
Female drivers occupy parking spaces without leaving phones, and passers-by build iron cages and close them for 3 days

At present, the number of motor vehicles in the mainland is close to 400 million units, but the matching parking spaces are seriously insufficient. The inability to park has become a thorny problem faced by car owners driving, and many car owners cannot find free parking spaces, and they are unwilling to park their cars on paid parking spaces, often occupying other people's parking spaces or parking illegally.

Female drivers occupy parking spaces without leaving phones, and passers-by build iron cages and close them for 3 days

A female driver in Guangdong could not find a parking space and temporarily parked the car in someone else's parking space. The female driver did not leave any contact information after occupying other people's parking spaces, resulting in other car owners being unable to park. The owner of the parking space is Mr. Liu, who came home from work and found a Toyota Camry parked on his parking space, and Mr. Liu was very anxious.

Female drivers occupy parking spaces without leaving phones, and passers-by build iron cages and close them for 3 days

Mr. Liu found that there was no mobile car phone on the Camry, and called the traffic police to inquire about the personal information of the Toyota owner, and finally found that the mobile phone number reserved by the Toyota owner had been stopped. Mr. Liu could not contact the owner of the illegal parking, and he had no way to park, so he could only park the car in the paid parking lot next to him.

On the second day, Mr. Liu found that the owner of the Toyota had not returned, and the vehicle was still parked in place. Mr. Liu's heart rose a nameless anger, Toyota owners indiscriminately occupy parking spaces to affect their normal parking, this behavior is too unqualified, must be a good lesson.

Female drivers occupy parking spaces without leaving phones, and passers-by build iron cages and close them for 3 days

Mr. Liu, a contract foreman, found some reinforcement from the construction site, and then found welding tools to weld the steel reinforcement outside the old Toyota car. Mr. Liu built an iron cage out of steel bars and locked Toyota cars inside. Mr. Liu said that unless the owner of the Toyota apologized to himself and paid for the parking fee generated during the illegal parking period, he would never take the steel bar apart.

Female drivers occupy parking spaces without leaving phones, and passers-by build iron cages and close them for 3 days

On the second night, the female driver of Toyota found that her car was trapped in an iron cage and could not drive out at all, so he took the initiative to contact Mr. Liu. Mr. Liu asked the female driver to pay the 120 yuan parking fee incurred by her parking outside and apologized. The female driver not only did not feel sorry, but said that Mr. Liu was not qualified.

Mr. Liu said to the female driver, you occupy my parking space, and said that I am not qualified, it seems that you have not yet learned a lesson, first shut you up for three days. Since Mr. Liu fixed the steel bar in his own parking space, the traffic police only let the owner negotiate after the female driver called the police. The female driver really had no choice but to apologize to Mr. Liu in the end.

Female drivers occupy parking spaces without leaving phones, and passers-by build iron cages and close them for 3 days

Many netizens said that Mr. Liu's way of retaliation was too relieving, he welded steel bars on his own parking space, did not affect the interests of others, and did not occupy public space, so the female driver had no reason to call the police. The female driver occupies the parking space and does not leave a mobile car phone, which affects the work and life of others, and he must pay the price for his behavior.

In real life, many car owners have encountered the phenomenon of being occupied by others, and everyone must deal with the phenomenon of parking spaces being occupied rationally. We can call the owner of the illegal parking first, let the other party move the car away in time, if the other party has a good attitude and drives the car away in time, we do not need to worry about the other party.

Female drivers occupy parking spaces without leaving phones, and passers-by build iron cages and close them for 3 days

If the other car owner's attitude is unreasonable and does not apologize for occupying other people's parking spaces, everyone can also use legal compliance to vent. When resolving illegal parking disputes, the owner must abide by the relevant laws and regulations and do not damage other people's cars. When necessary, it is recommended that everyone call the police to solve, the traffic police will find a trailer to tow away the illegal parking vehicle, and then the illegal parking owner will have to pay hundreds of yuan of towing fees, have you ever encountered similar things?

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