
Breastfeeding, why is 15 minutes a golden node? It's not good to be long or short?

author:Doctor of Kopphi

Breastfeeding, why is 15 minutes a golden node? It's not good to be long or short? Every new mom encounters challenges and doubts during her breastfeeding journey. Xiao Li is a new mother who has just welcomed her first baby. She found herself often confused when feeding: how long should she be fed? Is it 5 minutes, or is it 30 minutes? She's heard that "15 minutes is a golden node", but what exactly does that mean? Breastfeeding isn't just about providing nutrition for your baby, it's also about bonding with your baby. However, the length of feeding time is a key issue. Too short and your baby may be malnourished; Too long, and both mother and baby will be exhausted. So why is 15 minutes considered the best time to breastfeed? What is the science behind it? In this article, we'll take a deep dive into the "15-minute golden node" of breastfeeding, revealing the importance of this point in time and how to keep your baby healthy through scientific feeding. Let's step into this scientific and warm breastfeeding world together and find the best rhythm for every mother and baby.

Breastfeeding, why is 15 minutes a golden node? It's not good to be long or short?

The Science of 15 Minutes: The Mystery of Feeding Time

Every minute of breastfeeding has its own special meaning. Research shows that 15 minutes is a critical milestone to ensure that babies receive the most comprehensive nutrition. Dynamic changes in the composition of breast milk: The composition of breast milk is dynamic throughout the feeding process. In the first few minutes of feeding, breast milk is mainly foremilk, containing a lot of water, lactose and protein to satisfy the baby's initial hunger and thirst. As feeding progresses, breast milk gradually becomes hindmilk, which contains higher fat and calories, helping the baby gain weight and providing a sense of fullness. A 15-minute feeding time ensures that the baby is getting both the water and lactose in the foremilk and the fat and protein in the hindmilk, resulting in a balanced nutrition. Sucking efficiency and time are the highest in the first 15 minutes. At this time, the baby's sucking action is strong and frequent, which can effectively stimulate milk production. If the feeding time is too short, the baby does not absorb enough fat from the hindmilk, which may affect weight gain and healthy development. After more than 15 minutes, the baby's sucking frequency and strength will gradually weaken, and the absorption efficiency will decrease, and continuing to feed will affect the overall effect of feeding.

Breastfeeding, why is 15 minutes a golden node? It's not good to be long or short?

Effects of too short feeding: potential risk revealed

Uneven nutrient intake: If the time for each feeding is insufficient, the infant can only get the nutrients of the foremilk and lack the necessary fats and proteins in the hindmilk. In this case, the baby's nutritional intake will be unbalanced, which may lead to slow weight gain and malnutrition in the long run. Weight Gain ProblemsWeight gain in babies is one of the important indicators to measure their health. Feeding too short a time can cause babies to not get enough calories and fat, which can affect weight gain. Being underweight not only affects the baby's physique, but it can also have adverse effects on their immune system, making them more susceptible to disease.

Breastfeeding, why is 15 minutes a golden node? It's not good to be long or short?

Limited development of sucking ability

A baby's ability to suck is developed through repeated practice and stimulation. Feeding time is too short, and the infant's sucking action will not be fully exercised, and the sucking ability will not be fully developed. Not only does this affect current feeding outcomes, but it can also have a negative impact on future feeding habits and abilities. Practice RecommendationIn order to ensure that the infant receives complete nutrition, it is recommended to limit the duration of each breastfeeding to about 15 minutes. It is possible to judge whether the feeding time is appropriate by observing the baby's sucking movements and expressions. If the infant stops sucking frequently for a short period of time or shows restlessness, the feeding time may need to be extended appropriately. At the same time, mothers can also use a timer to help keep track of feeding time to ensure that their babies are getting a balanced diet every time. Through scientific and reasonable breastfeeding, mothers can not only ensure the healthy growth of their babies, but also establish good feeding habits and lay a solid foundation for the future health of their babies.

Breastfeeding, why is 15 minutes a golden node? It's not good to be long or short?

The dangers of breastfeeding for too long

1. Breast congestion and pain: Breastfeeding for too long can easily lead to breast congestion, causing pain and discomfort. This condition can affect the mother's feeding experience and even lead to a decrease in the willingness to breastfeed. The breast is in a state of congestion for a long time, which is easy to induce diseases such as mastitis, which further affects the normal secretion of milk.

2. There is an imbalance between supply and demand of breast milk

Feeding for too long can upset the balance between supply and demand for breast milk. If a baby suckles for too long at a time, the breasts will produce too much milk in a short period of time, which in turn will lead to an imbalance between the supply and demand of breast milk. This imbalance can not only cause discomfort to the mother's breasts, but may also affect milk quality and the baby's nutritional intake.

3. Indigestion in infants

Feeding for too long and babies taking too much milk can easily lead to indigestion. The baby's digestive system is not yet fully developed, and excessive milk intake can increase the burden on digestion, leading to problems such as bloating and spitting up. In the long run, this will affect the baby's digestive function and growth and development.

Breastfeeding, why is 15 minutes a golden node? It's not good to be long or short?

How to master the 15-minute gold node

1. Observe the baby's sucking rhythm; The key to mastering the 15-minute golden node is to observe the baby's sucking rhythm. In the first few minutes of feeding, the infant sucks more frequently and swallows more soundly, indicating that the infant is taking in the first part of the milk. Over time, the sucking rhythm slows down, indicating that the baby has started to take in the latter part of the milk. Usually, the whole process is completed in about 15 minutes.

2. Use the timer assist

Novice mothers can keep track of feeding time with the help of a timer. Set a 15-minute timer at the start of feeding to help you stay on top of your time. This ensures that the baby is getting enough nutrients and avoids the adverse effects of feeding for too long.

3. Be flexible with your feeding schedule

While 15 minutes is an ideal feeding time, each baby's needs are different. Mothers should be flexible in adjusting the feeding time according to the specific situation of the baby. Observe how babies respond to ensure they are getting adequate nutrition during each feeding session while avoiding overfeeding.

4. Feed small amounts often

It is recommended that mothers use multiple small feedings of 15 minutes each, divided into multiple times a day. This not only ensures that the baby is getting enough nutrients, but also avoids the discomfort of prolonged feeding.

5. Regular health check-ups

Take your baby for regular health check-ups to monitor weight gain, digestion and other indicators to ensure the effectiveness of feeding. Doctors' professional advice can help mothers better grasp the timing and method of feeding to ensure the healthy growth of their babies. Through the above methods, new mothers can better grasp the golden time of breastfeeding, and ensure the nutritional intake and healthy growth of their babies.

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