
What foods are susceptible to cancer?

What foods are susceptible to cancer?

As people's research on cancer deepens, everyone is also increasingly worried: What foods are prone to cancer? This is explained from the common foods corresponding to a class of carcinogens (substances or mixtures that have clear carcinogenicity to the human body) identified by the International Institute for Cancer under the World Health Organization.

1. Acetaldehyde

What foods are susceptible to cancer?

Acetaldehyde is one of the metabolites produced by alcohol after it enters the body. People who lack acetaldehyde dehydrogenase (usually manifested as drinking alcohol on the face) are more likely to accumulate acetaldehyde in the body.

2. Aflatoxin

What foods are susceptible to cancer?

Commonly found in moldy peanuts and self-pressed peanut oil. Peanuts are susceptible to aflatoxin infection, and its metabolite aflatoxin is stress-resistant and resistant to high temperatures, and it is difficult to remove general cooking methods. Once mold is found, don't eat it!

3. Alcoholic beverages

What foods are susceptible to cancer?

Alcohol itself increases the incidence of oral, throat, esophageal, liver, breast, and colorectal cancers. In the distribution of carcinogenic deaths, the proportion caused by alcohol is about 3%.

4. Betel nut fruit (betel nut)

What foods are susceptible to cancer?

Related studies have shown that betel nut has a certain correlation with oral cancer. The more frequently you eat, the longer you chew, and the proportion of cancerous lesions in the cheeks and tongue increases significantly. Oral cancer patients who chewed betel nut were onset about 8 years earlier on average than other patients.

5. Aristolochic acid

What foods are susceptible to cancer?

Aristolochic acid is commonly found in a variety of Chinese herbal medicines, such as aristolochia, self-defense, etc. Therefore, in the absence of medical advice, it is not recommended to choose chinese herbs containing aristolochic acid.

6. Nitrite amine compounds

What foods are susceptible to cancer?

Commonly found in salted fish. During the preparation process, salted fish is dehydrated by high concentration of salting, and many nitrite substances are generated, which are transformed into nitrosamines with strong carcinogenicity in the acidic environment of the human stomach.

7. Floral testicles sucking

What foods are susceptible to cancer?

It is common in undercooked snails and fish. Sashimi is delicious, but raw meat with Chinese mycanthus eggs can easily lead to parasitism of the human intrahepatic bile ducts.

8. Benzopyrene

What foods are susceptible to cancer?

It is commonly found in smoked foods such as roast meat. Thermal polymerization occurs from fat coking in food, forming benzopyrene attached to the surface of food. In high-temperature fried foods, high-temperature vegetable oils that are used many times and foods that are over-fried will produce benzopyrene. The higher the temperature of the oil used in frying, the more times the oil is repeatedly fried, the more benzopyrene will be produced.

Well, now everyone has an understanding of some of the factors that are prone to cancer. Please note: Class I carcinogens ≠ absolute carcinogens. Other words! Eating roast meat once is not carcinogenic! But because we know they have a direct correlation with cancer, we recommend eating less or not. It is difficult for a single carcinogen to cause cancer directly, and cancer is usually caused by multiple factors.

This issue is written by Meng Ting

Editor: Peng Mingqian

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