
Historical Tracing I The living fossil of drama in the hometown of Chinese puppet theatre

Historical Tracing I The living fossil of drama in the hometown of Chinese puppet theatre

Dejiang Tang Tang drama

Historical Tracing I The living fossil of drama in the hometown of Chinese puppet theatre

A cultural gem

Historical Tracing I The living fossil of drama in the hometown of Chinese puppet theatre

The origin of the play

Originating from the Fang Xiang clan exorcism activities in the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, The Tang Tang Opera is a kind of religious sacrifice drama performed with masks, which belongs to one of the Wu Operas, which is composed of three parts: Rewarding the Gods, Interlude Plays and Zheng Opera. Dejiang was in a barbaric land at that time, and his cultural life was poor. The activities of the rituals and the dramas that have developed from them have the value and necessity of existence. The social foundation of the inheritance and development of the Culture of Dejiang Can be divided into two major sects, Maoshan Sect and Shiniang Sect, from the perspective of genre, can be divided into two major sects, Maoshan Sect and Shiniang Sect, from the Yin and Yang can be divided into Yin Opera performed for the deceased to return the wish and the Yang Opera performed to pray for well-being and smooth production, and from the size of the Puppet Wish, it can be divided into "Big Wish" and "Small Wish". They conveyed people's wishes to the gods through rituals, and they conveyed the "protection" of the gods to the people. Teachers engaged in ritual and puppetry served as bridges between people and God. Thus constituting the sacrificial connotation of the god. From the song and dance activities, Wu Yi gradually developed the puppet opera and gradually improved it, injecting people's favorite content, famous figures and historical events in history, but also become the content of the puppet performance, coupled with the thrilling puppet performance, constitute the connotation of the entertainment of the puppet opera. The organic combination of rewarding god and entertaining people. Fulfilled the people's desire to turn to the gods for help. It meets the needs of people's cultural life. Puppet drama has the value of existence and has a strong vitality.

Historical Tracing I The living fossil of drama in the hometown of Chinese puppet theatre

The wind and rain shine brightly

Historical Tracing I The living fossil of drama in the hometown of Chinese puppet theatre
Historical Tracing I The living fossil of drama in the hometown of Chinese puppet theatre

"The Land of Drama"

In March 1993, Dejiang was awarded the "Hometown of Puppet Theatre" by the Department of Culture of Guizhou Province. At the beginning of 2003, Chinese puppet opera was recommended by the China Academy of Arts and determined by the experts of the Asia-Pacific Cultural Center, and the opera was officially included in the database of traditional folk performing arts of the Asia-Pacific Cultural Center. At the end of 2005, Dejiang Wutang opera was included in the list of 501 national intangible cultural heritage protection by the Chinese Ministry of Culture, "the world's puppet opera is in China, Chinese puppet opera is in Guizhou, and Guizhou puppet opera is in Dejiang". Dejiang, the hometown of Chinese puppet opera, has been successfully declared. With the positioning of Dejiang as a regional central city and railway hub, the Dejiang County Party Committee and the county government are working intensively to plan the construction of China's Wucheng City in the Chengnan New Area. It will not be long before de jiang's culture will be displayed in a new way.


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【Source: Daming Border City Scenic Area】

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