
How big can a trout grow? What is the nutritional value? Do you know?

author:Ah San Food

In this world of fun and challenge, there is one small fish that anglers love and hate, and it is the trout. This kind of inconspicuous little guy often becomes the talk of fishing friends after dinner, they are not only small, but also extremely cunning, and can always "stick a foot" in the battlefield of catching big fish. Today, let's talk about this little guy who is a headache for anglers, reveal the true appearance of the trout, and see if it is really as worthless as the rumors say.

How big can a trout grow? What is the nutritional value? Do you know?

The "identity" of the trout is revealed

The trout, a mouthful-sounding name, is an indigenous inhabitant of mainland waters, and is known as the "native elf" along with the betta. You can see them in flocks in country streams, reservoirs, lakes and even irrigation ditches, and the locals affectionately call them "mirror fish" and "square skin". Despite their flat body and like leaves fluttering in water, they are a member of the carp subfamily of the Cypriniformes family, which is of the same origin as the grass carp and carp we are familiar with, but has its own unique charm.

How big can a trout grow? What is the nutritional value? Do you know?

Trout's "Growing Up Diary"

When it comes to trout, many people's first reaction is "they don't grow big". It is true that most trout remain the size of a coin, but that doesn't mean they don't have "big" relatives. The trout family is luxuriant, including many branches such as trout and squid, among which there are many "giants" that can grow to more than ten centimeters.

How big can a trout grow? What is the nutritional value? Do you know?

These "big" trout, which can even weigh up to one or two taels, are about the size of a slap, making one wonder if they are miniature versions of crucian carp. Behind this phenomenon is the diversity of trout species and the difference in lifespan – some live for only one or two years, while others can live leisurely for four or five years, and the natural body size is very different.

How big can a trout grow? What is the nutritional value? Do you know?

Why has it become a "nightmare" for anglers?

If you ask the angler about his feelings for the trout, he is afraid that it is "love and hate". What I love is their liveliness and agility, which adds a bit of life to the calm waters; What they hate is their "gluttonous" nature. When the trout swim in a flock, once they find food, they will swarm and instantly divide up the bait, and their small beaks often only rub and do not bite, which makes anglers happy. What's even more troublesome is that the frequent "false signals" make anglers repeatedly empty rods, big fish are not seen, but trout are full of baskets, which is undoubtedly a basin of cold water for anglers who pursue the pleasure of big fish.

How big can a trout grow? What is the nutritional value? Do you know?

Are trout really worthless?

For a long time, trout were labelled "inedible" because of the bitter nature of the meat, but in the eyes of true food explorers, this is nothing more than a beautiful misunderstanding. After the evisceration, the trout is fried or dried and cooked, which is an unexpected delicacy, especially those "fine" large trout, the skin is crispy, the flesh and bone are edible, for people who love fish and are afraid of thorns, it is simply a blessing. Not only that, trout has also quietly occupied a place in the ornamental fish market, with its colorful colors and easy maintenance characteristics, it has become the new favorite of many aquarists, and its value has also risen.

How big can a trout grow? What is the nutritional value? Do you know?


To sum up, the trout is not without merit, it is not only a small surprise in life, but also a new attempt on the dining table, and it is also a smart scenery in the ornamental fish tank. The next time you encounter a trout by the river, you might as well change your perspective and discover its neglected beauty. As for you, dear readers, do you have any interesting experiences or unique cooking tips about trout that you would like to share with us? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area, let's explore more unknown stories about trout together.

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