
Physique and health丨Yang deficiency physique - prevent repeated colds

author:Weicheng release
Physique and health丨Yang deficiency physique - prevent repeated colds
Physique and health丨Yang deficiency physique - prevent repeated colds

According to the theory of yin and yang, Chinese medicine divides the human constitution into nine types, including one peaceful constitution and eight biased constitutions: yang deficiency, yin deficiency, phlegm dampness, dampness and heat, qi depression, qi deficiency, blood stasis, and special endowment. The main theoretical bases are yin and yang, cold and heat, qi and blood, six lewdness (wind, cold, summer, dampness, dryness, fire) and seven emotions (joy, anger, worry, sorrow, fear, and fear).

Each body type has different physical and mental manifestations and internal and external causes, and there is a close relationship between our daily habits and psychological characteristics. Therefore, we can understand our own body and mind type to carry out effective physical and mental conditioning and health care, so as to achieve physical and mental harmony and health, inner peace and integrity.

Improper maintenance, physical decline;

Moderate recuperation and peaceful physique.

Physique and health丨Yang deficiency physique - prevent repeated colds

Yang deficiency physique

Prevent recurrent colds

Physical characteristics

Overall characteristics: Yang Qi is insufficient, and the main characteristics are cold deficiency such as cold intolerance and warmth of hands and feet.

Physical characteristics: Muscles are floppy and unsolid.

Common manifestations: normal sensitivity to cold, cold hands and feet, preference for hot eating, lack of energy, pale and tender tongue, slow pulse.

Psychological characteristics: quiet and introverted personality.

Pathogenic tendency: susceptible to phlegm drinking, swelling, diarrhea and other diseases; It is easy to feel evil from the cold.

Adaptability: summer resistance but not winter resistance; Susceptible to wind, cold, and dampness.

Predisposed diseases: colds, chronic gastrointestinal diseases, edema, asthma, arrhythmias, hypothyroidism, low sexual function, rheumatoid arthritis, etc

Wellness advice

Environment and living photography: winter to avoid the cold and warm, spring and summer to replenish yang energy, more sunbathing. Avoid wind, cold, fog and snow, and pay attention to keeping your feet, back and dantian warm.

Physical exercise: Movement is yang, and physical exercise is 1 to 2 times a day. It is advisable to soothe and gentle, such as walking, jogging, tai chi, five bird opera, Baduanjin, etc.

Mental adjustment: This type of person is often in a bad mood, fearful, and compassionate. You should be calm and introverted to eliminate bad emotions.


It is advisable to eat warm and yang foods such as mutton, dog meat, venison, leeks, fennel, chicken, and eat less raw and cold foods such as watermelon, pears, persimmons, eggplants, winter melons, and water chestnuts.

Health guidance

(1) It can be recuperated with medicinal diets such as "Angelica mutton soup" and "ginseng and red date porridge". (2) Knead or moxibustion the large vertebrae and Guan Yuan acupuncture points for 30 minutes every day. (3) You can pat the back bladder meridian every day (4) Supervise moxibustion once a week to supervise and replenish yang.

Physique and health丨Yang deficiency physique - prevent repeated colds

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