
Doctor: If you want to live a long life when you are old, seize the two golden health periods

author:Dr. Zhang's health talks

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"It's really early to take care of your health!" Uncle Wang sat down on a chair in the park, a satisfied smile on his face.

He had just returned from a nearby community hospital and the doctor had given him a much better health report than expected. Uncle Wang is a retired middle school history teacher, and although he is in his sixties, his life is full of vitality.

Doctor: If you want to live a long life when you are old, seize the two golden health periods

Uncle Wang's health regimen is mainly focused on two specific periods - early morning and evening. He firmly believes that these two periods are the prime time for wellness, which can maximize health promotion and longevity.

Early in the morning, when the first rays of sunlight shine into his bedroom, Uncle Wang will get up and go about his daily morning exercises. He usually does half an hour of tai chi, which is a gentle yet in-depth workout that builds muscle strength as well as improves the body's flexibility and balance.

Doctor: If you want to live a long life when you are old, seize the two golden health periods

The movements of Tai Chi are slow and powerful, and each movement is done under the control of the breath. It's not just a physical exercise, it's a kind of mental relaxation and peace of mind.

In the evening, Uncle Wang would choose to go for a walk or jog to end his day. He believes that the evening air is cooler, and after a day of hard work, the human body can help the muscles relax, promote blood circulation, and better help the body recover through moderate aerobic exercise.

Doctor: If you want to live a long life when you are old, seize the two golden health periods

In addition, walking provides a space for reflection and a day of life and work, as well as to organize his thoughts.

In addition to physical exercise during these two time periods, Uncle Wang also paid special attention to his eating habits. He pays special attention to breakfast, which he believes is the most crucial meal of the day and provides the energy to start the day.

His breakfast is usually soy milk, steamed eggs and fresh fruit, and he tries to avoid greasy or sweet foods, which can cause heart disease and diabetes.

Doctor: If you want to live a long life when you are old, seize the two golden health periods

He usually eats a simple and light dinner, mainly vegetables and whole grains, sometimes with a little fish or lean meat. He believes that eating too much dinner not only affects sleep, but can also lead to weight gain and other health problems in the long run.

Through this lifestyle, Uncle Wang not only maintains a good physical shape, but also has a better physical examination report than his peers.

He often said, "The secret of health lies in the regularity of life and moderate exercise, as well as the love of life." As long as you follow your own health principles, longevity will naturally follow. ”

Doctor: If you want to live a long life when you are old, seize the two golden health periods

One day, a young mother came to the park with her young son and overheard Uncle Wang talking about his health experience. She asked curiously, "Uncle Wang, I see that you are so good at health, can you share some health advice suitable for children?"

Uncle Wang smiled and nodded, and said: "Health preservation is not only a matter for us elderly, children develop good living habits from an early age, and it is also very important for their healthy growth." ”

Doctor: If you want to live a long life when you are old, seize the two golden health periods

He continued: "A lot of people, for example, don't pay much attention to the quality of their children's sleep. In fact, a child's sleep is just as important as an adult's. During the critical period of children's growth and development, a good night's sleep can not only help them regain their strength, but also promote the normal development of their bodies. Moreover, it is not advisable to be overly excited or overfed before bedtime, which will affect their sleep quality. ”

In addition, your child's diet should also be taken into account. Many parents often give their children snacks and fast food in order to make their children happy, but these foods are often nutritionally unbalanced and can affect their children's health in the long run. ”

Doctor: If you want to live a long life when you are old, seize the two golden health periods

Uncle Wang also mentioned the importance of outdoor activities: "Today's children tend to spend too much time in front of the TV and computer, which is not good for their bodies and eyes. We need to get the kids out for activities, such as taking them to the park or getting them to play in various sports. ”

"It's not just fun, it's also going to help them grow up healthy. This not only strengthens the body, but also strengthens the children's social skills. ”

Doctor: If you want to live a long life when you are old, seize the two golden health periods

Speaking of this, he paused and emphasized again: "Health preservation is actually a kind of life attitude, whether you are old or young, you should make a suitable health plan according to your actual situation." And as a parent, it is even more important to set a good example for your children. ”

At this time, the little boy next to him asked curiously, "Uncle Wang, why do you have to do morning exercises every day?"

Doctor: If you want to live a long life when you are old, seize the two golden health periods

Uncle Wang replied with a smile: "This is because morning exercise can help me adjust my body's biological clock and make my mental state more energetic for the day." You see, proper exercise can really help the blood flow more smoothly and make the heart stronger, which is very beneficial to our body. ”

"Don't forget, good health is the most valuable asset. So whether it's children or the elderly, we all have to find the right way to keep ourselves active and healthy. ”

Doctor: If you want to live a long life when you are old, seize the two golden health periods

Although Uncle Wang's words were simple, they were full of profound wisdom and love for life, which made everyone present feel the importance of a healthy life.

What do you think about longevity?

Doctor: If you want to live a long life when you are old, seize the two golden health periods

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