
After the beginning of summer, seize the "golden period" for children to grow taller, often eat 3 dishes, and be "superior"

author:Ah San Food

The beginning of summer has passed, and the sun shines through the gaps in the leaves, and the air is filled with the smell of early summer. This season not only brings warm sunshine, but also the golden time for children's height "jointing". In order to let the babies "be superior" on the road to growth, today, let's explore 3 delicious and nutritious steamed recipes together, so that the dining table becomes a little secret to the healthy growth of children.

After the beginning of summer, seize the "golden period" for children to grow taller, often eat 3 dishes, and be "superior"

1. Braised rice with pork ribs

In the hot summer, children's appetites often become picky, and a fragrant stewed rice with pork ribs is undoubtedly a good appetizer. The softness of glutinous rice and the mellow aroma of pork ribs are perfectly integrated, providing children with full energy.

After the beginning of summer, seize the "golden period" for children to grow taller, often eat 3 dishes, and be "superior"

Preparation: Wash the glutinous rice and gently soak it in the spring for two hours until it crumbles to the touch. At the same time, select ribs and chop them, use the magic of salt, pepper, sugar and soy sauce to dress the ribs in a sauce-colored coat, add a touch of egg yolk, and marinate for 10 minutes, so that each rib is immersed in the rich aroma.

After the beginning of summer, seize the "golden period" for children to grow taller, often eat 3 dishes, and be "superior"

The soaked glutinous rice is spread flat on the bottom of the plate, and the pork ribs and sweet corn kernels are arranged on top of the glutinous rice like chess pieces, and finally drizzled with marinade and sent to the steamer. After 20 minutes, as the steam rises, a pot of fragrant pork ribs is ready. Sprinkled with chopped green onions and red peppers, the double temptation of color and flavor is irresistible.

After the beginning of summer, seize the "golden period" for children to grow taller, often eat 3 dishes, and be "superior"

2. Egg rolls

Want your kids to eat happily and healthily? Egg rolls are a good choice. The clever combination of minced meat, carrots and shiitake mushrooms has both protein and fiber, and the nutrition is balanced.

After the beginning of summer, seize the "golden period" for children to grow taller, often eat 3 dishes, and be "superior"

Filling: Finely chop the pork and carrots, chop the mushrooms and add them, add salt, pepper and chicken powder to enhance the flavor, the oyster sauce enhances the flavor, and the egg mixture makes the meat filling more tender. After stirring well, add a little starch to the egg mixture to make the meat roll easier to shape.

After the beginning of summer, seize the "golden period" for children to grow taller, often eat 3 dishes, and be "superior"

Making the meat rolls: In a frying pan, the egg wash dances lightly to form a golden pancake, which is covered with a full layer of meat filling, rolled up, and sealed, like a delicate picture. After steaming for 20 minutes, the meat rolls out of the pan and slices, and each bite is a gentle soothing to the taste buds.

After the beginning of summer, seize the "golden period" for children to grow taller, often eat 3 dishes, and be "superior"

3. Custard with milk

Egg custard is the gentlest taste in childhood memories. Adding milk adds a bit of aroma and silkiness.

Blended eggs: The encounter between eggs and milk is the most tender scenery on the breakfast table. The perfect ratio of egg wash to milk, add a pinch of salt and sesame oil, stir gently, pour into a pre-oiled bowl, and the non-stick care completes the finished product.

After the beginning of summer, seize the "golden period" for children to grow taller, often eat 3 dishes, and be "superior"

The art of steaming: Pot with boiling water, cover with a small dish or cover with plastic wrap, and after 12 minutes, a bowl of delicate milk custard will be presented. Drizzled with steamed fish soy sauce and sprinkled with chopped green onions, the simple decoration is enough to make people's hearts flutter.

After the beginning of summer, seize the "golden period" for children to grow taller, often eat 3 dishes, and be "superior"


During this critical period of children's growth, each steamed dish is an expression of love, which is not only nutritionally balanced, but also stimulates the child's appetite. From the mellow of the stewed rice with pork ribs to the creativity of the egg and meat rolls, to the delicacy of the milk custard, each dish carries our expectations for the growth of our children. Let's grasp this short but precious "golden period" together, and use the power of food to contribute to the growth of children, so that their smiles are as bright as the summer sun.

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