
How should pregnant mothers supplement lactose?

When many pregnant mothers receive a maternity report, the obstetrician will tell you that you have lactose intolerance. What exactly is lactose intolerance? What does lactose do? How should pregnant mothers supplement lactose?

The role of lactose

How should pregnant mothers supplement lactose?

Lactose is one of the sugars. Mammalian milk is a major source of lactose. Lactose is important for both pregnant mothers and babies. Because the brain, muscles, nerves and other activities of pregnant mothers need the calories provided by lactose, if lactose is lacking, pregnant mothers will have symptoms such as dizziness and nausea. Lactose is an indispensable nutrient for the development of the fetal baby, which is crucial to promote the sound development of the fetal baby's brain and nerves, and if the fetal baby cannot absorb enough lactose, it will be stunted. Lactose can also promote the absorption of calcium, promote the formation of lactic acid bacteria, and have a protective effect on bones and stomach.

What is lactose intolerance

Lactose intolerance mainly refers to the lack of lactase in the human gastrointestinal tract that specifically digests lactose, which causes various discomforts caused by indigestion after eating lactose, such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, etc.

How to supplement with lactose

Lactose intolerant pregnant mothers, despite their lack of lactose, cannot be replenished by drinking milk or other animal milk. So how should pregnant mothers supplement lactose to make the body better absorb it?

First of all, pregnant mothers should avoid drinking milk or other dairy products on an empty stomach, because this will stimulate the stomach and stomach and aggravate the symptoms of lactose intolerance; pregnant mothers can drink milk multiple times a day in the way of "eating less and eating more meals", which will not only not increase the digestive burden of the stomach and intestines, but also absorb better; pregnant mothers can supplement lactose by drinking yogurt, because a large part of the lactose in yogurt has been dissolved and is easy to absorb. Pregnant mothers with severe lactose intolerance should seek medical consultation as soon as possible to alleviate the condition by taking lactase.

How should pregnant mothers supplement lactose?

Some candies also contain a small amount of lactose.

Perfect Father-to-Be Bootcamp: If pregnant mothers belong to the lactose intolerant group, expectant fathers should store some fresh yogurt in the refrigerator. In addition, bread, candy, biscuits, cheese contain lactose ingredients, see what pregnant mothers like to eat, just prepare some such small snacks at home.

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