
(Inventory) Count the 12 signs of simple little happiness

(Inventory) Count the 12 signs of simple little happiness


Aries are naturally motivated and active, enthusiastic and frank, they like to do things cleanly, quickly decided, hate to drag mud and water, hesitant. At the same time, Aries are always very involved in new things, and have the courage to take risks and pursue speed, so they usually give the impression of extreme energy and super ability to do things. In the eyes of Aries people, the small happiness in love is that the beloved person can accompany him, follow himself to the outdoors of the blue sky and white clouds, do some challenging sports or come to an adventurous trip, then the childish Aries will definitely be like a child who is praised by the teacher and smiles, and the joy of joy is overflowing!


Taurus, who pays attention to his own senses, loves and appreciates all the beautiful scenery, and the temptation to eat is irresistible. Therefore, enjoying the bright scenery and tasting special snacks is really a joy of life for them, and in the process of seeing the beautiful scenery and tasting food, if the other half is always accompanied by the side and shares this full of joy and joy with themselves, it is even more perfect! Therefore, on a sunny and sunny weekend, lovers accompany themselves to the park where the mountains and rivers are close to each other, walking around comfortably, taking some beautiful scenery, smiling sweet photos of the two, and then eating a hearty meal at the nearest delicious small shop... These simple and plain happiness will surely be cherished by the most easily satisfied cow and cow baby.


Geminis who pursue change do not like the monotonous and unchanging love life, they prefer that the content of life is colorful and changeable. For example, the two can often go to the suburbs to wander or go to the fields and mountains for a short trip, not only can broaden the horizons of both sides, but also cultivate a temperament, which is a small happiness; or, some unexpected surprises given to them by lovers can also impress Gemini's soft heart: for example, on the night of the birthday, TA calls to say that he wants to work overtime, so sorry he can't accompany himself, but just hung up the phone before the meaning of loss was sorted out, he heard the doorbell ringing, curiously opened the door, and a familiar face appeared behind the candlelit cake. Ta innocently wished himself "happy birthday", Gemini was angry and annoyed, but finally smiled and shed tears of emotion... Isn't this happiness that suddenly soars from the negative to the positive pole a small happiness?


Cancer, who has a strong family complex and prefers a peaceful environment, has a gentle personality, delicate feelings, cares for lovers, and is considerate everywhere, but at the same time they are emotional, suspicious, and insecure, so they often unconsciously seek warm protection. Lovers are willing to accompany themselves to stay in the home of the familiar environment when they are idle, the two curl up on the soft sofa, eat snacks, drink hot tea, watch the current popular TV series or funny variety shows; lovers always give warm feedback for their careful care, or gently cover themselves with a thin quilt when they accidentally fall asleep, or give thick shoulders to rely on when they are injured, telling themselves "Honey, there I am, don't be afraid"... How can this little happiness not make Cancer's heart feel happy?


The energetic Leo has always done his best to break through his energy limits, overcome all difficulties and hardships, and create a brilliant new situation. Heroic ambition and perseverance make enthusiastic Leo, once he has decided on his lofty goals, he will not be afraid of the thorns and bumps on the road and strive to move forward. But Leo hopes that in the long journey of pursuing dreams, the other half can always be silently waiting by his side, when he is frustrated and hindered in the way to achieve his ideals, the care and support of the other half can give them the courage and confidence to stand up again - maybe a comfort when they are tired, maybe a word of encouragement when they are frustrated, maybe a hug when they are sad, maybe a light kiss before they are ready to go... For Leo, these trivial little things are the little happiness they cherish incomparably.


Virgos who pursue perfection pay special attention to details, do everything carefully and meticulously, and they must be satisfied with everything to be perfect, otherwise they will feel strongly uneasy. When Virgos come home from a hard day's work and see that the other half has cleaned up the house, they will feel very comfortable when they are tired. In addition, the Virgo with a very critical spirit has a strong ability to analyze problems, which makes them like to make some criticism no matter what kind of big things they encounter, and sometimes even have emotional out-of-control situations, but the other half will not be frightened by Virgo's fierce words, but will listen to their kind nagging very carefully... Such a small happiness is collected more, and Virgo will gradually taste the honey flavor of love life. What peach blossom luck do you take in the second half of the year?


Gentle and elegant, personable Libra, aesthetic vision and artistic taste are very high, when they know how to pay attention to every subtle change in their own lovers (girlfriend will praise the demeanor of the scale man gentleman, boyfriend will appreciate the elegant temperament of the scale woman), sincerely praise their new hairstyle is good/the clothing is superb, they will be particularly happy! Libra personality is easy-going and stable, and likes to make friends, so they often free time with brothers/girlfriends to get together, drink and eat/ go shopping and chat, but lovers will not be too tight on their whereabouts, will not be angry because they can't accompany them for a while and a half, but will gently remind themselves to go out to pay attention to safety, go home early... This small act seems ordinary, but in fact it greatly warms the heart of Libra! Such an empathetic concern is also a small happiness!


Scorpios, who are not sociable, unpopular, and reticent, are afraid that some of their words and deeds will expose their current state of mind, so they choose to close their inner world to the outside, even if they go to the sticky two-person world, they still hope to continue to maintain their own small territory (no one can come and go at will), enjoy the quiet and comfortable time alone and the freedom to harvest a sense of solidity. Therefore, when the lover not only gives Scorpio warm care but also observes the color, at a certain moment, Scorpio needs a short period of time to be alone, and "interesting" to walk away, which will make Scorpio deeply moved, thank the lover for giving him the freedom not to be disturbed, and this precious heart is also a small happiness that Scorpio can really feel.


The sagittarius man who pursues freedom, the independent spirit (absolute independence in thought and action) is very strong, if the other party will not rely too much on himself, and "know how to fly a kite" (the metaphor here holds the love line in his hand too tightly, the feelings of both sides will have cracks; the line is too loose, the feelings will drift away or even disappear), can be as intellectual and independent as himself, give himself considerate care, but also give himself gentle freedom, then Sagittarius will most likely rejoice, dance with their hands. In addition, Sagittarius's warm and cheerful personality and humorous conversation make them make a good impression, so they are always surrounded by a large number of friends. When lovers offer to join their own circle of friends, relax their tense nerves with everyone, and enjoy the life of "all the music" with laughter, Sagittarius will also feel particularly warm!


Capricorn people are mostly workaholics, which is well known, their lives are often carried out under the spirit of meticulousness, pragmatic rigor, and a high sense of responsibility, but they like this busy but bitter and happy life. Their rational minds plan a long-term grand blueprint to obtain the greatest rewards of the material world as the goal of life, so they always seem serious and old-fashioned, calm and calm, and do not smile. When the empathetic other half understands Capricorn's tenacious belief, and gives some gentle and considerate care at the right time, it will surely warm Capricorn's original cold heart - maybe it is a "honey, you have worked hard" when you come home from work; maybe it is to cook a good meal to treat their stomachs... For Capricorns who are not good at expressing their emotions, this little happiness will be deeply imprinted in their minds and hearts, and they will be unforgettable.


Aquarius full of personality, although it always looks cool, but in fact they attach great importance to the communication of hearts - when Aquarius encounters unhappiness and feels sad and depressed, the lover quietly stuffs a small note full of concern and encouragement/good memories into their drawer or into the inner page of the magazine they usually look at, Aquarius sees that the words are full of love for the lovers, emotionally shed tears of happiness, and the words full of love are watered with tears, as if opening a beautiful flower. Some mundane small things can also make the easy-to-satisfy Aquarius harvest great happiness - the girlfriend helps the bottle man shave a little stubble with a bit of stubble; the boyfriend helps the bottle woman wash the long hair that is soft like seaweed; and leisurely visits the vegetable market together on the weekend, joking and bargaining with the vegetable vendors.


Pisces' life is inextricably intertwined with dreams and love: the fish man wants to meet the beautiful, gentle and virtuous princess; the fish woman longs to meet the noble, elegant, handsome prince. In real life, Pisces often try to find their true lover according to the appearance of their dream partner, and playing romance will naturally become the small happiness that Pisces loves to collect most with a gentle temperament and longing for dream love! Take a car together to go far away, hand in hand to ask people for directions, take pictures of all the beautiful scenery along the way; use scattered shells to pose a huge heart on the beach, the two sit next to each other, quietly blowing the sea breeze, watching the sunset; write a love poem for each other with your heart, and gently read it to each other at the right time and in a beautiful place... This little happiness will make Pisces deeply realize that romantic love fairy tales like this do not only appear in dreams, but also the self in front of them is embracing unparalleled happiness in this world!

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