
Drizzle flower lights are new at night, and the stars are light and the moon dreams a few points

It is the Lantern Festival, the fifteenth day of the first lunar month. In this day of thousands of households and jubilation, what are the words of praise? The festive and peaceful weather is not a problem. Whether it is the Spring Festival or the Lantern Festival, such a moment every year is always waiting to be seen. Even if you are lucky enough to go home for the New Year, you may not be able to spend the Lantern Festival at home. It is often the case, the time is not with me, there is a period at home, the end of the month returns, the beginning of the first month goes out, returns when the weather is cold and frozen, leaves the hometown when the taste of the year is still strong, since then the end of the sky, the corner of the earth, can only be in the far distance across the mountains and waters, can only be separated by a round of bright moon as a mirror, sending the thoughts in the heart.

Already, in the city of the Yangtze River Delta, there is no hint of Lantern charm. There are few bright moons, but there are no flower lanterns. As for the saying that "there is no light and no moon, no entertainment, and no moon without lights is not spring", it is also too pretentious, just listen, don't think too much. At this time, if street lamps can replace flower lanterns, then those who sell breakfast on the side of the road in the dark can better appreciate the pain of leaving home than we do, and the longing of the water and mountains. Since it is the annual Lantern Festival, why spend it at home? I think of the scene when all the members eat the reunion dinner, think of the noise of the fire trees and honeysuckle in the village, think of the joy that floods the hearts of the elders, and think of the smiles on the children's faces... A rare auspicious day on earth!

Drizzle flower lights are new at night, and the stars are light and the moon dreams a few points

Indeed, the traffic in the city is far less than the harmony and stability of rural life. Mo Nian's complex of "the clear light in the sky stays on this night, the harmony of the human world and the spring and yin of the Qi Pavilion", and the grand situation of Mo Ti's "snow disappears and the moon is full of Sendai, and ten thousand candles are opened when the treasure of the building is opened", all of which are not as good as yesterday. As I grew older, I grew farther and farther away from home. In the area lined with high-rise buildings, there is only the bustle of the city, and there is no smell of fireworks in the world. Wu Zi found that the Spring Festival and lantern festival are only suitable for their hometown, not for other places. Although it is a Lantern Festival, there is not much gratifying atmosphere, and the gratifying atmosphere in the world, in addition to the Spring Festival Lantern Festival, what else? Slightly more humanized enterprises, when taking a day off, are beyond reproach, they will also prepare dumplings and other foods for employees, but after all, there are very few. Since they are all workers, making money is the king, and the sense of ritual of the festival is exempt, and there is no need to worry about anything else.

It is difficult to say that every year's Lantern Festival also goes out early, far away at the end of the world. Do not say "pick up the Han suspicious star falling, according to the building like the moon hanging" Yaxing, do not read "dark dust with the horse, the bright moon comes one by one", do not admire "who can sit idly when they see the moon?" Where does the smell of the lights not look? "The excitement... Everything can only be imagined in dreams. No, when I was sleeping soundly, I received a call from a stranger: "Hey, go, play mahjong!" I replied sleepily, "No more fighting, get off the night shift, go to sleep!" "Sleeping, well!" When I woke up, I looked at the communication records of the mobile phone, and it turned out to be from Kunming, Yunnan. So there is an inexplicable and wonderful feeling, and it is very funny, who is this? Shouldn't you get drunk? At this node, why didn't anyone invite me to eat tangyuan and enjoy the lanterns?

Drizzle flower lights are new at night, and the stars are light and the moon dreams a few points

Only in this way, the landmark buildings of large cities have long been illuminated, interpreting the long-standing customs of The Land of China in their own unique ways. From the village to the city, there is no shortage of festivals, and joy is everywhere; from zero point to dawn, "noisy" is turned upside down... Which philosopher coined such a word as "Lantern"? The earth rejuvenates, so it is not lively! Look up at the sky together, rarely round in the world, leisurely, ice melts and melts, the world is warm, today's Lantern Festival, may the places to be paved with sunshine, may the loved ones be full of you, may live beautifully and love innocently, wish not to argue, get what you want, may the time be as usual, but there are years to reward. Happy Lantern Festival!

Only in this way, what is coveted in the depths of the heart is not just an inseparable thought, not a long-term entanglement, but a cultural inheritance that has not been discarded for thousands of years. Who solves the "fire cold lamp frost exposed, dim snow means clouds hanging in the wilderness."

"The situation? Who understands the open-mindedness of "I am also a long shirt, and I am also in the laughter of tourists"? Who knows how to dissipate the pleasure of "not showing Fangzun to smile"? We don't need much hot feelings, and we don't need much heart, but if we have the slightest bit of pitching the sky and the wind and rain, we will not waste this life. The bright moon is also a lamp, a lamp in the sky, and a flower lamp is also a moon, a month in the city. However, in this dynasty, there is neither the splendor of the world's lights, nor the romance of the night moon, the most beautiful feelings in the world, is the bright sea of flowers in the night sky!

Drizzle flower lights are new at night, how many points of light moon dreams?

Spring to the human world is like jade, and the lamp burns the moon and the next month is like silver.

Drizzle flower lights are new at night, and the stars are light and the moon dreams a few points

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