
Drinking milk will diarrhea, can you still drink milk, can the "milk amount" be practiced?

Friends often ask Huazi, what kind of food can be eaten to strengthen the body, but also good and cheap? Huazi said that the "optimal solution" for foods that meet these two requirements at the same time is milk, which is recognized as a nutritional product around the world.

However, many friends complained to Huazi that drinking milk will cause diarrhea, what to do, can you practice your "milk amount" through a small number of times? Huazi said that this situation is likely to be lactose intolerance, and it is not recommended to practice "milk quantity", but there are other ways to obtain the nutrients in milk.

Drinking milk will diarrhea, can you still drink milk, can the "milk amount" be practiced?

First, nutrient-rich milk

Milk is almost perfect nutrition, which not only contains a large number of high-quality proteins, carbs, fats, but also rich in calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and other trace elements, as well as A, D, B and other vitamins.

According to nutritional surveys, the average daily intake of calcium in the Chinese diet is about 400mg, while the human body needs about 800 to 1000mg of calcium per day.

Milk has a higher calcium content and a good absorption rate compared to other foods. Drinking milk regularly can promote bone development in adolescents and prevent osteoporosis in middle-aged and elderly people. Therefore, there is a slogan of "one cup of milk every day, strong Chinese".

Drinking milk will diarrhea, can you still drink milk, can the "milk amount" be practiced?

Second, there are many human lactose intolerances

Although the nutritional value of milk is high, many people will have symptoms of bloating, diarrhea and abdominal pain after drinking milk, which is due to lactose intolerance.

Milk contains lactose, but many people lack the enzymes to digest lactose in their bodies. After drinking milk, a large amount of lactose cannot be broken down and absorbed, and it will directly reach the large intestine. The symbiotic bacteria in the human intestine will use lactose fermentation to produce a large amount of gas and water, which will irritate the intestines and cause abdominal pain and diarrhea.

In areas where animal husbandry is developed and milk sources are abundant, there are fewer people who are lactose intolerant. In areas where agriculture is the mainstay and there are not many dairy products in the traditional diet, the proportion of people with lactose intolerance is very high.

Drinking milk will diarrhea, can you still drink milk, can the "milk amount" be practiced?

Third, it is not recommended to practice "milk amount"

In fact, lactose intolerance gradually appears with growth. Because after all, everyone grew up drinking breast milk when they were just born. However, with the reduction of dairy products in the diet after weaning, the number and activity of lactase will decrease, and lactose intolerance will occur when drinking milk again.

Some people may ask, because drinking less milk produces lactose intolerance, so drinking so much milk, is it possible to re-train the "milk amount"? Huazi does not recommend this, because the decrease and increase of lactase is an extremely slow process. It is not realistic to endure abdominal pain and diarrhea to practice "milk volume".

And frequent diarrhea may also cause intestinal flora disorders, causing more severe, stubborn diarrhea or constipation, more than worth the loss.

Drinking milk will diarrhea, can you still drink milk, can the "milk amount" be practiced?

Fourth, how to drink milk healthily

Some people are prone to diarrhea just when drinking milk on an empty stomach, and drinking milk after meals is no problem. This is because on an empty stomach, milk enters the large intestine more quickly, leading to intolerance and diarrhea. If you drink milk after a meal, it will be mixed with food, increasing the residence time in the small intestine, so that the lactose in it has a longer time to decompose.

Lactose intolerant people can choose yogurt, cheese and other dairy products, these dairy products are the use of beneficial bacteria to ferment milk, the lactose in it into lactic acid, both increase the flavor, but also avoid the influence of lactose, and almost retain all the nutrients in the milk.

You can also choose lactose-free milk, many milk brands have developed lactose-free milk, in the production process, the lactose in the milk hydrolyzed into galactose and glucose, while avoiding lactose intolerance, but also can increase the taste of milk.

Drinking milk will diarrhea, can you still drink milk, can the "milk amount" be practiced?

To sum up, lactose intolerant people do not deliberately exercise their "milk amount", you can choose yogurt, lactose-free milk and other dairy products, the same can get the nutrition in milk. However, it should be noted that if you still have diarrhea after choosing lactose-free dairy products, it may be a milk protein allergy and you have to stay away from dairy products. Calcium and protein can be replenished through soy products, lean meat, fish, etc. I am a pharmacist Huazi, welcome to follow me and share more health knowledge.

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