
Should I supplement with folic acid before IVF?

"Are you trying to get pregnant, are you eating folic acid?"

Folic acid cannot be synthesized in the human body, but can be obtained from sources such as food or folic acid supplements.

Should I supplement with folic acid before IVF?

Although many sisters planning to become pregnant know to eat folic acid, how to eat it? When it comes to folic acid supplementation, what should expectant mothers do?

The main role of folic acid

1. Prevention of anemia in pregnant women: Pregnant women's bodies need folic acid to make normal red blood cells. Inadequate intake of folic acid may also cause anemia in pregnant women.

2. Prevention of congenital malformations of the baby: the risk of birth defects of the baby can be reduced to a certain extent, such as congenital heart disease of the fetus.

3. Prevention of neural tube defects: Neural tube defects are common congenital malformations in newborns. If a woman insists on taking the recommended dose of folic acid daily for at least one month before conception and for the first 3 months of pregnancy, it can effectively reduce the risk of neural tube defects in your baby.

Should I supplement with folic acid before IVF?

4. Promote placental development: affect the basic structure of DNA and cells, therefore, obtaining sufficient folic acid is particularly important for the rapid growth of the placenta and the baby.

5. Prevent pregnant women from suffering from pre-eclampsia: taking a variety of vitamins containing folic acid can reduce the risk of preeclampsia in pregnant women.

Q: Should I supplement folic acid before IVF?

A: Expectant mothers should start to supplement folic acid from the first 3 months of pregnancy to give future babies sufficient reserves, and IVF treatment is no exception. Moreover, the first trimester should also adhere to the supplement, because this period is a critical period for the growth and development of the central nervous system of the fetal baby, and the brain cells proliferate rapidly and are more susceptible to teratogenic factors. After entering the second trimester, you can stop taking folic acid tablets and take them from food.

Q: Does not eating folic acid cause fetal malformations?

A: This is not necessarily true, mainly depending on the amount of folic acid reserves in the pregnant mother's body. If the pregnant mother usually pays more attention to the intake of vegetables, the possibility of the fetus being unhealthy is of course relatively small. If the usual partial diet is more serious, then you should consult a doctor on how to supplement folic acid immediately after pregnancy.

Should I supplement with folic acid before IVF?

Q: When to replenish folic acid?

A: Three months before pregnancy and three months after pregnancy.

Starting from the first 90 days of pregnancy, folic acid supplementation is ensured that the level of folic acid in the body is maintained at a certain level, and the baby is prepared for the storage of folic acid, so that the baby can grow in an environment with sufficient amount of folic acid early.

The mother also needs folic acid supplementation within three months of pregnancy to provide for the growing folate demand of the fetus. In addition, taking folic acid half an hour to an hour before breakfast has a good effect of absorption on an empty stomach.

Shenzhen Zhongshan Urology Hospital

In 1986, the First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen Medical University sent a medical team headed by Professor Mei Hua to support the development of health in the Shenzhen Special Administrative Region and established the Shenzhen Medical Center of Sun Yat-sen Medical University. In 1997, it was upgraded to Shenzhen Urology Hospital of Sun Yat-sen Medical University. In the same year, Professor Zhuang Guanglun, the "Father of IVF in China", personally founded the first IVF center in Shenzhen in this hospital, which was one of the first reproductive medicine centers approved by the health department to implement assisted reproductive technology, and the first case of IVF babies in Shenzhen was born in our hospital in 1998. In 2003, the hospital was renamed Shenzhen Zhongshan Urology Hospital.

Should I supplement with folic acid before IVF?

Our hospital focuses on reproductive medicine as the key development direction, and the Reproductive Medicine Center is a standing committee unit of the Reproductive Medicine Branch of the Chinese Medical Association and a vice chairman unit of the Reproductive Medicine Branch of the Guangdong Medical Association. The success rate of IVF in the Reproductive Medicine Center has maintained the advanced level in China, and the diagnosis and treatment rate of recurrent abortion and repeated embryo implantation failure in the Reproductive Immunization Diagnosis and Treatment Center is at the international leading level. Since the establishment of the hospital, around the reproductive medicine year by year to open reproductive fertility center, reproductive immunity diagnosis and treatment department, reproductive fertility Chinese medicine hall, reproductive urology and andrology, gynecology, reproductive medicine clinical research center and other special departments, up to now, our hospital has been difficult to conceive families successfully created more than 30,000 IVF babies.

Hospital mission: to create a healthy life, round your family.

Hospital vision: with reproductive medicine as the main body, to build a modern specialized hospital with cultural value and soul, responsible for patients, employees and the government, and with leading technology.

To choose is to choose technology and services

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