
Long-term smoking lungs are miserable! Mastering these 5 methods may be able to maintain the lungs and reduce damage

"Smoking is harmful to health" is already well-known health common sense. Cigarettes contain a large number of harmful substances, long-term smoking, in which harmful substances deposited in the lungs, can cause bronchiectasis, COPD, lung cancer, etc., especially lung cancer, 90% is related to smoking, therefore, for the sake of health, it is necessary to quit smoking in time.

However, because some substances in tobacco can be addictive, it is very difficult for people to quit smoking, and for people who cannot successfully quit smoking for the time being, some measures should be taken to remove harmful substances from the lungs.

Long-term smoking lungs are miserable! Mastering these 5 methods may be able to maintain the lungs and reduce damage

So, how should smokers clean up their lungs?

1. Vitamin supplementation

Some substances in cigarettes can reduce the activity of vitamins, and people who smoke for a long time consume vitamins faster in the body, resulting in the problem of vitamin deficiency.

Therefore, long-term smoking people should usually eat more vitamin-rich foods, such as carrots, cabbage, milk, etc., which can not only supplement vitamins, but also achieve the effect of enhancing autoimmune function.

Long-term smoking lungs are miserable! Mastering these 5 methods may be able to maintain the lungs and reduce damage

2. Eat more lung-clearing foods

Many foods in life have the effects of raw jin, moisturizing, clearing the lungs, such as lotus root, eggplant, tofu, celery, white fungus, sydney pear, loquat and so on;

People who smoke regularly may wish to eat the above foods regularly, which can protect lung function and relieve cough, sputum production and other symptoms caused by long-term smoking.

Long-term smoking lungs are miserable! Mastering these 5 methods may be able to maintain the lungs and reduce damage

3. Drink more tea

Long-term smokers can usually drink more green tea, green tea contains tea polyphenols can inhibit carcinogens, reduce the damage caused by cigarettes to the body, while also reducing the deposition of cholesterol.

In addition, tea also has diuretic and detoxifying effects, which can promote the elimination of toxins in the body. In addition, monk fruit tea and dandelion tea also have the effect of clearing the lungs and can also be properly drunk.

Long-term smoking lungs are miserable! Mastering these 5 methods may be able to maintain the lungs and reduce damage

4. Breathe fresh air

The lungs are the organs responsible for gas exchange, and inhaling the air quality of the lungs will also affect the health of the lungs.

Therefore, if you want lung health, it is recommended that you usually go to outdoor activities, such as walking in the park, breathe fresh air, help nourish the liver and lungs, and stay away from places with poor air quality.

Long-term smoking lungs are miserable! Mastering these 5 methods may be able to maintain the lungs and reduce damage

5. Exercise more and keep your spirit happy

Insisting on moderate physical activity can enhance lung function and improve immunity, and it is recommended that you choose aerobic exercise such as brisk walking, jogging, and mountaineering.

In addition, pessimistic emotions are not good for lung health, so it is usually necessary to laugh more, publicize lung qi, and promote lung health.

Long-term smoking lungs are miserable! Mastering these 5 methods may be able to maintain the lungs and reduce damage

How can I reduce the damage to my lungs when I smoke?

If you can't quit smoking, pay attention to some tips when smoking can also reduce the damage caused to the body, such as drinking a cup of water before smoking to maintain the water balance in the body, a cigarette should be avoided into multiple inhalations, so as not to inhale a lot of tar, choose cigarettes with low tar content when smoking and reduce the amount of smoking as much as possible;

In addition, it is worth noting that second-hand smoke is no less harmful to health than direct smoking, so smokers try to go to the designated smoking area when smoking to avoid causing harm to the health of others.

Long-term smoking lungs are miserable! Mastering these 5 methods may be able to maintain the lungs and reduce damage

Lungs as one of the most important organs of the human body, the more smoking, the greater the damage it suffers, therefore, for people who have not successfully quit smoking for the time being, it is necessary to take some measures in life to protect the lungs, remove the garbage in the lungs, and at the same time reduce the number of cigarettes smoked as much as possible, reduce the harm to health, of course, if you can quit smoking completely, it is the best.

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