
The European market year-on-year growth list was released, Xiaomi only ranked third, and Samsung ranked at the bottom

Many people may not know that the main market for domestic mobile phones to go to sea is in Europe and India, etc., and the North American market cannot open the situation due to the impact of objective reasons. Among them, Europe has become one of the most important markets, because consumers in this market are very picky, and it is enough to get the recognition of consumers in this market, which is enough to prove that the quality and experience of domestic mobile phones can be completely comparable to Samsung and Apple.

The European market year-on-year growth list was released, Xiaomi only ranked third, and Samsung ranked at the bottom

Recently, a data company released the ranking of the year-on-year growth rate of the five major brands in the European market at the end of 2021, let's take a look at the specific list:

Champion: realme, up 280% year-on-year;

Runner-up: OPPO, an increase of 70%;

Runner-up: Xiaomi, up 43% year-on-year;

Fourth place: Apple, an increase of 10% year-on-year;

Fifth place: Samsung, up 2% year-on-year.

Here we also need to explain to you that this is the ranking of the year-on-year growth rate of annual shipments, not the ranking of annual shipments, and we should not misunderstand it.

The European market year-on-year growth list was released, Xiaomi only ranked third, and Samsung ranked at the bottom

Realme performed best in terms of overall growth rates, as it grew 280% year-over-year. But we must understand the fact that due to the small size of the reason, the growth rate is very high. In reality, the top three brands in the European market are Samsung, Apple and Xiaomi. Then again, now the performance of domestic brands in the European market is really enough, and the continuous growth encroachment is the market share of other brands, relatively speaking, Apple and Samsung are particularly high in entering this market, and the overall share is relatively high, so the growth rate will be smaller. Therefore, domestic brands still need to work harder to pull these two brands down from the position of champion and runner-up.

The European market year-on-year growth list was released, Xiaomi only ranked third, and Samsung ranked at the bottom

In addition, we should pay attention to a variable, the pattern of the European market in 2022 may change. Because in the second half of 2021, vivo officially entered this market and began to exert force, so whether vivo can become the X factor of the European market depends on the performance in 2022. The good news is that vivo has gained a foothold in the European market.

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