
Delayed delivery has become a hot spot for complaints about new energy models

In recent years, as new energy models become hotter, insufficient production capacity, coupled with chips and other reasons led to a longer delivery cycle, the promised delivery date can not be delivered, becoming a problem that new energy car owners have begun to complain intensively.

It is understood that in 2021, the mainland automobile industry will produce and sell 26.082 million vehicles and 26.275 million vehicles respectively, maintaining the first place in global automobile production and sales for 13 consecutive years. At the same time, the sales volume of new energy vehicles in 2021 reached 3.521 million units, an increase of 1.6 times year-on-year, and the market share has reached 13.4%.

Delayed delivery has become a hot spot for complaints about new energy models

Complaints about new energy vehicles have increased

The rapid growth of sales has also led to an increase in the number of complaints.

According to the data released by the China Consumer Association, the number of complaints about automobiles and auto parts was 41,624, accounting for 8.48% of the complaints in the commodity category, ranking third in the overall complaint volume of the commodity category, up 19.28% year-on-year.

"New energy vehicles are difficult to prove" is one of the current complaint hotspots, and specifically pointed out eight major problems such as safety issues, battery quality, mileage shrinkage, non-fulfillment of configuration commitments, unreasonable price changes, arbitrary modification of promotional materials, unsatisfactory supporting after-sales service system, and automobile data storage.

The relevant person in charge of the China Consumer Association said that the number of complaints about automobiles and auto parts increased significantly last year, which is related to the gradual promotion and continuous increase of new energy vehicles, involving new energy vehicles Related complaints have increased significantly, and it is difficult to produce evidence and protect rights.

The main issues of consumer complaints include: According to the information released this time, for new energy vehicles, the main issues of consumer complaints in 2021:

First, there are safety problems in new energy vehicles, such as driving power interruption, spontaneous combustion of automobiles, and failure of automatic driving systems.

Second, the battery quality problems are prominent, such as charging failures.

Third, the mileage is shrinking, especially in the winter low temperature, the endurance loss is fast.

The fourth is not to fulfill promises, such as publicizing the use of high-performance chips, but this is not the case.

Fifth, the price change caused controversy, consumers just signed the contract has not yet picked up the car, the purchased model will reduce the price, or launch the same price but higher performance configuration of the product, resulting in consumer dissatisfaction.

Sixth, for the sold models, modify the online promotional materials and instructions at will.

Seventh, the supporting after-sales service system, maintenance outlets, maintenance technicians, etc. cannot meet the needs of high-speed growth of new energy vehicles, affecting consumers' experience and after-sales satisfaction.

Eighth, the issue of car data storage and provision has aroused widespread concern. With the improvement of the intelligence of new energy vehicles, the relevant data is monopolized and refused to be provided by manufacturers, and disputes have arisen.

New energy vehicles are high incidence areas for "delayed delivery"

Compared with traditional fuel vehicles, the phenomenon of delivery delays will be more serious. The reporter can see from the complaint platform of the car quality network that most of the recent complaints about the delay in delivery come from new energy vehicles.

Delayed delivery has become a hot spot for complaints about new energy models

The most fierce problem of not fulfilling the promise is the delay in the delivery of some models of Xiaopeng P5, and many consumers who have purchased the P5 460 series version of Xiaopeng Automobile have posted on the network that they have encountered delays in delivery due to battery supply problems.

Some car owners said that since signing the car purchase contract, the wait has been more than 3 months and still has not delivered the car, after the official said that the new car will be mentioned in 4-8 weeks, but the time has not been delivered in the past few months. Repeatedly asked Xiaopeng Automobile customer service, sales staff, etc., can not give an accurate answer to the time of the car, the incident also made many prospective car owners began to protect their rights and complaints.

Xiaopeng officials said on February 21 that due to the impact of the epidemic, the extreme shortage of major parts supply has brought great uncertainty to the production of Xiaopeng P5 460 models, resulting in 460 model orders can not be delivered within the next timed expected delivery cycle, "will solve the problem one-on-one, to assist customers in need to complete the procedures for reassignment or cancellation." ”

Euler also issued a notice to the 4S store, requiring all dealers to remove the promotional materials and exhibition vehicles of the black and white cats of Euler Automobile from 00:00 on February 15, stop accepting orders for the black and white cats of Euler Automobile, and said that the manufacturer no longer accepted orders. The staff said that the stop accepting new orders is due to chip shortages, insufficient supply of spare parts, national subsidies and many other reasons, resulting in a large backlog of black and white cat orders, and the waiting cycle for customers to buy cars is too long, affecting the customer experience.

In addition, the Nezha U pro400 cruise version has also recently stopped accepting new orders, and the specific recovery time is expected to take 3 months. Nezha Automobile said that this was "affected by the overall chip supply of the industry.".

Delaying delivery is difficult to protect rights

Despite the high volume of complaints about delayed delivery, enforcing rights is not an easy task.

In order to protect their own interests, the "deposit" model commonly used by major car companies and dealers is not mandatory on delivery time.

At the same time, most of the new car-making enterprises have taken advantage of providing standard contracts to exempt themselves from their main responsibilities, such as Tesla's "Car Pre-sale Agreement" stipulates that the payment paid by consumers when booking a car is an "advance payment", which is "to pay the costs incurred by our company in matching orders, arranging delivery and other related links, rather than the deposit of the vehicle." You can cancel your pre-sale order at any time until we deliver the vehicle to you and the advance payment you have already paid will be refunded in full".

In order to allow everyone to better protect their own rights and interests, this year's 315 we will continue to launch the "Problem Auto Show", only to solve the problem reasonably and legally. Welcome consumers to drive the vehicles that encounter problems to our auto show site, and we also welcome car companies to come to the scene and solve the problem under the witness of everyone.

From now on, Xiaoxiang Morning News all media joined hands with Hunan Golden Eagle 955 Radio and Hunan FM89.3 Mango Music Station to open channels for rights protection. Any problems you have in the process of buying and using a car can be told directly by phone or message.

On March 15, we will invite some consumers to the "Problem Auto Show" to solve the problem with the company.

Complaint Channel:

Pay attention to the public number "Xiaoxiang Morning News Xiang A Group" or Douyin number "258 Say Car", directly backstage message; you can also contact Xiaoxiang Morning News Auto Hu reporter: 18684654517.

Xiaoxiang Morning News reporter Hu Xiong

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