
It's not health, it's healing! Don't do these Chinese aunts' health regimens!

author:Dr. Huang talks about health
It's not health, it's healing! Don't do these Chinese aunts' health regimens!

Aunt Zhang is a 65-year-old retired teacher who attaches great importance to health care and always pays attention to all kinds of health information.

Recently, Aunt Zhang saw some health regimens on the Internet that claimed to be able to "detoxify and nourish the skin", such as eating raw eggs and drinking raw garlic water, etc., she was thrilled and ready to give it a try.

At the hospital, Dr. Wang, the attending physician, patiently listened to Aunt Zhang's thoughts, and he told her that many of the so-called "health regimens" have no reliable scientific basis, and that blind attempts are not only not good for your health, but may actually bring harm.

It's not health, it's healing! Don't do these Chinese aunts' health regimens!

For example, Dr Wong said that eating raw eggs retains more nutrients, but it also increases the risk of contracting pathogens such as Salmonella.

Salmonella is a common foodborne pathogen that can cause symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, and fever, and may even be life-threatening in severe cases, especially in the elderly, who have relatively weak immune function and are more susceptible to infection.

Drinking raw garlic water is also a "regimen" recommended by some people, and Dr. Wang explained that garlic does contain some beneficial ingredients, such as allicin, which have certain antibacterial and antioxidant effects.

It's not health, it's healing! Don't do these Chinese aunts' health regimens!

However, raw garlic is highly irritating, and eating a large amount of garlic may cause gastrointestinal discomfort, and some people may even have garlic allergy reactions, which are manifested as allergic symptoms such as rash and difficulty breathing.

In addition to these, there are many popular folk health regimens, such as drinking vinegar on an empty stomach, eating ginger, etc., all lack scientific basis, some methods seem simple, but in fact may affect physical health, for example, acetic acid is highly irritating, and drinking on an empty stomach is easy to hurt the gastric mucosa; Ginger is hot, and overeating may aggravate the symptoms of irritation.

It's not health, it's healing! Don't do these Chinese aunts' health regimens!

Dr. Wang told Aunt Zhang that the real health is not to blindly pursue various "magic prescriptions", but to follow science, respect the laws of the body, and a balanced diet, moderate exercise, adequate sleep, and a happy mood are the cornerstones of health and longevity.

Food should be cleaned, cooked thoroughly, not only to retain nutrients, but also to avoid bacterial infection, daily life should be regular, do not stay up late, do not overeat, have a positive and optimistic attitude, learn to regulate emotions, and maintain a happy mood.

It's not health, it's healing! Don't do these Chinese aunts' health regimens!

In addition, Dr. Wang also suggested that the elderly should have regular physical examinations to detect and treat diseases in time, and some chronic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes need to be managed under the guidance of doctors.

Aunt Zhang listened to Dr. Wang's words and suddenly realized that she realized that in the past, she had some misunderstandings about health preservation, one-sided pursuit of the so-called "secret recipes" and "magic tricks", and ignored the basic laws of health.

It's not health, it's healing! Don't do these Chinese aunts' health regimens!

In general, the concept of "health preservation" is very popular at the moment, but many people have a misunderstanding of health preservation, and real health care is not to blindly pursue various "divine prescriptions", but to respect science and conform to nature.

Although the above-mentioned practices such as eating raw eggs and drinking raw garlic water claim to have various benefits, they are actually not based on reliable scientific evidence, and blind attempts may harm health.

It is true that we should keep an open mind and learn the traditional wisdom of health preservation, but more importantly, we should use a scientific eye to distinguish and distinguish the false from the true.

It's not health, it's healing! Don't do these Chinese aunts' health regimens!

A balanced diet, moderate exercise, and regular work and rest may seem simple, but they are the foundation of maintaining health, and developing good living habits is far more effective than pursuing any "magic formula".

There is only one life, health is the greatest capital, rather than blindly trying a variety of "health methods", it is better to calm down and use scientific methods to take care of your body and mind.

Exercise more and exercise frequently; Pay attention to your diet and balance your nutrition; Keep a happy mood, optimistic and positive, and believe that as long as we operate with our hearts, we will be able to harvest health and bloom a gorgeous flower of life.

This content is a fictional short story, and any name, place name, or other aspect involved in the text has nothing to do with reality (without any implication). If there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read it rationally. ”

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