
Pregnant mothers are hungry in the middle of the night and want to eat? Don't put up with it, you can eat like this

Waking up hungry in the middle of the night is a trouble for many pregnant mothers. Some pregnant mothers are worried that they will get fat with extra meals, so they have been putting up with it; while others are worried that if they don't eat, they will be hungry to the baby.

So what the hell is going on?

Eat, eat appropriately. Pregnant mothers are hungry at night, pay attention to eating something, the amount is not too much, pick some food to relieve hunger and will not cause too much physical burden to eat. The state of hunger will stimulate gastric acid secretion, and it will be very uncomfortable not to eat for a long time, and it is easy to induce stomach diseases such as ulcers if the number of times is too much.

So, if you're really hungry, or even awake, eat something appropriately.

So what is better to eat?

Pregnant mothers are hungry in the middle of the night and want to eat? Don't put up with it, you can eat like this

First, milk and bread

Pregnant women can eat some bread and milk at night when hungry, milk can help sleep, many people are not easy to fall asleep after waking up in the middle of the night, and drinking a cup of milk can not only relieve hunger, but also help sleep nutrition and rich.

2. Whole wheat biscuits

Pregnant mother if you are hungry to wake up, get up to the kitchen to cook something to eat, more delayed time, and wait for the meal to be finished after eating it is difficult to fall asleep again, this time you can eat some simple, such as biscuits, whole wheat biscuits are very good, both can fill the stomach, but also supplement some nutrition, if you have the problem of defecation difficulties, this time to eat it is very beneficial.

3. Noodles

Pregnant mothers can also eat some noodles when they are hungry at night, which is easier to digest, that is, it is too troublesome to get up and cook, and remember to eat a small bowl, otherwise you have to wait a little longer to continue to sleep.

4. Porridge

Pregnant mother if you are hungry in the middle of the night can not sleep, this time to eat porridge is also good, in the porridge, put some cornflakes or lotus seeds or something, both nutrition can eat full, but also good digestion, pregnant mother to eat a little is very good.

Fifth, cereal

Cereal is also good, with a cup of hot milk, pour the milk into the cereal to eat together, the taste is also good, delicious and can fill the stomach, and most importantly, not afraid of fat Oh.

Six, eggs

Pregnant mothers eat eggs at night, which has the effect of dispelling heat and calming the mind, which can calm the inner irritability of pregnant mothers, which is conducive to fetal maintenance. Pregnant mothers eat steamed and boiled eggs at night, which is easily absorbed by the stomach and intestines.

Pregnant mothers are hungry in the middle of the night and want to eat? Don't put up with it, you can eat like this

Principles for pregnant mothers to eat at night

1. Pregnant mothers should pay attention to chewing and swallowing slowly when eating at night

Chewing more when eating is easy to make pregnant mothers feel full, thereby reducing food and energy intake. You can choose some elastic foods: such as konjac, cuttlefish, octopus and other foods, or choose some foods rich in dietary fiber such as bamboo shoots, fungi, seaweed foods, etc. It is recommended to eat at night to cook.

2. Choose foods that are easy to digest

Pregnant mothers choose easy-to-digest foods at night, blood sugar values are not easy to rise sharply, and will not bring indigestion, it is recommended to choose porridge or soft pasta is better.

Pregnant mothers are hungry in the middle of the night and want to eat? Don't put up with it, you can eat like this

Problems that should be paid attention to before going to bed

Frequent urination can affect sleep quality when frequent, so don't drink too much water or soup before going to bed.

Avoid drinks that are high in sugar, including honey, juice, flavors, colors, etc., and avoid foods and alcohols that are high in salt. Both caffeine and alcohol interfere with sleep.

Eating the right amount of snacks before going to bed can prevent headaches from waking up the next day.

Moderate exercise can alleviate some insomnia symptoms, but remember to end exercise at least 3 hours before going to bed.

Pregnant mothers are hungry at night, do not worry about the body fat and do not eat, because the hungry state will stimulate the secretion of stomach acid, if you do not eat for a long time, stomach acid may directly corrode the stomach wall, easy to induce ulcers, therefore, eating something easy to digest in moderation is the best choice. Pregnant mothers should learn to pick and choose foods that can relieve hunger without negatively affecting the body.

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