, and established a DTO digital transformation office; cooperated with Huawei and Alibaba to cultivate digital talents; took users as the center to reconstruct end-to-end business processes; and expanded OTD personalized online customized vehicles to Volkswagen and Audi, shortening the delivery cycle by nearly 30%. In the field of technology, it has completed and put into use a new energy center and a new technology development center with a total investment of nearly 1.2 billion yuan, which has greatly improved the development and testing capabilities of FAW-Volkswagen in terms of new energy vehicles and vehicle performance, and further consolidated the advantages of FAW-Volkswagen in the field of technological innovation in the future.

FAW-Volkswagen has achieved the strategic dual layout of traditional cars and new energy vehicles, in terms of traditional models, the Volkswagen brand and audi brand have launched high-end models such as Volkswagen Andrappa and the new Audi Q5L family; in terms of new energy, the Volkswagen brand has accelerated the layout of MEB modular electric drive platform models, ID.4 CROZZ, ID.6 CROZZ sales have been rising since its listing; the Audi brand has brought luxury pure electric C-class SUV families - Audi e-tron and Audi e-tron High-end new energy models such as the Sportback helped FAW-Volkswagen win the championship in annual sales.

FAW-Volkswagen continued to practice corporate social responsibility, donating 25 million yuan at the first time when Henan encountered a rainstorm disaster, dispatched 89 people to repair the commando team, rushed to the disaster area to repair more than 3,100 flooded vehicles of the three major brands, and urgently transferred 500 ID.4 CROZZ to provide free transportation for the owners of the disaster. In terms of green manufacturing, the formation of a team of experts to study and promote the "carbon peak, carbon neutrality" landing, continue to build green factory upgrades, at present, Chengdu Southwest Base and Foshan South China Base MEB plant used all the electrical energy from clean energy.

Accelerate the transformation of digital intelligence and continue to consolidate the leading advantage of the industry

Looking forward to the future, FAW-Volkswagen will continue to exert the exemplary power of digital and intelligent transformation and innovative development, adhere to the user-centered, deepen the growth of high-efficiency transformation, continue to maintain the scale of enterprise production and marketing in the forefront of the industry, and provide high-quality travel services for the majority of users.

FAW-Volkswagen will accelerate its transformation and upgrading in three dimensions and lay out future-oriented forward-looking capabilities. First of all, we will continue to focus on the "user experience" reform, strive to build insight capabilities for Chinese users, closely integrate global advanced technologies with the special needs of Chinese users, and promote FAW-Volkswagen to a new level in the field of user experience. Second, we will continue to accelerate the transformation of digital and intelligent management and strengthen the digital talent reserve, greatly improve efficiency, reduce management costs, and inject stronger and more surging impetus into the high-quality development of FAW-Volkswagen.

At the same time, in the field of traditional energy and new energy, we will continue to launch new models that meet the needs of users, and 8 new cars will be listed in 2022, and the research and development and verification of new products and technologies will be accelerated, and the experience of better equipment and intelligent connection functions will be delivered to users. Based on the longer-term layout, FAW-Volkswagen constantly examines the new situation and new challenges of the current era, accelerates the development in the fields of new energy and intelligent networking, and further consolidates FAW-Volkswagen's technology and market leadership in China.

FAW-Volkswagen defines 2022 as the year of "public will", with an attitude of dedication to newness, unity of purpose, facing difficulties, taking advantage of the situation, and determined to win. In the context of the automotive industry facing major changes unprecedented in a century, 2022 will usher in the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Germany, and FAW-Volkswagen will also enter a new stage of enterprise development. Under the guidance of both Chinese and German shareholders, FAW-Volkswagen will deepen cooperation and win-win progress, continue to take users as the center, innovation as the driver, and digital intelligence as the key means, continue to strive and forge ahead, continue to surpass and forge ahead, write a new chapter of high-quality development, and make new and greater contributions to the career progress of both shareholders, the vigorous development of China's automobile industry, and the beautiful travel of consumers!

Source: China Youth Daily

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